Fargo rule question


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am replying to my own post to say that the last time games I played went into the Fargo system was on April 11th. I have played 12 games since then. It just takes a while for the system to catch up with what has been inputted I guess. It seems as though they can get somewhat behind in their inputting of games that have been submitted. I don't know exactly how the system works but that's what I am understanding.

If you click on a team in this link, say "Motor City Shooters," the 11th one down, you will see a summary of the season for that team. You can see April 18th is recorded and April 25 is not. That means the April 25 scoresheet is in a pile of paper on your LO's desk. For divisions that score on their phones, even an April 30 match (last night) would be in there.

If you want to see individual scoresheets, click on "schedule" and select a match.
