Have you ever been frustrated by a cuemaker, but loved the product?

Sir Scratchalot

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Last summer I sent an antique cue to a fellow in Tempe, AZ to have him replicate the original shaft of said cue. I love the way the original plays, but it's stating to warp. Months went by and no cue or shaft. Email queries were met with excuses about the weather and humidity...in the Phoenix area. I eventually just asked for my cue to be sent back, but after a week or so I got an email saying my shaft was done and that he was knocking $60 off the price for my troubles. With all the delays thus far, I had a friend in the area go and pick the cue up to send to me rather than wait for the maker.

So, I get the cue and find out the shaft wasn't made as a copy to the original liked I'd requested. The joint collar and simple brass ring work was spot on, but the shaft diameter, ferrule and taper were not the same as the original, at all. Since I was completely tired of dealing with this person I just said "f**k it" and chalked the $100 I spent up as a lesson learned fee.

However, despite all the frustration and initial disappointment, I have come to really love this shaft. It came with a Kamui black medium and the hit and playability of it is awesome to me. It's come to feel like a natural part of the cue rather than an aftermarket addition and has rekindled my love of playing with this cue. The other shaft I have from Russ Espiritu pales in comparison.

Have any of you had a similar experience?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Haven't had that experience before........guess I've been fortunate........everything always comes in as expected, except for back in '85.

Matt B.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have been lucky

I've never had any problems with the cue maker i deal with.

In your case, my advise would be:
Try to look at it like being married.
Some times you would like to choke your wife.
Some times you would like to kick her to the curb.
But all things considered you're pretty lucky to have her & if anyone else says a negative thing about her you are ready to fight.

Of course i state this in jest..... I think.

Just enjoy the cue,
