Billy Thorpe gone wild!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is not about politics, really. It's about the image of the game. What mother and father would encourage their children to learn pool after seeing clips like this? Classless drunks fighting and cursing, who'd want that for their son or daughter?

What corporation would sponsor an "athlete" who behaves like a clown? It's bad business to do so, who knows what such a person is going to do next or has done in the past, on camera? Is he going to stomp a cat, call black people the n-word, who knows? To a company it's just a completely unnecessary risk for them to take. Better to sponsor a golfer (who sign contracts to ensure that they behave), or any other athlete, really. Pool is like the worst possible risk/return ratio of any sport. The worst behaving "athletes" and the lowest viewership. If you sponsor a football player, or a basketball player, at least you get some good exposure when they behave, and you can be damned sure they apologize when they don't. Even the pool fans don't hold the players accountable, because we don't expect any better from them. Listening to some of you on here, is like listening to an abused spouse talk about their significant other. "95% of the time, he's the sweetest guy in the world, it's just when he drinks, he can't control his temper". "Things are tough for him now, he doesn't have a job".

We all know there is no one to sanction people like this. It doesn't mean we have to endorse it or like it. That is entirely different from doxing people or trying to get the fired or whatever. If I owned a pool hall, I'd probably think twice about inviting these players, because I'd want to protect customers or players from scummy people like this. People behaving in this manner spoils the atmosphere of a room and disrupts play in the entire room. Nobody wants that. It's not about going after these people, it's about protecting the pool playing establishment, other players and whatever image the sport has left.
LoL....this is funny. Pool has an image alright and that image hasnt changed in the 30+ years that I have played the game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great, another player ready to resort to violence over a pool game. "Earl talked during my shot, so I'll threaten him with violence." Fantastic. I miss the days of Nick Varner who didn't believe in showing any signs of weakness.
I wonder with Minnesota Fat's constant jawing, if someone had to be pulled off of him from time to time? I just see Fats as more of a nuisance/heckler than a direct threat type of guy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wonder with Minnesota Fat's constant jawing, if someone had to be pulled off of him from time to time? I just see Fats as more of a nuisance/heckler than a direct threat type of guy.
Fats talked like he was pretty tough to back up his talk if need be. I like when he starts laying out thousands during his match with Mosconi and says, "For any muggers, don't get any ideas. You don't know the half of the story. I'm the toughest $%& on earth..." LOL!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fats talked like he was pretty tough to back up his talk if need be. I like when he starts laying out thousands during his match with Mosconi and says, "For any muggers, don't get any ideas. You don't know the half of the story. I'm the toughest $%& on earth..." LOL!
Yeah, that was classic. He knew how to push Mosconi's buttons.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Picture this:

Many years ago Robb was in a handicapped tourney in Stamford, CT in which he drew a handicapped opponent, a man in a wheel chair. Robb lost and was berating the guy and threatening him and got close enough that the guy lunged up at him came right out of his wheel chair & got Robb in a head lock then began pummeling him. Robb was in big trouble looking around for help but nobody was interested to provide any figuring he was getting just what he deserved.

Take away lesson: Don't fk with guys in wheel chairs for 2 reasons: It's deplorable behavior and some of them have crazy upper body strength. 💪

brian kc
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not really, Seen the NFL or the NBA and the massive domestic abuse from many of the players? Hmm Still getting a check and not evening going to get into the pollical clowns in uniform.
That's BS. Every major sports league has personal conduct policies, and when players violate those, they get fined and/or suspended by that league. Just because you've got some narrative in your head of how NFL/NBA players are rich thugs that do whatever they want doesn't make it true. The "alternative facts" universe got voted out on Nov. 3rd.


I see dead balls
Silver Member
Picture this:

Many years ago Robb was in a handicapped tourney in Stamford, CT in which he drew a handicapped opponent, a man in a wheel chair. Robb lost and was berating the guy and threatening him and got close enough that the guy lunged up at him came right out of his wheel chair & got Robb in a head lock then began pummeling him. Robb was in big trouble looking around for help but nobody was interested to provide any figuring he was getting just what he deserved.

Take away lesson: Don't fk with guys in wheel chairs for 2 reasons: It's a deplorable thing to do and some of them have crazy upper body strength. 💪

brian kc
And some wonder why people think pool players are the scum of the earth? My experience is that people who act like jerks usually, but not always, get what they deserve.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Picture this:

Many years ago Robb was in a handicapped tourney in Stamford, CT in which he drew a handicapped opponent, a man in a wheel chair. Robb lost and was berating the guy and threatening him and got close enough that the guy lunged up at him came right out of his wheel chair & got Robb in a head lock then began pummeling him. Robb was in big trouble looking around for help but nobody was interested to provide any figuring he was getting just what he deserved.

Take away lesson: Don't fk with guys in wheel chairs for 2 reasons: It's a deplorable thing to do and some of them have crazy upper body strength. 💪

brian kc
My best friend is in a wheel chair. Crazy upper body strength is real, never get close while running your mouth. They can and will hurt you!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Picture this:

Many years ago Robb was in a handicapped tourney in Stamford, CT in which he drew a handicapped opponent, a man in a wheel chair. Robb lost and was berating the guy and threatening him and got close enough that the guy lunged up at him came right out of his wheel chair & got Robb in a head lock then began pummeling him. Robb was in big trouble looking around for help but nobody was interested to provide any figuring he was getting just what he deserved.

Take away lesson: Don't fk with guys in wheel chairs for 2 reasons: It's a deplorable thing to do and some of them have crazy upper body strength. 💪

brian kc
Everyone is piling on BT in this deal. Not condoning his actions but don't think that RS is totally without blame here. He's shown his ass more than a few times in his career. Gotten his ass beat for it more than once.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think you did miss something Rob. How do you know this is a one time incident? Billy even acknowledged that he has a problem with self control, especially when drinking.

This is not the 1st time Billy had an outburst of anger, just the 1st time with cameras rolling.

I hope this incident wakes him up enough that he can find a way to resolve the issue.

Billy seems like a good guy to me, and I am sure he will move on past all this.

I have had my own problems with anger management in the past due the stress in my life at that time.

So glad I fixed the issue and realized that is not a healthy way to live.
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Truth Will Set You Free
Silver Member
Everyone is piling on BT in this deal. Not condoning his actions but don't think that RS is totally without blame here. He's shown his ass more than a few times in his career. Gotten his ass beat for it more than once.
Except all Rob was doing was beating Billy 7-0 at $200 a game. Rob addressed the racking complaint made by Billy perfectly in the video. If Billy didn't like a rack, he should have asked for a re-rack. Simple.

It's clear to me that what happened is that Billy was losing, when he was the favorite, so he blew up trying to save face and/or change the direction of the match. Maybe Billy didn't have a lot of cash on him and didn't want to start playing on air.

There are many things that could have been going on in the background, but one thing is clear from the video, Billy was at fault in this case.


Loose Rack
Silver Member
"Just so all you Facebook warriors know me and Robb Saez have zero problem with each other and never have! You guys act like drinking and gambling can’t get out of hand every now and then. This picture was just taken 5 minutes ago and we’re still friends no matter what. Glad to call Robb my friend and I apologize too all the people that had to see 2 guys gambling I’ll be seeing him in the finals of more tournaments to come!" B.T.

View attachment 584570

That is not what I would exactly call a convincing photo of their universal love. It looks like Robb is about to blow his rape whistle or something.

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