Comprehensive IPT Results


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does anyone know of an online resource that has the complete results of the IPT tournaments...??

Something that includes the group stages all the way to the finals... And maybe even the qualifiers...

I'm not looking to debate the merits of the tour or it's organizers...

I just want something that will show me the competitive results of the events...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

The IPT site has two separate sections that show money leaders and final results...

I couldn't find anything that showed scores of the various group stage matches...

One of the sections does have some qualifier info...

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Celtic...Not at all. At one point, the IPT site had access to all the groupings and the scores of each player. There was also an Azbr who compiled a complete list of stats for at least the last tournament. They posted them here, so maybe they are available in the archives.

Scott Lee

Was that a joke?

The IPT had some good ideas but the actual information and exposure of what they did to the general public was non-existant.