Custom Fender Tele with Pool Hall Design


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i frequent a few guitar message boards and recently stumbled upon this thread:





Silver Member
Wow, what a great looking Axe.
Here is a video tribute to Rack Em Up. Not the one by Johnny tho.

I'm sure the guitar was related to Jonny Lang though. The video tribute linked here made no mention of "Rack 'em Up" or "Jack's Pool Hall"

I first met Jonny Lang when his manager at the time, Bob Asmund a friend of mine asked me for tickets to the BCA Trade Show in Minneapolis. I had a booth there and Bob brought Jonny Lang to the trade show and introduced him to me. He was drooling over my cues and told me he hoped to be able to afford one someday. He was still about 14 years old then. Bob took me aside and told me "Mark my words, this kid will be a big star someday". About 5 years later I was in a pool tournament in Dayton (Airway Billiards) and "Rack 'Em Up" came on the juke box. For the first time (and last) I went to the juke box to see who was doing the song. When I saw "Jonny Lang", I thought that name sounds familiar. I racked my brain for about an hour and it came to me. I called Bob on the phone and confirmed that it was in fact the "kid" he'd brought to the trade show and introduced to me years before. He's now, along with Kenny Wayne Shepherd, one of my favorite entertainers. I've seen him in convert about 6 times and he really tears the house down when he performs! I've tried to contact him a few years ago and offer to build him a special "Blues Cue" but I haven't been able to penetrate his shields against paparazzi.
