Anyone try a wizard tip?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have been using a brown Wizard Medium for a while.
I can honestly tell you it's the best tip I've used for decades.

Been using Medium and/or Hard Kamui black for about two years and just recently picked up a brown medium Wizard.

They are simply amazing......yes......(to all the sensitive folks out there) needless to say that is MY opinion, I'm the one writing this.

They hold their shape, don't glaze over, great feedback.
Just everything one can ask for, really.
I have not tried the black but I'm loving the brown.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just got one last week, but unfortunately, I haven't had
it installed on a shaft yet. I'll be interested in reading what
everyone has to say about them, so thanks for the thread.


Sir Raksalot
Silver Member
Tried all types of tips when I started back playing.
I've decided the brown medium wizard is tops.
Haven't seen the black ones yet.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Got two in a year ago, and installed one.
I am not a HARD tip player, so it was not for me.
But, objectively, it did hold chalk better than other tips and did give good accuracy.

You might consider the Swami tips as well. They are my favorite in the medium-hard category.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just got one last week, but unfortunately, I haven't had
it installed on a shaft yet. I'll be interested in reading what
everyone has to say about them, so thanks for the thread.
Jerry, you will prolly like it. I haven't had one for a while(because of the G2) but I have used and liked the Wizard.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think the dozen or so threads started every day, on cue tips or chalk, are an absolute joke ! :sorry:..Otherwise, there would have been NO Mosconi, Caras, Mike Massey, or all the other great players that came along before the subject was ever beat to death on these forums !

A cue tip is just a piece of leather, attached to the end of a cue stick..It really doesn't matter if it is multi-plied, or straight from the pig or cow it came from !..ANY tip, if properly shaped, roughed up, and chalked--(with almost ANY chalk) will work just fine..There is NO magic bullet, that will turn an APA 3, into a world champion ! So puhleeeeze, just give it a rest ! :rolleyes:


PS..I got by for over 60 yrs., and I don't think I EVER even heard the subject brought up, by ANY of my peers !..Some liked 'em hard, some preferred soft..But, if caring for your tip, was not one of the first things you learned how to do, your chances of becoming a good player, were really not very good anyway ! :cool:

PPS..Concentrate on something REALLY important..Like should you use 'elephant ear', 'lizard skin', or 'Irish linen' for your wrap ?...(My other favorite thread topic) :eek: :p
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half fast bankr

Purist / Traditionalist
Silver Member
Decent tips, play harder than rated for sure. A little on the dry side too. Still have a few on a couple of shafts over here.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I really like then. Definitely a firm tip, but that is my preference. Holds shape really well and gave me better feel than Everest I had on my current shaft before. Also, fewer miscues it seems like. Had one come on the Olney I used to play and when I switched to my current setup I missed the feel of that cue....turns out a lot of that was the tip and after going to Wizard I'm really happy with the feel I'm getting from my Schon/Jacoby Hybrid Edge combo.


Silver Member
Brown Wizard

I would say I think they play as close as you can get to the old original Moori tips of years ago.. They dont glaze over and hold thier shape well.. Personally I used these tip only on my shafts for years,,I tied all the new tips out on the market but even would cut a $20 kamui and ultraskin off after a couple of weeks of trying But I just recently tried some of pooldawg8 on here milkduds he makes,,And I lie his tips as well... But I have been useing the wizard tips for years and Im satisfied with them,,,:thumbup:


Out To Win
Silver Member
I had a cue that came with a Wizard soft. I replaced it pretty quickly. Felt like cardboard to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jerry, you will prolly like it. I haven't had one for a while(because of the G2) but I have used and liked the Wizard.

I'm hooked on the G2's as well, Al. Looking forward to having
this Wizard medium put on a shaft. Hopefully it won't just sit
there with the Moori's and Kamui's that I've yet to have installed.

Thanks for the input and see you and the guys at the Smokey Mountain Shootout

I think the dozen or so threads started every day, on cue tips or chalk, are an absolute joke ! :sorry:..Otherwise, there would have been NO Mosconi, Caras, Mike Massey, or all the other great players that came along before the subject was ever beat to death on these forums !

A cue tip is just a piece of leather, attached to the end of a cue stick..It really doesn't matter if it is multi-plied, or straight from the pig or cow it came from !..ANY tip, if properly shaped, roughed up, and chalked--(with almost ANY chalk) will work just fine..There is NO magic bullet, that will turn an APA 3, into a world champion ! So puhleeeeze, just give it a rest ! :rolleyes:


PS..I got by for over 60 yrs., and I don't think I EVER even heard the subject brought up, by ANY of my peers !..Some liked 'em hard, some preferred soft..But, if caring for your tip, was not one of the first things you learned how to do, your chances of becoming a good player, were really not very good anyway ! :cool:

PPS..Concentrate on something REALLY important..Like should you use 'elephant ear', 'lizard skin', or 'Irish linen' for your wrap ?...(My other favorite thread topic) :eek: :p

A man with vast experience and knowledge, such as yourself, should
know that a simple tip change can make a cue play far different, for
better or for worse.

I no more should've quoted your post than you replying to this thread in
the manner that you did, but I thought this needed to be said. I'm not the
kind of guy who always has to have the last word, so if you reply to this, I
may or may not reply back. Not trying to come off as a smart arse, just
saying. However, it may read a little sarcastic:)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A man with vast experience and knowledge, such as yourself, should know that a simple tip change can make a cue play far different, for better or for worse. Not trying to come off as a smart arse, just saying. However, it may read a little sarcastic

No problem Badbeat..But I certainly did not imply that a tip does not make a big difference..we all know it does !..
I was commenting on the overload of threads on the subject, I should have known I'd hurt some delicate feelings !
Bottom line, it is infinitely more important, to learn how to put one on, and how to care for it, than it is what kind it is!
..Do you prefer hard, or soft ?..Should be end of conversation !

In the right hands, the cheapest tip made, will play the same as the most expensive ! Its just a piece of leather, for crissake...If this were a forum on "Automatic Transmissions", would you need a thread or two every day, telling you to "be sure and change your oil regularly"? :confused: Just too much redundancy, for these old eyes to wade through...jes; sayin' ! :sorry:


PS..Or maybe I'm a little discouraged, (ie; jealous) that an old war story I work on for hours, gets less response than a casual, DAILY cue tip or wrap thread ! :rolleyes:
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No problem Badbeat..But I certainly did not imply that a tip does not make a big difference..we all know it does !..
I was commenting on the overload of threads on the subject, I should have known I'd hurt some delicate feelings !
Bottom line, it is infinitely more important, to learn how to put one on, and how to care for it, than it is what kind it is!
..Do you prefer hard, or soft ?..Should be end of conversation !

In the right hands, the cheapest tip made, will play the same as the most expensive ! Its just a piece of leather, for crissake...If this were a forum on "Automatic Transmissions", would you need a thread or two every day, telling you to "be sure and change your oil regularly"? :confused: Just too much redundancy, for these old eyes to wade through...jes; sayin' ! :sorry:


PS..Or maybe I'm a little discouraged, (ie; jealous) that an old war story I work on for hours, gets less response than a casual, DAILY cue tip or wrap thread ! :rolleyes:

Thanks for being easy on me brother, I thought it might hurt a
little more than that...haha. For the record, I like medium tips.
I loved the old Moori's, but cut my teeth on Triangle, Chandevert,
LePro, but always hated the softness of Elk Masters. Moori, in
my opinion, revolutionized the layered tip and since the later ones
weren't that good, players are in search of a tip that plays like the
old ones. Hence the reason for these type of It's kind
of the same thing with Predator shafts causing the craze for low
deflection shafts. We all know that there are way too many of those
LD threads, too. For the record on that one, no thanks on LD shafts,
I love maple and always will.

By the way, you do put much work into those war stories. I have took
a peak a time or two. I need to read them thoroughly and post some
feedback. Take care and talk soon.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First tips I ever used were lepro, burnished them a lot but were ok. Switched to a triangle and stayed with it, might try a medium kamui on the cue I just picked up. Also had a emerald tip and it was too soft / dead feeling.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No problem Badbeat..But I certainly did not imply that a tip does not make a big difference..we all know it does !..
I was commenting on the overload of threads on the subject, I should have known I'd hurt some delicate feelings !
Bottom line, it is infinitely more important, to learn how to put one on, and how to care for it, than it is what kind it is!
..Do you prefer hard, or soft ?..Should be end of conversation !

In the right hands, the cheapest tip made, will play the same as the most expensive ! Its just a piece of leather, for crissake...If this were a forum on "Automatic Transmissions", would you need a thread or two every day, telling you to "be sure and change your oil regularly"? :confused: Just too much redundancy, for these old eyes to wade through...jes; sayin' ! :sorry:


PS..Or maybe I'm a little discouraged, (ie; jealous) that an old war story I work on for hours, gets less response than a casual, DAILY cue tip or wrap thread ! :rolleyes:

I know where you are coming from and I may be about as old as you. Tips though have always been a minor obsession with players. Years ago there were not so many different brands of tips, the French Champion was usually the choice. However, once the tip was on the cue the real fun began.

Players all had their idea of how to dress a tip. Every pool room had a file hanging on the wall and players would take their tips and roll them on the file to soften them up and pound away on the tips with the file. I once saw Mosconi pounding on his tip with a file so hard you would think he was going to break his ferrule.

Lassiter carried a piece of file in his pocket that he was constantly doing something to his tip with. I asked him about it once wanting to see what he had. Turned out all it was was a piece of file about 2" long he had broken off and ground down the edges to smooth them so it would not cut his pants. He handed it to me and that was all it was.

Maybe Butera got the idea for his tip tapper from Lassiter. Today the tips are certainly better then years ago. They don't really need all that messing with to keep them playing good. Most play good right out of the box but there are so many choices you can go nuts. That results in all the "What is the best tip" threads.

Inimitable 1

I have a brown med. It plays to hard side but I get plenty of spin if I need it. No mushroom after 2months of playing. Highly recommend it