Another chicken shit “foul”


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The net affect of this new trend by refs of calling this a “foul” will be to slow down the game. That’s all pool needs. (Sarcasm).

Cezar Morales

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Honestly , RULES ARE RULES , I get it .
But c’mon ! i wanna be able to win and more importantly feel proud about the victory when i wake up the next morning , look at the mirror n feel good with my nuts intact.
Winning by a chicken shit foul just confirmed that the opponent is too good that i have to resort to weak ass tactics


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Rule 6.6 says that if a ball is touched intentionally -- and it does not distinguish between in/out of play -- then 6.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct applies. Touching balls that are out of play for whatever reason is not mentioned explicitly. I think it should be. It used to be.

Also "in play" and its opposite are not defined.

It feels like we hit some super gray area and a problematic situation.

So during a game if a fan asks you to sign an 8-ball, you have fouled as soon as you put it in your hand because you touched an “object ball”? Because the rules don’t differentiate balls “in play” vs. “out of play”?

Also to some degrees, Rule 8.3 defines “out of play” balls and it (as well as Regulation 13) allows for the removal of balls from a full pocket. It does say it’s the referees responsibility but does not define the penalty for a player performing the function while a ref is present. Which would make me wonder if it’s a foul to perform other referee duties. Would it be a foul to call a foul? Would it be a foul to assist a player in retreiving the mechanical bridge?

And I’ll even suggest that we have a pretty major problem. Unsportsmanlike conduct is
any intentional behavior that brings disrepute to the sport or which disrupts or changes the game to the extent that it cannot be played fairly. Any fair-minded person would say this rule and its application was unsportsmanlike, brings disrepute to the game, and affects whether it can be played fairly. If the rules support calling this a foul, it’s a very clear case where the rules must change because it embarrasses the sport. You see that embarrassment online every time the situation occurs like it did earlier this year with Chang. I get the Kristina Zlateva situation where you can’t disrupt moving balls. But it makes no sense that you can’t start clearing pocketed balls early if you don’t affect the outcome of the shot. That’s an accepted behavior well within the established traditions of the game.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
It feels like we hit some super gray area and a problematic situation.

So during a game if a fan asks you to sign an 8-ball, you have fouled as soon as you put it in your hand because you touched an “object ball”? Because the rules don’t differentiate balls “in play” vs. “out of play”?

Also to some degrees, Rule 8.3 defines “out of play” balls and it (as well as Regulation 13) allows for the removal of balls from a full pocket. It does say it’s the referees responsibility but does not define the penalty for a player performing the function while a ref is present. Which would make me wonder if it’s a foul to perform other referee duties. Would it be a foul to call a foul? Would it be a foul to assist a player in retreiving the mechanical bridge?

And I’ll even suggest that we have a pretty major problem. Unsportsmanlike conduct is
any intentional behavior that brings disrepute to the sport or which disrupts or changes the game to the extent that it cannot be played fairly. Any fair-minded person would say this rule and its application was unsportsmanlike, brings disrepute to the game, and affects whether it can be played fairly. If the rules support calling this a foul, it’s a very clear case where the rules must change because it embarrasses the sport. You see that embarrassment online every time the situation occurs like it did earlier this year with Chang. I get the Kristina Zlateva situation where you can’t disrupt moving balls. But it makes no sense that you can’t start clearing pocketed balls early if you don’t affect the outcome of the shot. That’s an accepted behavior well within the established traditions of the game.
Finally common sense I can agree with. If people are unhappy with the rules, change the rules. Bitching about rules being enforced, like what happens with every foul posted on here, is just ignorant.


from way back when
Silver Member
i dont know what the fair penalty should be. unsportsmanlike like conduct is too vague and sounds more like cheating or being out of line in some way.
but as i say in tournaments we have a game of rules and its fine to call any rule that is broken.

but all rules should be clear what they are and what the penalty is.
not what some ref who may or not like the player decides is fair.

here i see it as just a foul during the shot. as the shot wasnt complete yet.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sweet Jesus, you nicely pointed out that it was a ref calling a foul (literally his job) and TCC still couldn't figure it out. I can't wait to hear about the retarded ref.
The proper thing to have been done in this situation is for this ref to have consulted with the head tournament ref or TD as to what the appropriate penalty should be for this action. If this was the first infraction, a simple warning would have seemed warranted. If this was the head ref that made this call on the spot, then there would be no recourse.

It’s hard to tell from the video whether or not the ref was planning to enforce this foul on his own as he approached the table, but he was clearly put on the spot to make this call after the opponent brought this to his attention, at which point he felt he had to uphold the rules by the book.

It would be hard to criticize a ref for being forced on the spot by a player to follow/apply the strict written rules, but one can and will question the integrity of any opponent who stoops to calling out such a rule in order to win a game that he clearly lost.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know golfers make a far better living than pool players (and perhaps that is the deciding factor for many) but speaking strictly about rules and their enforcement and impact for comparison...



Well-known member
I’m a rules nerd. But this is outside my expertise. What is the foul? These WPA rules? What was the very specific citable rule that was violated? I haven’t found a specific rule in my readings that was tripped. I tried my best to “rules lawyer” it and didn’t see it. And why did they re-rack and not spot the 9 and give BIH?!?
he made the 9 then started putting balls on the table while the cueball was still in motion. You're not suppose to touch the balls while balls are moving. You see the refs like john lehmann always wait until all motion has stopped before they touch any balls


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
he made the 9 then started putting balls on the table while the cueball was still in motion. You're not suppose to touch the balls while balls are moving. You see the refs like john lehmann always wait until all motion has stopped before they touch any balls
Agreed, but some discretion should be used by a ref in enforcing this rule, if the cue ball is still slowly moving innocently down the middle of the table, with absolutely no chance of coming anywhere near a pocket.

And the fact is he did not interrupt the cue ball from rolling - all he did was start removing balls from pockets to assist the ref in the racking of the balls.

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
Sweet Jesus, you nicely pointed out that it was a ref calling a foul (literally his job) and TCC still couldn't figure it out. I can't wait to hear about the retarded ref.
Sweet Jesus folks have never heard of sarcasm ! God have mercy I hope I never become that placid


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
he made the 9 then started putting balls on the table while the cueball was still in motion. You're not suppose to touch the balls while balls are moving. You see the refs like john lehmann always wait until all motion has stopped before they touch any balls

It’s very easy to say “You’re not supposed to touch the balls while balls are moving.”

But to actually a specific rule that explicitly states as such is a much harder task and is open to a lot of debate.

David in FL

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well when a player doesn’t even know a rule exists because it’s literally retarded it’s hard to follow

If you play a game seriously, let alone professionally, you should know he rules.

Whether the rule needs to be changed or not is up for discussion, but unless a TD decides to do so beforehand, individual players/refs can't arbitrarily decide to enforce some rules but not others.

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
If you play a game seriously, let alone professionally, you should know he rules.

Whether the rule needs to be changed or not is up for discussion, but unless a TD decides to do so beforehand, individual players/refs can't arbitrarily decide to enforce some rules but not others.
But this man obviously didn’t know it and looks like a professional

Nor did jin ling about a week ago another professional

Step back and ask yourselves out loud are these fouls really necessary, I bet it’ll sound quite silly to you to

And yes whether or not the rules shouldn’t exist is exactly the discussion here