I just run a 37,,but,,,


Silver Member
,,,when I went to save it on my camera,,it only had the last part of the last rack recorded!!! Not sure why??

And that don't make me happy. I made some great shots to get there too!!!

My best is a 42,,again no video. But I do have several in the 30's on video,,just cant seem to do well on video.

My biggest issue with 14-1 is leaving the break ball. I have a plan when only a few balls left. But seem to get out of shape and end up leaving it terrible!!


Silver Member
Since I have some time today,,I just ran 35 and a 39 (back to back)and I did get the video for these. They are uploading on You tube now.
I will post them when there are done,,maybe I can get some pointers. I have not had a chance to watch these videos yet,,and I think I was cusing like a sailor after a few shots. lol I'm not sure how well the sound is.

It takes a long time to upload them.


Silver Member
Since I have some time today,,I just ran 35 and a 39 (back to back)and I did get the video for these. They are uploading on You tube now.
I will post them when there are done,,maybe I can get some pointers. I have not had a chance to watch these videos yet,,and I think I was cusing like a sailor after a few shots. lol I'm not sure how well the sound is.

It takes a long time to upload them.

looking forward to seeing them, hope i can help you out with some thoughts.


JB Cases

Silver Member
,,,when I went to save it on my camera,,it only had the last part of the last rack recorded!!! Not sure why??

And that don't make me happy. I made some great shots to get there too!!!

My best is a 42,,again no video. But I do have several in the 30's on video,,just cant seem to do well on video.

My biggest issue with 14-1 is leaving the break ball. I have a plan when only a few balls left. But seem to get out of shape and end up leaving it terrible!!

I hate it when that happens. My camera only does 47 minutes as well which sucks.


Silver Member
Here's the run of 39. Might be 40 I'm not sure. But it is the best I have recorded yet.
I tried 3 times to break them 2 balls apart at the end. Missed them each time by little,,and it cost me.
I would not have had a good break ball anyhow but sure would have liked to try.



Silver Member

First off thanks for sharing, and good shooting !!!

From what i can see, you dont look around the table enough to look at your paths and your trouble areas. you dont really look precisely where you need to be on the next ball, seems that you are playing area position.

you tend to burn off break balls early and gamble on the fact of creating new ones. as well you gamble when you let the cue ball loose into clusters without insurance balls.

I do not say this to be insulting at all, just want to see you improve. like i said take a few trips around the table and plan some things out. try to play a few balls ahead if you can.

look forward to seeing more videos, and good luck.

hope this helped !

oh and BTW the last run was a 40 :thumbup:


Silver Member
No offense taken,,its all good.

I need to get a better angle for my camera,,one over the table. So the shots can be seen better.
Because ,,believe it or not,,I do look ahead for the next few shots . And I do try to break balls when I have a insurance ball. But it's not always possible.
I'm just very fast at this,and scanning the table as I shoot.

But I did mis allot of the leaves I wanted ,,and had to go another route. I did that several times. It's hard to tell because of the camera. It looks like some balls go,,when they do not and vise versa.
I do need to slow down and look some shots over,,to get a precise angle.Seems I leave allot of balls straight in.

Hopefully I can post a 50 in the next few days!!!


Hearing the balls.....
Silver Member
HI there,

what Steve told you, is a very important thing! To learn to walk around the table- to get different perceptions from several point of views.

Then: Always make a plan! Never go down without having an EXACT plan!
Go for the right angle is for sure a great advice-but ALSO here: Go for the perfect position! Imagine the complete shot where you want to have whitey exactly!
I really love the shortcut *wysiwyg* (what you see is what you get)- of course this shortcut was usually developed for web-editors, but in my opinion it describes the mental planning in billiards perfectly.
Our brain is just able to work with *pictures*. And furthermore the brain doesn t know if you imagine or if you re doing it, hm? So if you really imagine/visualize the complete shot, you have played the shot REALLY in your head! So feed you brain...and you game will increase.
Visualizing is a great aspect- it teaches you, it allows you do earn knowledge and will help you to enter the next level.



Silver Member
Thanks for the advise.

I will try to tighten up. Looking back at my video,,I don't understand why I shoot these balls in the order I do.lol
Especially when I plowed into the rack (rack 3),when there were balls around it that would go in. And I barely come out of it with a shot. I think I shot 10 to 14 combo in the corner after.

It nice to be able to look back at the video.


Silver Member
I hate it when that happens. My camera only does 47 minutes as well which sucks.

I don't know what camera you have but my camera takes a SD card. It is HD,,and High speed ,,so I have to use a HDHC 16 GB or bigger card.

The bigger the card the more memory it has. Some of the regular cards are only 4 GB's.

I believe I can record up around 2 hours or so. And I think any camera that uses SD cards will accept the bigger HD cards,,even if they are not a HD camera. For longer video time purposes.

They sell 32 GB cards and maybe even bigger,,I'm not sure what the max is.


Silver Member
if using it to record just pool, it doesnt really have to be in true HD, if you lower the quality setting it will make the file size smaller and hense take up less room on the card, enabling you to record more hours of footage before you have to upload them to your machine.


I don't know what camera you have but my camera takes a SD card. It is HD,,and High speed ,,so I have to use a HDHC 16 GB or bigger card.

The bigger the card the more memory it has. Some of the regular cards are only 4 GB's.

I believe I can record up around 2 hours or so. And I think any camera that uses SD cards will accept the bigger HD cards,,even if they are not a HD camera. For longer video time purposes.

They sell 32 GB cards and maybe even bigger,,I'm not sure what the max is.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here's the run of 35. I was trying to get on the 14 ,,at the end of the run. It was really the only ball that had a pocket.
The other,,39 is loading now.


Nice run. As a general rule most people would tell you not to run into balls when everything goes like you did at 1:10 unless you are trying to develop a break ball.

Thanks for posting the video.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My biggest issue with 14-1 is leaving the break ball. I have a plan when only a few balls left. But seem to get out of shape and end up leaving it terrible!!

When there's only a few balls left is too late. Having a good end pattern is largely dictated by what you do early & mid rack. It's not so much which balls you shoot, it's which balls you don't shoot that allow for good end patterns.


Silver Member
Nice run. As a general rule most people would tell you not to run into balls when everything goes like you did at 1:10 unless you are trying to develop a break ball.

Thanks for posting the video.

I have posted about myself about this very same thing. Looking back and wondering why I hit balls that have pockets they will go in. On some shots I think it is the angle of the video,,and some balls look like they go in ,,but they do not.

I looked at what you are referring to. And it's funny how I can remember these shots. But ,,that shot ,,I was ,for sure ,,trying to make a break ball. In which I did.
But I almost came out of that with NO shot!!

Other times in my videos,, I don't know myself why I do these things. lol

Thanks for the input. I need it!! I have tried several times since these videos and cant seem to get a run going past 2 racks.

It's a brutal game,,this 14-1. So easy but yet so hard!!