Don't forget what you got! (rules?)


Shiver me timbers.
Silver Member
I was so proud of my team member who was paying attention enough that he called a file on his opponent for starting to shoot the high ball when he had the low balls. With ball in hand my team member walked around the table, set up for and shot a low ball. I knew what was going on so just after he shot the 2nd low ball I saw a perplexed look on the face of his opponents. So I yelled, "CALL IT ON HIM!".

I wanted him to call it on him because I think if he keep shooting the low balls, ran out and made the 8 ball. It would have been a lose for us. I think? Unless I was the only one that noticed which I'm sure was not the case. I've never thought of this before. If your opponent starts shooting the wrong balls, just let him continue till he lets you in a spot you like, right. Or just let him run out, make the 8 and it's my game, Right? LOL


Lazy User
Silver Member
Valley rules say you should stop him before the 8, if you let him shoot it, he wins. You can, however, let him run out your group beforehand, taking BIH on the 8 when you call it.

But man, that's some lowdown dirty pool. I can't say I always do, but it would be friendlier to stop them before the first shot and let them shoot the right group. It's just league.



Fo' shizzle!
Silver Member
steev said:
But man, that's some lowdown dirty pool. I can't say I always do, but it would be friendlier to stop them before the first shot and let them shoot the right group. It's just league.

Agreed. Bad sportsmanship at its finest(?).


AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member

...your opponent would "escape" the foul and win the game if you allow him to shot in the 8 ball before telling him he was shooting the wrong balls. Here is the rule (assuming you are playing APA.

g. Occasionally it occurs that a player mistakenly
starts shooting the wrong category of balls.
Although it is sportsmanlike for the sitting player
to remind the shooting player that he is about to
foul by shooting the wrong category of balls, it is
not a requirement for him to do so. Once the
shooter has hit the wrong category of balls, the
foul has occurred whether the ball is pocketed or
not. If the ball is pocketed, it is permissible,
though not recommended, that the sitting player
allow the shooting player to continue shooting his
balls in until he feels inclined to call the foul. The
shooting player can escape penalty by quietly
realizing his error and returning to shoot the
correct category of balls and legally contacting one
of them before his opponent calls foul, or by
finishing off the wrong category of balls and
legally contacting the 8-ball prior to his opponent
calling a foul.


truly addicted
Silver Member
If the opponent fails to call the foul you can run out the 8

The choice of stripes or solids is not determined on the break even if balls are made from only one or both groups, because the table is always open immediately after the break shot. The choice of group is determined only when a player legally pockets a called object ball after the break shot.

If the groups have been determined and the player mistakenly shoots at and pockets a ball of the group, the opponent must call a foul on him before he takes his next shot. If he fails to do so, the player automatically takes over the group of balls (solids or stripes) at which he has been shooting during this inning.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know in some rules you take over those balls if you make two before they call a foul.


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
Bamacues said:
...your opponent would "escape" the foul and win the game if you allow him to shot in the 8 ball before telling him he was shooting the wrong balls. Here is the rule (assuming you are playing APA.

g. Occasionally it occurs that a player mistakenly
starts shooting the wrong category of balls.
Although it is sportsmanlike for the sitting player
to remind the shooting player that he is about to
foul by shooting the wrong category of balls, it is
not a requirement for him to do so. Once the
shooter has hit the wrong category of balls, the
foul has occurred whether the ball is pocketed or
not. If the ball is pocketed, it is permissible,
though not recommended, that the sitting player
allow the shooting player to continue shooting his
balls in until he feels inclined to call the foul. The
shooting player can escape penalty by quietly
realizing his error and returning to shoot the
correct category of balls and legally contacting one
of them before his opponent calls foul, or by
finishing off the wrong category of balls and
legally contacting the 8-ball prior to his opponent
calling a foul.
Oddly enough, the BCA rules and the World Standardized Rules don't have a rule that explicitly says anything about this, but it is implied. In fact, it's a question on the standard referee test. The ruling with the BCA is that once the second ball is shot, there can be no foul called. And further since no foul was called, the player continues to shoot what would be the wrong set of balls.

IMO, the BCA and World Standardized Rules should absolutely have explicit wording on this rule. This rule probably needs to be invoked a lot more than several of the other silly rules in print.


Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
Staff member
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Cornerman said:
Oddly enough, the BCA rules and the World Standardized Rules don't have a rule that explicitly says anything about this, but it is implied. ...
In the proposed revision of those rules, if the players forget for several shots who has which group, the rack is replayed.

I'm really surprised that the APA is promoting bad sportsmanship with their rule. I think it is the responsibility of both players to see that all the rules are followed and all fouls are called. A cheating weasel sits back until the most opportune time to call a foul. Of course, if it's written into the rules, you get a whole pack of cheating weasels.


Still crazy after all these years
Silver Member
Cornerman said:
Oddly enough, the BCA rules and the World Standardized Rules don't have a rule that explicitly says anything about this, but it is implied. In fact, it's a question on the standard referee test. The ruling with the BCA is that once the second ball is shot, there can be no foul called. And further since no foul was called, the player continues to shoot what would be the wrong set of balls.

IMO, the BCA and World Standardized Rules should absolutely have explicit wording on this rule. This rule probably needs to be invoked a lot more than several of the other silly rules in print.


The BCA 8-Ball rule 4.10 that the greenone quoted seems pretty explicit to me. What is the problem with this wording ?
