It's the little things that entertain me

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
Ok, so last time out, I shoot poorly and I don't last long. Well, it happens, so it gives me time to shoot on a practice table with my buddy, BS, talk pool, women, and various other subjects I know nothing about. I like my blue Master chalk, so I carry a small box with me and use it when I play, and as usual, I've got a cube of it on our practice table as we play rack after rack.

Anyway, we are sitting there, jawing along, playing game after game, and watching a little of the semi's and finals next to us. When it's all over, one of the guys in the top 4 comes over to get his pay-out. As my buddy is counting the dinero, I notice the guy slide his hand over for the chalk. As he's handing over the money, this guy has palmed the chalk, obviously keeping it out of sight :D When he walks away, he keeps his hand cupped to disguise it. I flash a big grin, taking a moment to check the floor, pockets, table, anything that might prove me wrong. I check everywhere, no chalk, he just "walked" it :D

Guy just wins a nice little pay-out, and insists on pocketing a 25 cent piece of chalk :p I laugh a little and share this with my buddy, it's always interesting where a persons character will take them. I could care less, I figure 25 cents is a cheap price to know I can't trust someone....So I'm thinking maybe some of you have some great stories along those, the millionaire stealing a hotel robe or something :)



Fo' shizzle!
Silver Member
Heh. You should have grabbed another piece of chalk, walked over to the guy, and offered it to him, saying "Here's next week's piece of chalk too!" or somesuch :D

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
ScottW said:
Heh. You should have grabbed another piece of chalk, walked over to the guy, and offered it to him, saying "Here's next week's piece of chalk too!" or somesuch :D

Funny enough, he packed up the time I had checked all around the table and shared with my buddy, I think he was out the door.....maybe he is also a ninja master :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
thats absolutely amazing. Where I play currently chalk is a hot commodity as the room owner has been skimping lately and been buying this green crappy stuff i would let me niece and nephew color on the sidewalk with.


Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
Come on man, if you're gonna do it, do it. Name names!!! ;)

Matt <--- thinks THAT piece of Masters may have had the Golden Ticket in it

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
KoolKat9Lives said:
Come on man, if you're gonna do it, do it. Name names!!! ;)

Matt <--- thinks THAT piece of Masters may have had the Golden Ticket in it

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."

No good stories of theivery??? Even drunken theivery???

My best friends girlfriend in High School was a clepto.....everywhere we went, she had to pocket Outback, it was a the mall, it was clothes or shoes.....she couldn't help herself.....and she ended up with the most random crap you could think of....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This reminds me of something that happened a few weeks ago. Me and my buddy were playing some 9ball and there was a guy playing next to us by himself. We had some chalk on the pool table, well I started to chalk up my stick and the next thing you know he comes up to me and says "That is my chalk" so I looked at him and actually started laughing and asked him if he was serious and he said yes. I gave it to him and turned around and took a new one out of the box behind him. He didn't steal it but it was still funny!


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
folks on the next table . . .

Big Perm said:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."

No good stories of theivery??? Even drunken theivery???

My best friends girlfriend in High School was a clepto.....everywhere we went, she had to pocket Outback, it was a the mall, it was clothes or shoes.....she couldn't help herself.....and she ended up with the most random crap you could think of....

My ex in-laws helped put on events for the wealthy and super wealthy. They soon learned to buy a good grade of disposable everything. Putting out silverware or crystal half of it would be stolen by the guests!

I carry a few pieces of my own chalk too. Seventeen cents a cube when I bought a gross. One reason I started marking it was that people from the next table or passing by the table would "accidentally" score my good chalk when most of what was laid out was getting well worn.

Chalk theft is so bad some places that the pool halls get tired of putting it out. They put two cubes with the rack and you bring the chalk back to the counter with you when you pay your time. If not, they tell you to go fetch it. I think that is a little silly but no sillier than the people stealing a few cents worth of chalk. I leave mine as soon as it has a little wear on it and found it became kind of a calling card. People mention that they knew I had been playing somewhere, they saw my chalk.

Some people have even returned the chalk to me thinking I had accidentally left it behind. Two kinds of people, those that will steal a seventeen cent piece of chalk and those that will go out of their way to return it. There are days when I wonder why I hang around with some of the people in a pool hall, then there are days that I wonder why some of the others hang around with people like me!



Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
My ex, an only spoiled rat, was an identical pea in a pod as her Mom. Worth a few mil, dressed to the nines to get the mail, dripping diamonds - the whole in your face "don'tcha wanna be like me, eat sh!t not in this lifetime" (ooohhh, my catch and release therapy is slipping).

Anyway, they stole all kinds of stuff. Like Hu mentioned, silverware/tableware was irresistable. At nice hotels, they'd not only snag all the lotion/shampoo/etc, but nail the maid's cart for more. But during Christmas, Katie bar the door. Ornaments and decor was like Billy Joe Bob on 1st day of deer season with a new gun.

I still find hotel stuff and gold balls lying around...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Last week one of my teammates was playing a match. A guy on the next table that is just shooting for fun reaches over to our match table, grabs the chalk, chalks up and puts the chalk back while my player is trying to shoot. I look over and there are 2 cubes of chalk on his table, not 3 feet from where he was standing. I almost came unglued.


Strong D Player
Silver Member
I was practicing by myself and i had one piece of chalk on my table... it was a good one... the people on the next table kept coming to my table taking it chalking up and than putting it back until they just kept it on there table.... i kept my cool and just walked over to the chalk basket and grabbed another one... i was frustrated cause they were bangers playing a single game on the bar box and had to come take my chalk while i was down on shots ect...
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rack'em zach'em

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is to Jason I have to admit that I use blue chalk as well...and well there was a time before Christmas last year when I had run out...But I was playing league at Fox and the Hound..And low and behold they always had the broke in dark nice masters chalk..Well if I didn't have any most of the time I would snag a piece to play with..It's bad I know...I have a box in my trunk now and I never take any in with me because I forget..

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
rack'em zach'em said:
This is to Jason I have to admit that I use blue chalk as well...and well there was a time before Christmas last year when I had run out...But I was playing league at Fox and the Hound..And low and behold they always had the broke in dark nice masters chalk..Well if I didn't have any most of the time I would snag a piece to play with..It's bad I know...I have a box in my trunk now and I never take any in with me because I forget..

LOL....I usually accidentally leave one behind at least once a month, so I've got you taken care of :D

I just found it strange the way he palmed it....reminded me of the old school drug pass :p

blah blah


I'm a chalk thief.

There. I said it.

I always keep some in my case, and I often do end up leaving it behind after I have to pull it out by necessity. I figure I've stolen 3 pieces total, just the ones in my case, and that I just continually replace them throughout Sacramento. So now Diamond has some Hard Times has some Jointed Cue has some Hard Times chalk.

(and I like to be sneaky about stealing it, too- the palming, the swiping it from other tables... That adds to the fun.)


My light saber is LD
Silver Member
My brother is a sticky fingered little turd. Every restaurant or bar we go to he snatches something. Beer mugs, bottles of olive oil, souffle cups you name it. The other week we were at a steakhouse which had the tin pails of peanuts and one of those crappy tin pails ended up in his gfs purse. I was like wth are you going to do with that piece of crap?

Another one of my buddies likes snatching stuff too, but not really from people, so he's not grabbing personal property. He was at an amusement park with my brother and just walked up to one of those carnival type games and just grabbed a giant stuffed animal and walked away.


My light saber is LD
Silver Member
I was about to add that I am not a thief, but I just remembered that I am a serious lighter thief. The funny part is that I don't smoke. At one time I had about 20 lighters in my dresser drawer and have absolutely no recollection as to how I got it.


Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
gunzby said:
I was about to add that I am not a thief, but I just remembered that I am a serious lighter thief. The funny part is that I don't smoke. At one time I had about 20 lighters in my dresser drawer and have absolutely no recollection as to how I got it.

Makes ya wonder what else you do when you're in that alter-state! That's too dam funny.

This is a good thread. Peeps are really confessing the deep stuff now, and I think it could lead to a worldwide release!!! (I KNOW Obama's people's people read this, so take note Yo)

Ok, ok.... Momma Theresa, I'mmagonna unleash.

I did it. Like twice or a hundred. I steal golf cart pencils from nice tracks 'cause I'm too lazy to use a sharpener.

My fate is sealed and ain't enuf SPF to save me now.


I'm better with a wedge!
Silver Member
KoolKat9Lives said:
Makes ya wonder what else you do when you're in that alter-state! That's too dam funny.

This is a good thread. Peeps are really confessing the deep stuff now, and I think it could lead to a worldwide release!!! (I KNOW Obama's people's people read this, so take note Yo)

Ok, ok.... Momma Theresa, I'mmagonna unleash.

I did it. Like twice or a hundred. I steal golf cart pencils from nice tracks 'cause I'm too lazy to use a sharpener.

My fate is sealed and ain't enuf SPF to save me now.

What says the most about your character is that you take them from nice courses (those are the ones that usually have erasers....)!!!


Silver Member
i'll be honest, i am a klepto when it comes to new pieces of chalk!!!!

only cuz, I've probably had just as many pieces of chalked swipped from me, in return, when I've bought new pieces,,,,, on my own, so i figure, since someone took from me, i am taking my piece back lol.