Is Pool a Sport?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I seem to remember a George Carlin routine discussing what activity's are sports. If my memory is correct, he thought that for something to be a sport there had to be some chance of getting hurt while doing it. So if you see someone coming out of a pool hall with a cue shoved up their butt, that just might be a sports related injury.

Very clever!!


Where'd my stroke go?
Silver Member
A game is something you can get better at just by reading and gaining knowledge about it.
A sport is something that you have to go out and do to develop the physical skills to get better at it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
meh... the poll shows that pollers think that golf is a more legitimate sport than gymnastics...

IMO i think pool is more on the game side, with definite physical elements involved. just like golf.


Multiverse Operative
Silver Member
Did you seriously say pool is close to being as mentally challenging as chess????? I don't think so. It definitely has its strong mental aspects, but not even close to chess.

I do not think it is a sport. Obviously a highly skilled event, but I consider it a skilled game instead of a sport.

Do you play One Pocket? From your post I would think you don't. I have played chess and find that One Pocket and Chess are very similar in that allowing a 1/2 an inch of travel space this way or that can allow a different move to be made that allows escape from a trap. The art is in escape and offensive at the same time. Just when you think you know that game you can find a player who through his moves can immobilize you and not allow you to apply the solutions that you know forcing you to learn his game in order to be able to achieve yet another level. It might not be chess but its mighty close in its nature. The smallest of moves can be a weakness in your game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey we are doing better than Freerunning/Parcours!!!! THAT is a surprise!

I think if you want to play pool competitive, you need to keep a certain fitness level and a lot of training. Of course shoveling balls at Slick Willis with a few pints on a 8' table might take away alot of the sports feeling about it ...

How could anybody not know what curling is? It is more often on Eurosport than bike racing ... and yes, I too find it about as fascanating to watch as fishing ... though I too belive it takes a lot of skills ...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I started to critique competitions which don't have an objective barometer of "winning" as it's basis for sports-dom...

Then came:


I then thought about the lack of needed athleticism (granted you, bowling seemed to avoid this reductio ad absurdum)

It's a silly little addictive game. I've never lost my breath playing it and have more often than the reverse, felt I played worse and won.

Poor man's golf maybe.

The Renfro
Silver Member
The euros and asians are treating it like a sport and are fast becoming the best in the business at it.... Most anyone that voted on this poll is likely not aware of how things have changed from gramp's basement...... League play= game/hobby World class = sport...... Mika does 6 miles a day so Earl is now doing 7..... Thorsten has a diet straight from th German Olympic training comittee.... Niels is likely benching your GF's weight and he looks good doing it... Treat pool as a game while the rest of the world isn't and we only get farther behind..........


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The euros and asians are treating it like a sport and are fast becoming the best in the business at it.... Most anyone that voted on this poll is likely not aware of how things have changed from gramp's basement...... League play= game/hobby World class = sport...... Mika does 6 miles a day so Earl is now doing 7..... Thorsten has a diet straight from th German Olympic training comittee.... Niels is likely benching your GF's weight and he looks good doing it... Treat pool as a game while the rest of the world isn't and we only get farther behind..........

Never a truer statement written! Americans are seeing it as a game from the past. Pool deserves far more respect then that.


Multiverse Operative
Silver Member
Never a truer statement written! Americans are seeing it as a game from the past. Pool deserves far more respect then that.

I will agree with Renfro and Buckshot and add in order for Pool to advance in this country we have to put in place a way to add fun to the Amateur scenario and make the fun something we focus on in order to bring people into Pool.

As time goes by people can decide to make a serious individual endeavor picking up the level of competition but the problem is we need to be able to recruit from a higher demographic of people. The old demographic is disappearing and they really don't spend much money which is evident in the closing of rooms.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
At least jai alai is legit. Can't say the same about curling.

Very true. If we are going on the physical stress aspect, curling can be put in the same category as pool lol. Jai Alai is wicked. By far, the strangest and most interesting sport.


Silver Member
I think it's a sport, and that's how I treat it when I practice or play. Also, I think getting above 40% in this poll for pool is pretty good.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I can't believe that poker and chess made it on this list...
...a sport should require hand and eye coordination.
If Stephen Hawking took up chess, I'll assume that he'll beat me...
....and he can river me for my stack at poker...
...but I'll play him 140 to 1 at one-pocket.

But whatever pool is, I'm gonna look at it like JJ Cale looks at geetar playin'..,d.cGU
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Jude Rosenstock

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This question pops up regularly. I am not sure what good it makes.. Billiard Sports are officially recognized by the IOC. Whether or not you as a player treat it like a sport is a different story.

I do:)

I think the selection of Olympic sports is getting increasingly dumb. In my humble opinion, the Olympics should be very basic and should be a test of human speed, strength and/or endurance. As well, anything that is extremely game-like that requires excessive strategy shouldn't be an Olympic sport and that includes just about all team sports like basketball and hockey.

That said, they're never going to listen to little old me and if you're going to have judo, ice hockey, fencing, curling, rowing, shooting, volleyball and tennis, I don't see why you can't also have pool.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
I think the selection of Olympic sports is getting increasingly dumb. In my humble opinion, the Olympics should be very basic and should be a test of human speed, strength and/or endurance. As well, anything that is extremely game-like that requires excessive strategy shouldn't be an Olympic sport and that includes just about all team sports like basketball and hockey.

That said, they're never going to listen to little old me and if you're going to have judo, ice hockey, fencing, curling, rowing, shooting, volleyball and tennis, I don't see why you can't also have pool.


Are you seriously saying that hockey and basketball should not be Olympic sports?

When you say that in your opinion it should be kept simple; are you thinking like just have swimming, running, jumping and throwing?

Hard to imagine not getting to enjoy the thrill of the "Miracle On Ice" USA hockey win against the Russian hockey machine in '80.

here's the last minute:

IOC like just about everyone and everything are driven by money and marketability.

Whether or not volleyball, for instance, belongs in the olympics is debatable but I'm pretty sure that motion in those particular uniforms certainly helped this sport get recognized. Go Brazil! errr, I mean, USA USA... :eek:

brian kc
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Jude Rosenstock

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Are you seriously saying that hockey and basketball should not be Olympic sports?

When you say that in your opinion it should be kept simple; are you thinking like just have swimming, running, jumping and throwing?

Hard to imagine not getting to enjoy the thrill of the "Miracle On Ice" USA hockey win against the Russian hockey machine in '80.

here's the last minute:

IOC like just about everyone and everything are driven by money and marketability.

Whether or not volleyball, for instance, belongs in the olympics is debatable but I'm pretty sure that motion in those particular uniforms certainly helped this sport get recognized. Go Brazil! errr, I mean, USA USA... :eek:

brian kc

Yeah, I don't think they should be Olympic sports. Look, the Miracle On Ice is incredible but I think the world could have a hockey contest similar to The World Cup of Soccer. The Olympics itself should be, as you suggested I meant, about running, jumping, swimming, lifting, throwing. Stuff like that.

That said, once the door is opened to allow all the other stuff, pool fits in nicely.