'Hippie' Jimmy Reid - Update


Hey everyone. I've been speaking with Jimmy Reid in the past few weeks and I wanted to give everybody an update. As everyone in the pool world knows, this guy used to be one of the best, if not the best player in the world. There are a million stories of Jimmy's time on the road; his championships and his money games. In fact, in the 90s, several of the top players were asked who the greatest money player was of the past 25 years and Jimmy Reid was the top vote. He not only was a great player but in the later years he was a great ambassador to the game. His knowledge of the game is unmatched and he is always willing to pass on some of his secrets to anyone who asks. The guy is truly one of a kind.

Anyway, Jimmy has been having a hard time of late with his health. As you may or may not know, Jimmy was diagnosed with stage four cancer of the brain and back of tongue and was given a 10% chance of survival. That was five years ago and like the tough guy he is, he's still kicking. In fact, earlier this year he was even back to playing pool a little bit. (BTW - Jimmy told me in confidence that he discovered the secret to a perfect break! He says that he was hitting the rack harder than he's ever hit it, and also controlling the rock. He's talking about releasing a new video on the break shot once he feels better.) Sadly, in the past few months he's started to bleed more and more due to a an unqualified doctor that butchered him. He now has to find a doctor that can reverse the damage that was done which isn't an easy thing to do. On top of that, he has an upcoming appointment on the 25th of November regarding a possible liver transplant. Because of everything Jimmy has had to deal with regarding his health, he handed over the reigns of his website to some website gurus who were supposed to run it for him. Well, unfortunately, these guys ripped him off...big time. His site went from making a few thousand a month to about 40 bucks a month. Ouch. They took advantage of Jimmy since he was dealing with his health issues. By the time Jimmy knew what was going on his whole site had been hijacked. If you go to his site now - freepoollessons.com you'll see that it's not really set up that well. Many links don't work and the members section is now obsolete. (UPDATE - I offered my website services to Jimmy to help him and his NEW SITE will be up next week! I'm also going to digitize his instructional videos for online streaming. His new site looks great and contains many of his great pool stories and lessons so check it out next week!) Anyway, Jimmy needs a bit of financial help. I know there was a post a couple years ago that asked for help for Jimmy and everyone came through for him which he is forever grateful for. I'm asking everyone again to see what you can do to help out. Jimmy is having a really tough time right now dealing with his health and low funds. He has a DVD collection that he's selling on Ebay right now for half price. I think he's even autographing it which is unbelievable. He's got a large inventory of DVDs in his home that he would desperately like to sell. If you check out his Ebay AD and purchase his DVDs that would go a long way to not only helping him financially, but would really LIFT HIS SPIRITS! He loves it when people buy his DVDs because he knows these DVDs can take anyone's game to new heights. Here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180750188728&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123 This is 10 hours of Instructional Pool. This is an awesome deal! If you don't have enough $ to buy the pool set send him a few bucks via Paypal at his email address: jimmyreidpro@bellsouth.net.

I've been a pool player for many years and when I heard about his plight I knew I had to help in whatever way I can. I started playing in the 90s so I was never able to meet Jimmy in person but I knew about him because of his videos. I had watched his 8 ball video when I was a teenager and it really helped my game (along with Ray Martin's 99 Critical Shots). I've been talking and texting with him the past few weeks and we've developed a friendship. In fact, I'll be flying in to see him in the next month or two and will periodically update his condition on this forum.

Oh, I may also be helping Jimmy put all his pool stories on paper. He's got hundreds of great pool stories of all the top players from the past 40 years. We'll be adding some of these stories to his website in the next few weeks (everything depends on his health of course). Thanks everybody.


jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Thanks Tor for taking the time to help someone so unselfishly. Not many people would do this for anyone else, especially a stranger. Jimmy was the real deal in the pool world, fearless and willing to take on the best there was at the time. I can never forget that huge sh-t eatin' grin that was always plastered on his face. Kind of like he "knew" you couldn't beat him. He was "Shane" long before there was a Shane.

Jimmy was the most supremely confident pool player I ever knew. He never had a moments hesitation when challenged. I don't think he ever asked anyone for a spot or a handicap. Jimmy would beat you straight up or not at all. I still get a smile on my face when I think about the triumphant ride down Sunset Blvd. in the 1969 chocolate brown Caddy convertible you brought back from Detroit, the glove box stuffed with cash and smoke. Thanks Jimmy for all the fun we had together, and the excitement you provided on the pool table.

And a special thanks for taking care of me when I was "jarred" with acid. You knew what to do when I was incapable of making a rational decision. You've had a dream life full of thrills, chills and so many beautiful girls. When you get better we'll do it all again! :thumbup2:

P.S. Jimmy Reid turned me on to weed for the first time, when I was still an uptight kid out of Ohio, who didn't know how to relax and chill out. I was always pushing for the next buck and the next score. Thanks to you, I actually took a half day off once in a while. :smile:
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JB Cases

Silver Member
Hey everyone. I've been speaking with Jimmy Reid in the past few weeks and I wanted to give everybody an update. As everyone in the pool world knows, this guy used to be one of the best, if not the best player in the world. There are a million stories of Jimmy's time on the road; his championships and his money games. In fact, in the 90s, several of the top players were asked who the greatest money player was of the past 25 years and Jimmy Reid was the top vote. He not only was a great player but in the later years he was a great ambassador to the game. His knowledge of the game is unmatched and he is always willing to pass on some of his secrets to anyone who asks. The guy is truly one of a kind.

Anyway, Jimmy has been having a hard time of late with his health. As you may or may not know, Jimmy was diagnosed with stage four cancer of the brain and back of tongue and was given a 10% chance of survival. That was five years ago and like the tough guy he is, he's still kicking. In fact, earlier this year he was even back to playing pool a little bit. (BTW - Jimmy told me in confidence that he discovered the secret to a perfect break! He says that he was hitting the rack harder than he's ever hit it, and also controlling the rock. He's talking about releasing a new video on the break shot once he feels better.) Sadly, in the past few months he's started to bleed more and more due to a an unqualified doctor that butchered him. He now has to find a doctor that can reverse the damage that was done which isn't an easy thing to do. On top of that, he has an upcoming appointment on the 25th of November regarding a possible liver transplant. Because of everything Jimmy has had to deal with regarding his health, he handed over the reigns of his website to some website gurus who were supposed to run it for him. Well, unfortunately, these guys ripped him off...big time. His site went from making a few thousand a month to about 40 bucks a month. Ouch. They took advantage of Jimmy since he was dealing with his health issues. By the time Jimmy knew what was going on his whole site had been hijacked. If you go to his site now - freepoollessons.com you'll see that it's not really set up that well. Many links don't work and the members section is now obsolete. (UPDATE - I offered my website services to Jimmy to help him and his NEW SITE will be up next week! I'm also going to digitize his instructional videos for online streaming. His new site looks great and contains many of his great pool stories and lessons so check it out next week!) Anyway, Jimmy needs a bit of financial help. I know there was a post a couple years ago that asked for help for Jimmy and everyone came through for him which he is forever grateful for. I'm asking everyone again to see what you can do to help out. Jimmy is having a really tough time right now dealing with his health and low funds. He has a DVD collection that he's selling on Ebay right now for half price. I think he's even autographing it which is unbelievable. He's got a large inventory of DVDs in his home that he would desperately like to sell. If you check out his Ebay AD and purchase his DVDs that would go a long way to not only helping him financially, but would really LIFT HIS SPIRITS! He loves it when people buy his DVDs because he knows these DVDs can take anyone's game to new heights. Here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180750188728&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123 This is 10 hours of Instructional Pool. This is an awesome deal! If you don't have enough $ to buy the pool set send him a few bucks via Paypal at his email address: jimmyreidpro@bellsouth.net.

I've been a pool player for many years and when I heard about his plight I knew I had to help in whatever way I can. I started playing in the 90s so I was never able to meet Jimmy in person but I knew about him because of his videos. I had watched his 8 ball video when I was a teenager and it really helped my game (along with Ray Martin's 99 Critical Shots). I've been talking and texting with him the past few weeks and we've developed a friendship. In fact, I'll be flying in to see him in the next month or two and will periodically update his condition on this forum.

Oh, I may also be helping Jimmy put all his pool stories on paper. He's got hundreds of great pool stories of all the top players from the past 40 years. We'll be adding some of these stories to his website in the next few weeks (everything depends on his health of course). Thanks everybody.


I met Jimmy in 1992 in Germany. I made him a case. Great player, lots of stories.

Thanks for the heads-up, just bought the DVDs.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've got a ton of great Jimmy stories. In fact, I'll never forget the first time I met him, it was at the U.S. Open 9-Ball Championship in 2002, I believe. He drove up there in a big ol' cruiser kind of car. It was huge. We immediately hit it off great.

He hadn't seen my other half in a while, and the two of them began to tell old war stories. They are very, very good buddies, so I just sat back and enjoyed the show. I will never forget it. Man, can Jimmy tell a story. :grin:

Thanks for the thread. I have so many, many photos of Jimmy. We always hang out with him at pool events, but I'm going to share a few of my faves on this thread. :smile:


  • Jimmy%20and%20Keith[1].JPG
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excellent DVDs. I like how when you watch them, you feel like you are right there standing next to him at the table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is the "Three Amigos" shot of Billy, Keith, and Jimmy.


  • 2004%20US%20Open%20Incardona%20Keith%20Reid[1].JPG
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This was taken the eve of the Derby City Classic at the Executive Hotel in Louisville. For some reason, this has always been my favorite hotel. I love the rocking chairs in the rooms. Check out this motley crew gathering together, preparing for a week full of DCC festivities. :cool:


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Another shot of the Dynamic Duo. :p


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here's Jimmy using my laptop at the Open to check on his DVD sales. He was adamant about his work ethic, responding to people right away. I admired that in him. He doesn't leave anybody hanging. He replies and delivers the goods. :smile:


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This was taken before Keith's match. Jimmy was giving him a pep talk. He was good like that, always offering advice. He noticed that Keith wasn't taking time to "address the ball" before pulling the trigger. I think that may be another way of saying to pause before you shoot. He was always on the rail rooting for our team. I love Jimmy for that. :cool:


  • Jimmy%20and%20Keith%20again[1].JPG
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I heard a tale about Jimmy and Keith at Pistol Pete's in Anaheim, California. They were engaged in a partners game for a sand bag and a half, 7-ahead 9-ball with two other gents. :smile:

All of a sudden, 15 humongous bikers stormed the place, and they were mad at some regulars in there, fondly known to the locals as the "Karate Guys." :cool:

All hell broke loose, bottles flying, tables getting flipped. It was every man for himself. Keith immediately ran for cover and hid under a pool table like a scared rabbit. Jimmy lay under the table next to him. :embarrassed2:

There were only 4 Karate Guys, but they beat the crap out of the biker gang of 15. After the dust settled, Keith and Jimmy's game resumed, business as usual. Just another day in paradise. :angel2:

I love this photo of Jimmy. :smiling-heart:


  • jimmyreid[1].JPG
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senior member
Silver Member
Thanks Tor for your kindness to Jimmy.
I remember Jimmy from as far back as the 70's.
Best 'ring' game player on earth. And a very nice person.
Good luck, Jimmy and please get well soon.


Thanks Tor for your kindness to Jimmy.
I remember Jimmy from as far back as the 70's.
Best 'ring' game player on earth. And a very nice person.
Good luck, Jimmy and please get well soon.

Thanks everyone! I'll pass on the kind words to Jimmy when I talk with him this weekend. I'm sure it will definitely lift his spirits. Tor


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I understand I may get this set as a Christmas present! {chortles with glee!!}:D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jimmy Reid

There are some funny but true stories of Jimmy Reid in my book, "The Green Felt Jungle" that everyone will enjoy reading. Jimmy, get well soon, the pool world needs a guy like you around forever.