Cue Tips


I am currently playing with a triangle tip and would like to try something a little bit softer and one that holds the chalk a little bit better. I dont want it to be that much softer than a triangle. Any suggestions?


Silver Member
Go to and look under the hardness rating.
Triangles are 81.4 and are considered to be a harder tip.
The rest is up to you.
Do a search on favorite tips here and you will find plenty of debate.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Went through the same deal. The only tip I will use is the milk dud made and sold by pooldawg 8. No fuss an no muss. I totally stocked up on them.

Varney Cues

Handcrafted quality!
Silver Member
For maximum performance I'd suggest trying a Sniper tip by Tiger. Its a superb top shelf tip that will have a slightly softer feel than the Triangle. When installed correctly they won't mushroom, will last a long time, and are pretty much a chalk it & play tip that you won't have to mess with. And yes...they hold chalk excellent. :wink:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I just switched from Moori to n Emerald Tip.
So far I like it!

For some reason Mooti tips have been getting harder and hold the Chalk less


Silver Member
cue tips

Hi this is john: I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy
holiday season. I am thankful to God for all my blessings and great friends
here on AZB. Over the years I have tryed about every tip on the market.
My input on cue tips is for the cost and quality the triangle & elkmaster is my pick. I have a small vice that I only use to press tips before I install.
take care, john


...and I get all da rolls
Silver Member
you might give a try to Black King S, BK tips hold chalk very well and produce great spin. As for the feel, it may depend on the cue you are using, the one I tried the tip on was stiff so the hit was comparable to that of Triangle. In your case it may be softer, giving you what you are looking for.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i am currently playing with a triangle tip and would like to try something a little bit softer and one that holds the chalk a little bit better. I dont want it to be that much softer than a triangle. Any suggestions?
kamui super soft black!!!!!!

9 ball

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can anyone tell me where I could purchase Kamui black hard cue tips by the box as everywhere I've tried only sell them singularly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Can anyone tell me where I could purchase Kamui black hard cue tips by the box as everywhere I've tried only sell them singularly.

I'm a Kamui Dealer/Installer; I have to order singly also; no extra discount for quantity purchases.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Everyone's opinion is valid, it's pure personal preference. I've played with all the major tips out there and the ONLY tip I've used that holds it's shape and chalk and doesn't miscue on me on my little 11mm shaft is a Talisman PIGSKIN medium. And not the old ones... they were terrible. This is the holy grail of tips for small diameter ferrules in my opinion. Everything else either lost it's shape quickly and had to be replaced within a month or two, or I had problems miscuing on big spin shots. The brown talismans are great. It should be noted that half of my playing is done on a bar table where I slam em around with lots of juice just for fun. So I can't speak for someone with a standard sized shaft with a more mature approach to the game...:cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree. They are inexpensive, but they mushroom and wear out earlier. Efren used to use them for more :spin".:thumbup:

Efren uses them soaked in milk and vice pressed. Milk dud. It is harder and plays like something between a triangle and elkmaster. This is my 2nd favorite tip... though a plain elk master will only last me about 3 weeks, as I'm a bit of a tip shape nazi! If you play 9 or 10 ball on a full sized table, I would not recommend a tip this soft without pressing it a little more first. These games should have you playing firmer shots more often and will squash an Elkmaster in just a few racks... from my experience.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I also really like the Kamui Meds on a standard shaft, but I miscue with them on my 11mm. Try a Talisman I think you'll be impressed. A lot of people have bad things to say about them... but I think this is based on their older production. I'm very very happy with how they play... and I've never been fully satisfied with ANY other tip (again, only on the 11mm.... it's much more picky than a standard 13)



I've hated so many tips I've tried, from Triangle to Kamui. At this point you would have to steal my cue a retip it with something else for me to play with anything but Elkmaster.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i can't imagine anything better than a tiger sniper. it is ridiculously easy to control the cue ball with the sniper and it holds chalk well.

i have used le pro, triangle, elk master, pressed elk master and the tiger emerald. i liked the emerald because i could get more control of the cue ball than with the others but it didn't hold chalk very well and i get way more control with the sniper.

my buddy has a kamui super soft on his cue and it seems pretty close to the sniper to me. i think you can get the sniper cheaper than a kamui and i would really doubt that the kamui plays any better.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The feel and playability of a tip is very subjective. Ask 100 people and you'll probably get 100 different answers. With that said, after trying a slew of tips, I've settled on a Moori soft. My cue has a 11.75 tip diameter and this may affect tip performance. Surprisingly, I've had no mushrooming issues or glazing in almost a year of use. I almost never miscue since it holds chalk so well. My style of play is usually hitting the cue ball softly with pocket speed. Rarely do I hit the cue ball very hard. This may account for the lack of mushrooming. On the opposite end of the pole, I played with a Super Pro for a while and enjoyed playing with it. It feels a lot harder than the durometer hardness reported for this tip. I did have a problem once in a while with the cue ball directly on the cushion. Had to be very careful with the hit when the cue ball was in that position. In summary, all I can say is keep searching Pilgrim. Good luck in your quest for the perfect tip.