Dean in the hospital


Mook! What's a Mook?
Silver Member
Glad that you're here Dean....hope to continue to read many more of your great stories and writings for many, many, years to come. Best of luck.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I always enjoyed your input on this site.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and on never experiencing anything like this again.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thank you for the kind words and wishes

I am blessed with over all good health and actually have no continuing effects from what has been diagnosed as a very minor stroke

the only symptom was loss of use and feeling of my arm,but even that returned to normal
within 2 hours,often damage from a stroke results in permanent loss of function

for this I am grateful to God

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
Very nice your doing well
I recently had what could have been a life altering accident that i was able to walk away from with minimal damage considering what could have happened

Enjoy every moment i say


Broom Handle Mafia
Silver Member
Thank you for the kind words and wishes

I am blessed with over all good health and actually have no continuing effects from what has been diagnosed as a very minor stroke

the only symptom was loss of use and feeling of my arm,but even that returned to normal
within 2 hours,often damage from a stroke results in permanent loss of function

for this I am grateful to God

I'm glad you're doing better Dean. I'm sure your better half is making you take it easy at home, but on here it's up to us so; you're not going to be allowed to vote in any polls for the next two weeks.

Oh, and no pizza for 3 days. :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Get well soon Dean. I met Dean at one of the Senior’s tournaments at Bogies in Houston. He did not play but seemed like a smart old pool scuff who had been around the block a few times.

I just made it to 80 Dean, never leaving any pizza on the table and doing what I love to do.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
mr henry
please be advised i have never been accused of being smart or a pool scuff; in the future please
refer to me as a pool sucker not a scuff

You did get theold part right and I am glad to hear you are still alive at 80 and guarding the plate
especially with pizza.

A lot of you guys think i was foolish or at least acting foolish when I finished my pizza before turning myself in the direction of my wife and soon thereafter to the hospital.

Before you pass judgement let a few words suffice to show how wisdom is justified by her children

At the hospital I was fed hospital grubb for two days and the doctors forbid me to eat fat or greasy food from now on.
No more pizza forever!

Now you can see that ole Dean was really using good judgment in finishing his pizza before going to the joint aka hospital

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Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
A lot of you guys think i was foolish or at least acting foolish when I finished my pizza before turning myself in the direction of my wife and soon thereafter to the hospital.

I commend your action. My last pizza would a large 1/2 sausage, 1/2meatball...cut to 12 slices instead of 6-8 (get more out of it hehe). and I'd eat the crust. Never take leftovers home...finish the job.


I Love Box Cues
Silver Member
Damn, just saw this.
Glad you are on the mend.
Just like Mighty Mouse, hope you got the Cheese.
Will Prout


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yeah, the olives were the problem.. no fruits or vegetables
allowed on a pizza.. damn, now I want a slice!

I heard Dean tried to have a bar box installed in his hospital

Glad to hear you back at home and well, Deano.. can't quit
pool when you got your brothers in arms here lookin' out
for you!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Just seeing this. I am glad you are home and have this behind you. You are a super classy poster and honest seller. Stay healthy my friend, we need far more of your caliber here on AZB. So glad all is well and for the record, I would have finished the pizza



Have you thought about being involved with a Hustler's tournament?

I live in the right place. Gambling has been going on in Ruidoso since the Twenties.

Plenty of venues after Racing season is over. Lots of cheap motels.
All you would need is players and backers.

I could help.

Bill Stroud

Michael Andros

tiny balls, GIANT pockets
Silver Member

Have you thought about being involved with a Hustler's tournament?

I live in the right place. Gambling has been going on in Ruidoso since the Twenties.

Plenty of venues after Racing season is over. Lots of cheap motels.
All you would need is players and backers.

I could help.

Bill Stroud

Go for it Dean!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeah:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As everybody here I wish you to get well soon, Dean. BTW you can't be that serious about quitting pool. Life is too serious without pool;).