Jay Helfert resigned as Tourney Director at the US Open

JB Cases

Silver Member
Bummer. Feel bad for Jay.

I also honestly feel bad that Jay ever went back. The US Open doesn't need Jay to run the event. Jay doesn't need to run the US Open. Jay was treated like crap years ago and went back anyway knowing what he was walking into.

I prefer to see Jay doing his own events which always go off without issues and no drama.

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
Why is a player who forfeited a match allowed to carry on playing in the tournament two days after being scratched from the event?

It's been going on here in the states since the Mosconi days left us Years ago. Those were the days and the times and the era, where the players were celebrities and treated like it, much like the snooker champs are.

The players, and the industry are very similar animals, ''what's in it for me'' is the mindset. Out industries business has always been hand to mouth so ta speak, It's why this stuff continues to happen.

I had a match with Mizerak years ago that was called, I waited, he didn't show, it was then rescheduled for a later time, it's because of his name, and what it means to the PROMOTER and his gate that, the game plays second fiddle. It's just the way it is. In the states, they play for money, not a life and with no planning. Most all are broke dick so the dollar is the ruler in this capitalistic society.

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Unfortunate situation.
Jay did the right thing -

The rules must be enforced on everyone equally - no favoritism.
Not sure how this could be allowed to happen.

It is wrong on so many levels.
(If a player could be ''allowed' to enter late, it has to go to the next name on the waiting list).

Mark Griffin


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Unfortunate situation.
Jay did the right thing -

The rules must be enforced on everyone equally - no favoritism.
Not sure how this could be allowed to happen.

It is wrong on so many levels.
(If a player could be ''allowed' to enter late, it has to go to the next name on the waiting list).

Mark Griffin

Umm... Kind of ironic given the whole let Shane back in fiasco that took place

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
You sir obviously do not know all the facts - and that was a completely different situation.


Mark Griffin


Silver Member
Yeah Allen was pretty far off his game and his usual unusual stroke was unusually wonky today.

i'll let him know you're available for lessons:grin-square:

on topic: looks like BB found out some things aren't for sale
Unfortunate situation.
Jay did the right thing -

The rules must be enforced on everyone equally - no favoritism.
Not sure how this could be allowed to happen.

It is wrong on so many levels.
(If a player could be ''allowed' to enter late, it has to go to the next name on the waiting list).

Mark Griffin

because barry has been shady for 50 years is why it happens.....kudos to jay for quitting

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Ah yes, another person who thinks they know the situation.

This is info from 18 months ago. What is wrong with you guys - don't have enough creative constructive things to occupy your mind.

Next time try posting your real name - and obviously, if you want to have a real meaningful discussion, call me. (which I know you won't).

You are doing no favors to the game or yourself by creating the impression that 'the big sinister move' was put into play. Get real.

If you want to discuss this, create your own thread, this one is about the US Open and Jay Helfert resigning, remember?

Mark Griffin
Ah yes, another person who thinks they know the situation.

This is info from 18 months ago. What is wrong with you guys - don't have enough creative constructive things to occupy your mind.

Next time try posting your real name - and obviously, if you want to have a real meaningful discussion, call me. (which I know you won't).

You are doing no favors to the game or yourself by creating the impression that 'the big sinister move' was put into play. Get real.

If you want to discuss this, create your own thread, this one is about the US Open and Jay Helfert resigning, remember?

Mark Griffin

don't let the trolls get under your skin mark......I appreciate what you have done to make pool better


Silver Member
so Barry knew that Alan was coming in, but didn't convey to Pat for posting. Alan didn't check that he wasn't on the roster & showed up. Barry "bought out" the local's spot v Kiamco, instead of subbing for Jeremy's known vacant spot against Darren.... but more importantly:

1) did Alan bring his $1000 GREEN JACKET?
2) is Roberta going to step in as the replacement TD?
3) there are now 2 rooms available @ the Sheraton.

Cheers, Jay! you did the right thing.


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so Barry knew that Alan was coming in, but didn't convey to Pat for posting. Alan didn't check that he wasn't on the roster & showed up. Barry "bought out" the local's spot v Kiamco, instead of subbing for Jeremy's known vacant spot against Darren.... but more importantly:

1) did Alan bring his $1000 GREEN JACKET?
2) is Roberta going to step in as the replacement TD?
3) there are now 2 rooms available @ the Sheraton.

Cheers, Jay! you did the right thing.

this post made me laugh out loud :clapping:


I am Keyser Söze
Silver Member
Ah yes, another person who thinks they know the situation.

This is info from 18 months ago. What is wrong with you guys - don't have enough creative constructive things to occupy your mind.

Next time try posting your real name - and obviously, if you want to have a real meaningful discussion, call me. (which I know you won't).

You are doing no favors to the game or yourself by creating the impression that 'the big sinister move' was put into play. Get real.

If you want to discuss this, create your own thread, this one is about the US Open and Jay Helfert resigning, remember?

Mark Griffin

Would you like me to quote SJM, YOUR FRIEND who was there, who posted his own synopsis of what happened, and then posted his thoughts after you called him to tell him you were upset at his synopsis?

Better yet, i can link the thread if you like.

So anyway...
To some, you commenting in this thread is the pot calling the kettle black.

It really is in bad taste. Even people who staunchly defend you have expressed that in the past 5 minutes.

You are not above reproach.

Sometimes, staying silent on a topic, when you yourself have made "mistakes" as someone in charge, is the best approach.
Something for you to think about.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ah yes, another person who thinks they know the situation.

This is info from 18 months ago. What is wrong with you guys - don't have enough creative constructive things to occupy your mind.

Next time try posting your real name - and obviously, if you want to have a real meaningful discussion, call me. (which I know you won't).

You are doing no favors to the game or yourself by creating the impression that 'the big sinister move' was put into play. Get real.

If you want to discuss this, create your own thread, this one is about the US Open and Jay Helfert resigning, remember?

Mark Griffin
I didn't mean any disrespect by it I simply thought it was a bit ironic.. I wasn't there and have opinion as everyone else does but at the end of the day, I appreciate all you do for the game and appreciate all you do. On a side note , I'd love to have to conversation about the game but doubt you want to share your pool stories with me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not sure exactly what has gone on here but Jay has quit at Director on the first day. Just read it here, it is at the very end of the story/update. http://www.azbilliards.com/news/stories/12330-us-open-karen-corr/

Great move, Jay. TD should be allowed to do his job without interference from promoter . When Barry crosses that line of interference , Barry should be fired and Pat should take over .:D

so Barry knew that Alan was coming in, but didn't convey to Pat for posting. Alan didn't check that he wasn't on the roster & showed up. Barry "bought out" the local's spot v Kiamco, instead of subbing for Jeremy's known vacant spot against Darren.... but more importantly:

1) did Alan bring his $1000 GREEN JACKET?
2) is Roberta going to step in as the replacement TD?
3) there are now 2 rooms available @ the Sheraton.

Cheers, Jay! you did the right thing.

This is really "Days of our lives" LOL


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I didn't mean any disrespect by it I simply thought it was a bit ironic.. I wasn't there and have opinion as everyone else does but at the end of the day, I appreciate all you do for the game and appreciate all you do. On a side note , I'd love to have to conversation about the game but doubt you want to share your pool stories with me.

A round- robin situation is not the same as this draw situation.

I'm curious of the reactions from management if Kiamco had've insisted on playing the
man he originally drew.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
It's been a long day and I just returned home. I was not happy to leave the U.S. Open but I had no choice. To continue as TD would be to compromise my principles and I won't do that. I strenuously objected to Allen Hopkins being put into the field a day after the tournament flow chart had been posted. Barry asked me to find a player we could remove (paying them off if necessary) and insert Allen into his spot on the board. I refused to do this and made it clear to Barry that it was cheating. This went on all day Sunday with Barry making every attempt he could to find someone who would drop out. He posted flyers to that effect by the tournament board and asked me to make announcements, which I wouldn't do.

All the while he continued to send me derogatory text messages, with liberal use of profanity. I ignored them and just hoped he would eventually drop this very bad idea. I was kept busy doing the work of three men, since Barry had not seen fit to hire any of the assistants that I requested. Saving money takes priority with Barry at all times. He was all too anxious to get rid of me when he saw that I would not go along with his unethical program.

I spoke with Allan directly and told him that this was a bad idea. His name had never been on any players list that Pat or I had seen.

I talked to Allan on Sunday morning, explaining to him that the field was full and the board had been posted last night. If I had known about this a day earlier, before we did the draw, then I may have been able to get him in. Allan understood and told me he didn't care if he played or not. I then sent this message to Barry and his response was a mere, "PUT HIM IN! I DON'T CARE HOW YOU DO IT!?" I responded to Barry that I would not put Allan in under any circumstances.

The tournament continued with the day matches and I did my job (under some duress I might add). I started the day at 8 AM and at 5:30 pm I finally had a 45 minute break to eat some dinner. When I returned to the tournament area, I noticed that Lee Steelman's name had been whited out and Allen Hopkins name inserted in his place. For me this was the last straw. I had put up with two days of Barry's incoherent and often abusive ramblings and now he decided to manipulate the tournament board. He had NEVER before touched the tournament flow chart in any Opens that I had previously worked. I let Barry know that I would be withdrawing as TD effective on Monday (today). I finished working the evening rounds, updated the flow charts and scheduled the next two days matches. Hopefully that will be enough for Scott or whoever to finish the event. I assured the players that the money was good and they didn't have to worry about that.

Several people tried to convince me to stay, but I felt that by staying I was tacitly condoning what had just happened. Basically we had cheated as a favor to Allen Hopkins. I couldn't in good conscience overlook this and continue to do my job. In over 30 years directing tournaments I had never allowed anything like this happen and I wasn't about to start now. I had no choice but to withdraw as TD and I did. I gave all my materials to Scott and hopefully he will be able to handle it okay. The U.S. Open is not the easiest tournament to run and it takes some expertise to make the schedule work on time. If they follow my lead for the first three days I think they can do it. I wish them luck. I got to bed at about 1:30 AM, a seventeen hour day, mostly on my own. I was bleary eyed from fatigue and stress, but agreed to wait until the morning to see if cooler heads could prevail. My bottom line was that Allen could not play in the tournament. I awoke at just after 10 AM and walked out of my room just in time to hear them announcing Allen's match with Warren Kiamco, on the TV table no less. I went back inside, packed my bags and left for the airport. I finally got back home at 9 PM California time.

I have no regrets. I feel that I made the right decision for me.
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Enjoying life
Silver Member
It's been a long day and I just returned home. I was not happy to leave the U.S. Open but I had no choice. To continue as TD would be to compromise my principles and I won't do that. I strenuously objected to Allen Hopkins being put into the field a day after the tournament flow chart had been posted. Barry asked me to find a player we could remove (paying them off if necessary) and insert Allen into his spot of the board. I refused to do that and made it clear to Barry that it was cheating. This went on all day Sunday with Barry making every attempt he could to find someone who would drop out. He posted flyers to that effect by the tournament board and asked me to make announcements, which I wouldn't do.

All the while he continued to send me derogatory text messages, with the liberal use of profanity. I ignored them and just hoped he would eventually drop this very bad idea. I was kept busy doing the work of three men, since Barry had not seen fit to hire any of the assistants that I requested. Saving money takes priority with Barry at all times. He was all too anxious to get rid of me when he saw that I would not go along with his unethical program.

I spoke with Allan directly and told him that this was a bad idea. His name had never been on any players list that Pat or I had seen.

I talked to Allan on Sunday morning, explaining to him that the field was full and the board had been posted last night. If I had known about this a day earlier, before we did the draw, then I may have been able to get him in. Allan understood and told me he didn't care if he played or not. I then sent this message to Barry and his response was a mere, "PUT HIM IN! I DON'T CARE HOW YOU DO IT!?" I responded to Barry that I would not put Allan in under any circumstances.

The tournament continued with the day matches and I did my job (under some duress I might add). I started the day at 8 AM and at 5:30 pm I finally had a 45 minute break to eat some dinner. When I returned to the tournament area, I noticed that Lee Steelman's name had been whited out and Allen Hopkins name inserted in his place. For me this was the last straw. I had put up with two days of Barry's incoherent and often abusive ramblings and now he decided to manipulate the tournament board. He had NEVER before touched the tournament flow chart in any Opens I had previously worked. I let Barry know that I would be withdrawing as TD effective on Monday (today). I finished working the evening rounds, updated the flow charts and scheduled the next two days matches. Hopefully that will be enough for Scott or whoever to finish the event. I assured the players that the money was good and they didn't have to worry about that.

Several people tried to convince me to stay, but I felt that by staying I was tacitly condoning what had just happened. Basically we had cheated as a favor to Allen Hopkins. I couldn't in good conscience overlook this and continue to do my job. In over 30 years directing tournaments I had never allowed anything like this happen and I wasn't about to start now. I had no choice but to withdraw as TD and I did. I gave all my materials to Scott and hopefully he will be able to handle it okay. The U.S. Open is not the easiest tournament to run and it takes some expertise to make the schedule work on time. If they follow my lead for the first three days I think they can do it. I wish them luck.
Barry shouldn't be organizing any events. People are posting on this year's Open "But the money is good". Besides this cheating fiasco, I don't even want to start talking about money and Barry here.

US Open is definitely the one major tournament I don't ever want to play in.

You made the right decision, Jay. Tap, tap, tap!
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AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
I have no regrets. I feel that I made the right decision for me.

Good man Jay. You stood by this tournament as long as you could because you knew the players needed and wanted it. It's obvious to all that Barry cannot be trusted.

Let me repeat, Barry cannot be trusted. That is and will always be the answer.