Finally beat the ghost (video inside)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tried for 3 days to beat the ghost in a race to 7... It was much tougher on this table than I expected... Missed one shot this set and the ghost still made it to 3.... Not a tough watch with my tempo....

I'd like to shave about 6 min off by fast forwarding shagging/racking and do some commentary over to help players on here that are learning.... Player reviews have always been the most helpful to me... I'd like to pay it forward if I could...

Anyone that can help with editing, please pm or respond here in this thread..... tyvm

comments/constructive criticism is always appreciated.... :cool:

I did notice the loop in my practice strokes... But I seem to come through the ball fine... Also should be breaking as if I was in a match... My cue ball is all over the place

Like most on here, my life has become an endless cycle of family/work/sleep... No complaints here though... Really just felt good to see a glimpse of my old game... That's all I really play for now... To hit that 20-30 min gear every once in awhile when all you do is envision/execute/repeat....

p.s. The match in the background is cj vs earl at sands with cress/floyd in the booth... great match and color commentary....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see you have the Miley "tounge to shoulder" aiming system incorporated there.


JK :thumbup:

good job!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nice shooting, but you like to move the cb around too much. At 10:45 you are shooting the 7 in the side. You elected to go around two rails for the 8 when you should have just rolled the 7 in the side and shot the 8 in the far corner, stopped, and be great on the 9. Little things like that seem like fun to do, but in the long run will cost you games. Try and move the cb as little as possible.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Strong shooting! There isnt much to criticize. I would maybe say take your time a little bit, but the pace you shoot seems to be working just fine for you. Good stuff man.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Is that an SPWU that you shoot with? Original Z shaft? That's what I shoot with also. capt turned me onto those and, though I still have a looooong way to go, it made night&day improvements to my game.

Nice shooting!
I don't get the title - you finally managed to beat the ghost? I was expecting to see you struggle and fall over the line, but you play decent.


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
Nice shooting. I'm always amazed when anyone shoots really straight but stands up pretty tall over the cue stick.
Not knocking it, just can't personally do it.
You really have a good feel for the speed and the break on your table.
I have a feeling playing on your home court, I'd need another ball :p

Some thoughts:
I see what Neil means about moving the CB.
I can see why you did the 2 rail draw to the 8, cuz going on that line gives you lots of room for error on speed.
And some routes in 9b use more movement exchange for a safer route.
But you don't want to get tunnel vision on those side pockets just because the ball happens to be closer to them.
It's those side pocket shots where getting on the wrong side of the ball leads to disasters.

The shot at 10:00 also looked like a lot of movement... all that force follow + inside to get on a hanger.
But maybe you were thinking being on the right side rail and cutting the hanger from there
would cause the cue ball to hit the titty?

You actually could beat the ghost even worse I think. You gave up on rack 1 but there are a few flyers you can try
on that locked-up 1 ball. And you passed up ball in hand at 8:00, which kinda came back to bite you.

Anyway no other comments, your stroke looks pretty good and nice pace too, under 20 minutes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You play better than i do, so i don't have any comments on your game.

But tell your pal to quit smoking, he doesn't look that old but those smokers lungs sure sound bad already. :eek: