Heading to Louisville...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Glad this thread came up, I will be in that same area in sometime this year for work and saved me the trouble of posting the same question :cool:


New member
Railyard has a handicapped 9 ball tournament at 7p on Fridays (8 ball at 7p on Mondays). I don't have a link handy, but on their facebook page is a pinned post with info and a number to call for info to see if the one pocket will interfere.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Open bank tourn in Ky when the one pocket guys are there? I know I’d be giving it away but I’d enter I think. That will be a fun tournament unless you expect to win. 😁
Bank mini Thursday. 50.00 entry. 32 player max. race to two. Single elimination.. Starts Thursday at 6:30 sharp. I still have openings if anybody wants to sign up. Pay before tournament. I should get up there sometime Thursday early afternoon to hit some. Streaming provided by xpool.com I'll be there for the one pocket all weekend. Railyard is a great place. Highly recommend it. Thanks.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I'll be at Railyard about 7pm tomorrow and then again on Friday afternoon.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Neat thing about Railyard is that it’s like a pool hall in a pool hall in a pool hall. I only found the first room when I was there. As I was getting ready to leave I walked past the dart area and stumbled into a room bigger than the first. Then I made my way through that room and found yet another just as big. Blew my mind. It’s bigger on the inside like a Tardis.
I was in there a few months ago with a friend and we were talking about how big it was. He looked it up on some kind of municipal or government website (I’m not sure what) and it came back at over 33,000 square feet. That’s a big pool hall. They’ve got around 40 tables.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was in there a few months ago with a friend and we were talking about how big it was. He looked it up on some kind of municipal or government website (I’m not sure what) and it came back at over 33,000 square feet. That’s a big pool hall. They’ve got around 40 tables.
Very nice room. WOW 40 tables and only eight of them are 9’, they are Blue Label’s with 4 1/4 corners😎


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
My flight was diverted and delayed, and by the time I got to Railyard, I had been traveling for 13 hours and my brain was applesauce. I couldn't even make one in a row. I wish I could blame tight pockets, but when you're missing by a diamond, the problem lies between the table and the chair. Still, the food was good and everyone was really friendly. I only got to stay for a couple of hours, but I'll be back on Friday, hopefully with fewer excuses! I'm off to Radcliff and Elizabethtown for two days now, so we'll see what kind of trouble I can get into there. Google said Gold Bars is permanently closed, so I'll have to give the other places a try.
Google said Gold Bars is permanently closed, so I'll have to give the other places a try.
Gold Bars has reopened but Google hasn't caught up yet.

Today (Wednesday) is league night at both Gold Bars and the Vape Shop in Elizabethtown. Also league night at the American Legion.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Gold Bars has reopened but Google hasn't caught up yet.

Today (Wednesday) is league night at both Gold Bars and the Vape Shop in Elizabethtown. Also league night at the American Legion.
Well shit! I'll have to find something else, we'll see what's around when I get done working.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Today I went to Otter Creek, a pretty great dive bar with valley bar boxes. The tables were about as beat to shit as I've ever seen, which is strange for a place with 5 tables. You'd think if they care enough about pool to dedicate that much space to it they'd at least put a little effort into maintaining the equipment. Still, the food was especially good, and everyone was friendly. I had a great time with the locals and played well despite the poor equipment. Totally would recommend the place, as long as you don't mind, shall we say, a little variance with many shots. Tomorrow I hope to try Gold Bars, and then back to Railyard on Friday.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Last night I went to Gold Bars in Elizabethtown, which is in fact open for business. It was much smaller than I expected, one room exactly large enough for three Dynamo brand bar boxes, which were in good shape and rented at the modest price of $3 per hour. They have no bar, and no other amenities of any kind, although they do have a tiny room with a few video poker machines, or whatever the equivalent is around here. It was early in the evening and I was the only one there. I played by myself for a couple of hours and then headed back to Otter Creek. I had dinner and played a few games, but didn't really see any shooters. It started to get a little too crowded, and by that time I was ready to head out. Today I'm back in Louisville at Railyard Billiards where people are getting ready for the tournaments. Hopefully I'll be able to scare up some games before my flight leaves late tonight!


Steve Booth
Gold Member
Silver Member
I don't mind losing, I just don't like giving it away.
Next week onepocket.org is holding a 1pocket tournament at Railyard.

It’s a members only thing but there will be an open banks mini Thursday the 4th should you feel the need to donate to the local bumps specialists.

Lou Figueroa
Open bank tourn in Ky when the one pocket guys are there? I know I’d be giving it away but I’d enter I think. That will be a fun tournament unless you expect to win. 😁
Y'all needn't have been so scared lol, Louie Demarco got knocked out early and the top two were onepocket.org guys Mark Mariani and Justin Tingle :D
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