John Schmidt at BullShooters


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My sincere apologies to the entire billiard community for using a term related to me 30 years ago and which i continued to use without permission from you all until this moment. I will discontinue the public utterance of the illicit term 'crack shot' from here on out!! I am so sorry for mental trauma i have caused for many of you!

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
My sincere apologies to the entire billiard community for using a term related to me 30 years ago and which i continued to use without permission from you all until this moment. I will discontinue the public utterance of the illicit term 'crack shot' from here on out!! I am so sorry for mental trauma i have caused for many of you!
Don't let it happen again.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My sincere apologies to the entire billiard community for using a term related to me 30 years ago and which i continued to use without permission from you all until this moment. I will discontinue the public utterance of the illicit term 'crack shot' from here on out!! I am so sorry for mental trauma i have caused for many of you!

I want reparations. Cold beer should do it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I haven't the foggiest idea why you think i need 2 books i have owned for over 25 years. Is it because they dont use the term 'crack shot'? Does that term that i was taught by a still living 80 something fairly well know 1P gambler really bother you so much? I can recommend a few books for you.

I know it is not a secret but i didnt know it until about 30 days into playing when i was taught it. Geez!

Is that player Hoyer the Voyeur:eek:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I have been watching his end rack patterns are off. He seem to get too fast pace and ending up a lot of difficult last ball patterns. Can´t pocket all hard shots. :(


Unprofessional everything
Silver Member
I wish they had a live counter. Maybe in 2020 when the technology will improve by then. :cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I have been watching his end rack patterns are off. He seem to get too fast pace and ending up a lot of difficult last ball patterns. Can´t pocket all hard shots. :(
I agree. It seems like he takes too many hard shots to really be giving 400-500 a scare.


AzB Member
Silver Member
My sincere apologies to the entire billiard community for using a term related to me 30 years ago and which i continued to use without permission from you all until this moment. I will discontinue the public utterance of the illicit term 'crack shot' from here on out!! I am so sorry for mental trauma i have caused for many of you!

I'm really surprised that nobody here is familiar with the crack shot ... this was one of the first techniques taught to me when I was learning pool ... I learned the "Crack Shot" right after learning the Sack-Stroke and the Taint-Ticky.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I have been watching his end rack patterns are off. He seem to get too fast pace and ending up a lot of difficult last ball patterns. Can´t pocket all hard shots. :(

I noticed that the one time I was able to watch.

It seemed he was 'in a hurry". I think his position play when approaching the ball before the key has been part of his problem.

Then again, lol.... I wish I had his problems in pool.

Just think how it must feel to run several high 100's, 200's and even 300+ and all the while not be shooting your best.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Is anyone keeping count of “every” run length? I know the higher daily runs have been posted. If we had all the runs, we could figure out his ball pocketing probability. Mr Jewett did that before to show how likely a run of xyz is to happen.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see they are back with the Sardo rack.

Mr Sardo came to Bullshooters and personally preped the table for John. Taping down each ball in accordance of using the rack. Sounds pretty simple, but if not done right the rack never stay tight. With the loose rack issue resolved, the balls are spreading apart much better.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
John is up to 266 after hitting both points on the far corner pocket after drawing back a break shot. Still going.