DigiBall App Explanation


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Per request I have made a page describing how the DigiBall works with the app.

The take away, is that you can do things like compare your own accuracy, or your accuracy with other players.

As example, below is a comparison between two players with Fargo ratings 524 and 610. The 524 player had a tip percent deviation of 5.36%, and the 610 player had a deviation of less than half of that at 2.21%. Also, the 524 player shot an average of 1.2 mph faster than the 610 player. And finally, the 524 player missed pocketing two balls, while the 610 player not only pocketed all balls but landed every cue ball within the green section of the target.

Data with this accuracy simply isn't possible by looking at chalk marks on a traditional practice ball. Your standard deviation directly relates to your consistency, regardless of whatever type of stroke, cue, chalk, etc you use.


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