Historical West Point Connections


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member

Count Sutemi Chinda​



1856 - 1929 is the era of the Civil War. The number of publicly cited people of military of diplomatic distinction that play billiards or associate with billiard players is will documented in newspapers. The requirements to gain entry into men's clubs are unknown, no single measure is a qualifying factor.

Records indicate West Point as a strategic location, it would have recreation such as billiards for the prisoner/soldiers.
The existence of a Count indicates that wealthy sponsors could also play quite well.

Anyone here interested in discussing the information network during the time of Civil War, Mexican US War or WW1? I suspect there were many disinformation campaigns used to undermine public efforts.
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West Point 1987

On the Hill, Out of Gas
Silver Member
I personally like the West Point connection. :) No German, French or Japanese, but I do speak Greek. Every company day room had a Brunswick 9 footer when I was there, where I spent all my meager spare time. Who was the article talking about?
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Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
I personally like the West Point connection. :) No German, French or Japanese, but I do speak Greek. Every company day room had a Brunswick 9 footer when I was there, where I spent all my meager spare time. Who was the article talking about?

Count Sutemi Chinda: Wealthy Japanese Individual Pre Civil War Era

There are stories of how his wife was more involved socially in groups that didn't publish their members or activities. In Washington DC during pre Civil War period, the records regarding billiard table sales and touring pros is my entry point. As for his personal stories of hustling pool, that is likely in family records of the wealthy. Not in public library databases.

At an earlier period of time the General Robert Lee was a student at West Point and in the Army of Corps and then deployment in Mexico. Army Corps projects before the Civil War are another point of interest, there is overlap with pool tournament locations and West Point graduate activity. Gambling laws and records are helpful in confirming specific details.

The mystique of West Point and the Army Corps is due to the well kept records of students, deployments and engineering projects.
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