Best book?


aka uncle larry
Silver Member
99 critical shots of pool has always been a favorite of mine. i've lent out 4 copies and have never recv'd one back. next time i buy one, it's not leaving the house.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you had to choose one book about pool which one would it be?

Don't own but checked out Capelle's books and think they are good books . A book that is not comprehensive but has large illustrations that show you where to hit the cueball to get position is The 8 Ball Bible by Givens . A lot of concepts are applicable to all games .


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
99 critical shots of pool has always been a favorite of mine. i've lent out 4 copies and have never recv'd one back. next time i buy one, it's not leaving the house.

Don't be so cheap.
I've bought 20 copies of Mastering Pool by Geo Fels...
...and I still don't have one in my book case


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Favorite: "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil Capelle
2nd favorite: "Byrne's New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards" by Robert Byrne

Haven't read "Mastering Pool" by George Fels. After reading this thread, I'll have to check it out.


C is for Cookie
Silver Member
Winning One Pocket and Shots, Moves and Strategies. Thanks you Mr. Robin!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you had to choose one book about pool which one would it be?

I put my book collection on eBay this week - many of the recommended books are there if you're still interested (starting at $1.45 to $1.75) - I just wish I had had the time to read them:

Recommendations from this thread:

"One of the Play Your Best series by Phil Cappelle"
"Anything written by Phil Capelle"
"the 'Play your Best' books are great."
"play your best 9 ball is one of my all time favorites"
"Favorite: "Play Your Best Pool" by Phil Capelle"
"play your best pool is probably the best all around book"

"For one book, and one book only, the clear winner is: "Mastering Pool" by George Fels."
"George Fel's Mastering Pool is a must have for any rising pool player."
"Mastering Pool by George Fels. Head and shoulders over the rest."
My favorite was always was George Fels' 'Mastering Pool' for advanced players."

"Hal Mix's Pocket Billiards Secrets is one of the best ever"
"Hal Mix's is a excellent book. I will never let that book get out of my collection."

"Also very difficult to find are the Johnny Holiday books. Probably the first instructional books written with specific "how to's" for position play."

"Billie Billing's Pool Pointers is highly underrated. Well written with good diagrams."

"I would add Jack White Come Let us to billiards away, hard to find but very good especially on the visualization section."

"8 ball bible for that topic is the best I have seen."
"Have to agree on that good for any barbox player"

"the pro book (...). lots of material in there on the mental game, goal setting and a few really helpful drill on key shots that are staples in any players bag of tricks"

"Willie Mosconi on Pocket Billiards"

"Banking with the Beard - Freddy Bentivegna"
"As far as specialty books, Banking with the beard is AWESOME."

"Bob Byrne's 'Standard Books of Pool and Billiards'."
"Robert Byrne's New Standard Book of Pool and Billiards and his follow up Byrne's Advanced Technique in Pool and Billiards are both my favorites."

"the 99 critical shots by Cool Cat Ray Martin"
"The 99 Critical Shots in Pool by Ray Martin and Rosser Reeves is all that you need"
"Ray Martins 99 critical shots is a must have for any serious student of the game."
"99 critical shots of pool has always been a favorite of mine"
"Ray Martin's 'The 99 Critical Shots In Pool'"

"Pleasure's of Small Motions is a good book"


Silver Member
I pretty much have every one listed in this thread, other than Hal's.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned these ....

Mark Wilson's "Play great Pool" , and Tor Lowry's P.K.F...... Great all around instructional.

I just don't think there is one "best" instruction book. They all touch a different nerve.


Call me Grace
Silver Member
I think it would depend on what level of player you are. Certainly you can get something
from any book you're reading, but to read and apply you'd need something level appropriate.
99 Critical Shots is a great book and I got a lot out of Billie Billings book also.

Another one you might look at is called Combat Golf. Of course, it's a golf book but it's about
the mental side and can be applied to pool. It's a nice little read


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mark Wilson's book is really great...........The zero x is the best explained pool theory info I have come across.Invaluable to a 2-5sl level player looking to learn how to move the ball around the table.Capele's books are nice as well.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I read most of the aforementioned books and agree that Mark Wilson's book is excellent.

Nine ... corner

Silver Member
I have and refer regularly to many of the books mentioned in this thread. The one omission to my collection is I don't have a George Fels book. I see many accolades to his Mastering Pool book but unless I missed it I don't see any mention of his Advanced Pool book. Looking at the two on Amazon, my take away is that the Advanced Pool book is basically an update (of about 20 years) to Mastering Pool with the exception that it skips One Pocket.

I am not a One Pocket enthusiast so which of the two books should I buy? Also, is there something there that is not covered in the Ray Martin, Robert Byrne and Capelle tomes? Thanks in advance for your input.


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
Depends on the game:

99 critical shots is a must have.
The Straight Pool Bible....Cranfield and Moy
And for OnePocket...Tom Wirth's OnePocket A game of controlled Aggression is a
masterpiece and still available...definitely a future collectable.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For one book, and one book only, the clear winner is:

"Mastering Pool" by George Fels. His first and best all round.

The works of Bob Byrne, Ray Martin, and many others are contenders.

Bob Jewett has enough xlnt info - but I don't think it has ever been glued
together into book form.

Dale<so many books, so little time>

George Fels book, great book, still have my copy. Want to get another copy. Not a book for learning the basics, but excellent for strategy and positioning.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe this thread is for instructional books only, but I just received Bobby Cotton's "Confessions of a pool hustler" and I'm ripping through it. Enjoying every story. Also really like Grady's book if you can get past all of the Grady sex.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not knocking the book because it is really good, but I have always thought 99 Critical Shots could really stand an updating of the graphics. I would be eager to buy an update version
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New member
Play Great Pool is the best book for serious player... New and fresh instruction... Many books mentioned in thread outdated...