Do UK snooker leagues exist?


The Dream Operator
Silver Member
With all the league bashing that goes on in the main forum, I just started wondering if there are amateur snooker leagues in the UK. If so, are they handicapped?



Most clubs will participate in some sort of league or other - both handicapped and not. I've only played in one or two, and not for a looong time, but you'll often have 8 players in a team - 4 of which will play home, 4 away, with one frame each singles, with maybe a doubles match or two, too.

There are loads of small working men clubs that are more social than competitive.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With all the league bashing that goes on in twain forum, I just started wondering if there are amateur snooker leagues in the UK. If so, are they handicapped?


I hope so as i play every week, rarely handicapped, as mostly you Will
Have different divisions.