Big Dog's Billiards in Des Moines, IA


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I haven't been able to make it to the Midwest Expo despite wanting to go.

Big Dog's seems like a very nice room, and it is a drivable distance from where I live. I am considering making a trip up there in the fall, but I would like to have a sparring partner while I am in town. Those of you in the area, or those of you that know people in the area, I would welcome some messages wherein we could enter into some good faith negotiations. I am a decent player, but not a champion or a road player, just someone that would like to go on a road trip and get into some advanced (but not professional) one pocket action. Additionally, I am not much of a high dollar player.

I would count the trip as a success if I got to play some competitive one pocket win or lose, and I made some friends in Des Moines.
