A new web series based on pool league - 8 for Vegas


Broom Handle Mafia
Silver Member
No limit! Wouldn't a bounty in league be nice?

Lol, I'm gonna be rich! Tell Drew to stay away from my future wife. :D

Getting paid to win would be nice, but there's some people in our league who've already been arrested for starting fights over games. 4 broken cues during the last brawl. It might be best not to have it in ours. ;)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lol, I'm gonna be rich! Tell Drew to stay away from my future wife. :D

Getting paid to win would be nice, but there's some people in our league who've already been arrested for starting fights over games. 4 broken cues during the last brawl. It might be best not to have it in ours. ;)

Holy crap, dude. I haven't seen an actual fight in NYC league in a long time. Mostly just hurt egos.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ha! Those are clever. I keep hearing Canadians are more apologetic than anything else... I've clearly been lied to.

I should have done an episode with a visiting Canadian team. That would have been great... :wink:

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Episode 4 of season 2 of 8 for Vegas is up!


This is a maniacal, sacreligious, demeaning, overly-sexualized, way beyond edgy portrayal of pool.

Keep up the good work! :)

brian kc
p.s. your 'Buddhist' player, appropriately, could give the 'Rainbow Crush' to many current tv sitcom stars. I love his character. :thumbup:
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is a maniacal, sacreligious, demeaning, overly-sexualized, way beyond edgy portrayal of pool.

Keep up the good work! :)

brian kc
p.s. your 'Buddist' player, appropriately, could give the 'Rainbow Crush' to many current tv sitcom stars. I love his character. :thumbup:

Best compliment we've gotten in a long while. Thank you very much, and thanks for watching!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here it is, the season (series?) finale of 8 for Vegas!

It's been a lot of fun writing/directing and acting in this series. My main goal was to showcase the fun and quirky personalities who populate pool league, and I think we accomplished that.

Thanks for watching and, for those of you who took the time to donate for our second season, your support!
