Help disassembling my table


New member
I'm moving cross country and tried to take my table apart tonight to prep it to be packed. The three pieces of slate are glued together somehow. I thought I remembered the last guy that assembled it telling me something about gluing the slate. I've googled and youtubed this to death and can't find anything on it. Everybody else just pulls all the bolts and screws and the slate comes right off. Mine won't split at the joints. All the screws are out and I can moved the whole big slab around as one piece but the slates won't separate. Anybody heard of this? Any idea what kind of glue it is and what I could do to get it to release? Heat? Acetone?

Thanks for any help...I don't wanna break it!!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They could be attached with bondo. I would ask this question in the Mechanics section and post close up photos of the seam.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Most likely it is plain ole super glue...

That is how slates are generally glued. I would imagine acetone would be your friend.

Is the joint waxed? A torch to melt the wax might help get solvent to the glue. The glue is most likely only in 3 spots on the joint a couple inches long each. You should be able to spot the glue once you torch...
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree on the super glue. Use a razor blade between the slates to cut it loose.


New member
Paulie...I posted it in the mechanics section as well when I read your post...didn't see that before, thanks. The forum won't let me post images because I'm new here. I do have them if anyone would want me to email them for comment. I'll pick up some acetone and try that tomorrow. Kinda thought is was some sort of CA glue like super glue but didn't know if there was some sort of "slate glue" that assemblers use.

Appreciate all the help folks. I love this table and am nervous about sending it 2000+miles.



Try scoring the seam with a knife, then lift the end slate slowly, maybe even up and down slightly to break the seam.