Cats and pool tables?


Silver Member
Anyone know a way to keep the house cats away from my pool table??

I keep it covered when not in use but even then I don't want them scratching on it. And when I am playing,,I sometimes walk away to take a break without covering it.

I tried some red pepper on wet paper towels,,all around the table. They didn't seem to care if it was there ,,or not.

I did a internet search and see all kinds of crazy ideas. I will keep trying them but it could take months. lol

And NO I can't shoot the cats. GF would be unhappy with me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My cat Willie used to like to sharpen his claws on our table cover. I tried to stop him, but he was persistent. I figured, well, better the table cover than the table. ;)

Best of luck!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ballons, Blow up a bunch of small ballons, tie them all togehter and put then on the top of the pool table (like a cover). Sadly, cat jumps up on the table, lands on a balloon, POP. Cat won't like it and learn a respect for the table (it was something I saw on tv to teach cats to stay of funiture)...



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
cats are natural pool players. i am serious. last 2 cats i have had around pool tables they could make all 15balls in under 2minutes. i am really not making this up


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They make a harmless aerosol spray that can be placed anywhere that has a motion senor to trigger it. It is about the size of a soda can and I found them at Petsmart i believe. Very effective. After the first few run ins, i was able to leave it shut off and where ever I didn't want them. Hope it helps.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

My wife and I took in a little cat 3 yrs.ago.Had her spayed but did not declaw her.I am home with her a lot and in the beginning had to chase her off of where she did not belong. We also keep several scratching post thru out our home.So far she has never damaged anything and has never ventured up on my table, which I would know because of the cat hair.Now that I have printed this I knowI have jinx myself and will find her on the table.One thing I do know is she loves affection and hates to get yelled at ,so early on when she did venture where she should'nt I would yell pretty loud and she has seemed to remember all that.I think with more then one cat it may have not worked.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ballons, Blow up a bunch of small ballons, tie them all togehter and put then on the top of the pool table (like a cover). Sadly, cat jumps up on the table, lands on a balloon, POP. Cat won't like it and learn a respect for the table (it was something I saw on tv to teach cats to stay of funiture)...


That's a real good one. I like that!

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
Run a couple of wires from the nearest wall outlet to your pool table. Slate is a good conductor of electricity, you know.
Now, whenever the furry little bastard jumps up on the table, it will get a nice little surprise from your local utility company.
And if you really want to have some fun, hook up an extension cord from the outlet of your clothes dryer. :)

P.S. FYI. Make sure the electrical cords are disconnected before you play. I made that mistake and when I went to rack the balls I stood straight up and shit my pants. The cat was sitting across the room laughing it's ass off.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
A spray bottle with water, just a loud no and spray it.
I also teach them no table or counter tops, You have to be there to catch them,
but it does not take too many times and they catch on..


The Dream Operator
Silver Member
My cat learned his lesson when I almost broke his leg. He jumped on the table right as I was breaking and got scared shitless when the ball whizzed past him.

My cat is a big scratcher but he's never gone after the cloth or the table; there's nothing there for his claws to hook into. It may also help that the stairs have pads of tightly-woven carpet that he likes to scratch instead. So he sits on the stairs and watches me play.

There's no help here, I just like my cat. :D

Here he is demanding attention after I had been travelling on business for a week.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Anyone know a way to keep the house cats away from my pool table??

And NO I can't shoot the cats. GF would be unhappy with me.
Regardless of what approach you go with, trim their nails at least once a week. And provide scratching posts in several areas of the house. Try to train them to use the scratching posts - reward them with a treat when they use it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a yellow cat with white feet, white nose and white tipped ears. When he gets on the pool table, all the white gets treated with blue chalk. He doesn't come around very often any more so I guess it worked...too bad cause he was kinda cute with all those blue tips.

Hope you fix your cat. I always hated shooting around mine.



Silver Member
I'll give the balloon idea a try.

My cats already know it's not ok to be on or near the table,,but that is a challenge for them ,,,to get away with it.

When Im not around I don't know what they are doing. No damage/signs yet and want to keep it that way.

Mr. Bond

Orbis Non Sufficit
Gold Member
Silver Member
put some tuna under the couch. cat will forget all about the table :D

ok, ok, seriously - just remove the cat's legs.

lol just kidding...but seriously, try buying the cat some new pajamas.


Silver Member
They make a harmless aerosol spray that can be placed anywhere that has a motion senor to trigger it. It is about the size of a soda can and I found them at Petsmart i believe. Very effective. After the first few run ins, i was able to leave it shut off and where ever I didn't want them. Hope it helps.

I am going to look for this. Had a idea of a driveway sensor in my mind already. But just the sound of it going off is not enough to scare them away.