Creative shot by Jesus Atencio


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok. Correction. He indicates the 9 then immediately points to the corner; never indicated anything about the 2.
Great ticky intentional or not. Good to know that stiff an angle will stay on line for that distance.
Nope. If you look closely, you will see his cue is pointing directly at the 2. Then points to corner pocket. The parallax is tricking you because his cue is at an upward angle. Look where his cue was when he was lining up the bank 2 to the side of the 9 ball. Then watch the angle of the cue change when pointing at the 2. Slow the video to 1/4 speed and you'll see what I mean.

I slowed it for you. It happens at 18 sec mark on this video.
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jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Dont think he would of played the 2 of the rail first if he was playing it in the side
You are correct! That's one crazy shot. I would bet against it though if someone wanted to bet on making that shot. It looks like any kind of full ball hit off the rail and into the nine, and it would go into the side. You can't make it without going off the rail into the nine, and not straight at the nine. .