I hate league


Kid Mack
Silver Member

omgwtf said:

If only... his beard/goatee/hippie-hedge is definitely memorable, though, and, if this is the Mack I remember, he was playing in the Hard Times B & C player tournament. I only saw him that one time, I think, and I can't really place exactly when.

I didn't connect the face with the name until he put a picture of himself as the avatar for "stolz2". I also remember in one of his first posts that he said he could string racks and couldn't find a practice partner at Hard Times.


I was just curious if he ended up finding some good practice and how much the going rate for batting balls around with professionals and semi-professionals was. You know, in case I decide to fire a water pistol or two at those Hard Times monsters. ;)

Maybe I know you, do you get help from Dave hemmah? And play on the womens tour? or some tour.
If so , I think we had a nice little battle one night after we where out of the thursday night tournament. I didnt used to have a full beard, just a goatee! If so, at least send me your first name. If you send a pic. I wont post it dont worry.

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