June 15th ......Gov. Newsom Is Reopening California 100% (with mask mandate)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
California has a population of 40,000,000. So far 20,000,000 does of COVID vaccines have been injected into people’s arms.

Finally the state has recovered its COVID mojo and leads our nation with the lowest new infection rate. Governor Newsom
just announced today that on June 15th, the state will be reopening at 100% capacity, presuming that new infections remain
on the decline & new vaccinations stay on target. There will still be a mask mandate when out in public but this is our state’s
best sign so far that COVID-19 is coming under control. I hope the COVID B17 variant doesn’t affect the plan to 100% open.

Hopefully, pool halls will reopen prior to the 6/15 full capacity date but at least now there seems to be some genuine daylight.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So as long as your last sentence mentions a pool hall, this should totally belong in the Main Forum, right?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yup...... all pool halls in CA can open at 100% full capacity on June 15th, which happens to be a Tuesday.
It only stands to reason that since pool halls are still closed in my region, they’ll get to reopen before 6/15.

At what occupancy percentage pool halls will be allowed to start reopening with will eventually be announced.
It has just been a long sabbatical. I hope that the pool halls survive after such an extended disastrous closure.


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
California has a population of 40,000,000. So far 20,000,000 does of COVID vaccines have been injected into people’s arms.

Finally the state has recovered its COVID mojo and leads our nation with the lowest new infection rate. Governor Newsom
just announced today that on June 15th, the state will be reopening at 100% capacity, presuming that new infections remain
on the decline & new vaccinations stay on target. There will still be a mask mandate when out in public but this is our state’s
best sign so far that COVID-19 is coming under control. I hope the COVID B17 variant doesn’t affect the plan to 100% open.

Hopefully, pool halls will reopen prior to the 6/15 full capacity date but at least now there seems to be some genuine daylight.
Our county is now vaccinating 30 and older - we are moving along quite quickly. Once again, pool will be cool.

David in FL

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Our county is now vaccinating 30 and older - we are moving along quite quickly. Once again, pool will be cool.
Florida is now vaccinating everybody 16 and older who wants it.

And we’ve been completely open for 10 months now… so if you want to play pool without waiting for another two months, come on down. 🙂


Silver Member
California is in a indefinite state of emergency because of a executive order. Meaning until that order is done away with, California is under martial law.

There is nothing preventing future lockdowns or shutting businesses down.

There is no valid science behind picking the June date. Just like him stating 24 million Californians would die.

The mask mandate is just stupid.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
California has a population of 40,000,000. So far 20,000,000 does of COVID vaccines have been injected into people’s arms.

Finally the state has recovered its COVID mojo and leads our nation with the lowest new infection rate. Governor Newsom
just announced today that on June 15th, the state will be reopening at 100% capacity, presuming that new infections remain
on the decline & new vaccinations stay on target. There will still be a mask mandate when out in public but this is our state’s
best sign so far that COVID-19 is coming under control. I hope the COVID B17 variant doesn’t affect the plan to 100% open.

Hopefully, pool halls will reopen prior to the 6/15 full capacity date but at least now there seems to be some genuine daylight.
Seeing posts like this makes me thankful for living in a non-communist state. Early on, there were some local, city council imposed restrictions on business that lasted a couple of months......but for the most part, Covid has had no impact on my choice to shoot pool (leagues, tournaments, with friends, etc)


If not now...
Silver Member
California is in a indefinite state of emergency because of a executive order. Meaning until that order is done away with, California is under martial law.

There is nothing preventing future lockdowns or shutting businesses down.

There is no valid science behind picking the June date. Just like him stating 24 million Californians would die.

The mask mandate is just stupid.

How many times has Newsome, et al, been caught without masks?

Some crisis when the main crier doesn't listen to himself.

Jeff Livingston


If not now...
Silver Member
Seeing posts like this makes me thankful for living in a non-communist state. Early on, there were some local, city council imposed restrictions on business that lasted a couple of months......but for the most part, Covid has had no impact on my choice to shoot pool (leagues, tournaments, with friends, etc)

I'm heading to the state tournament downtown today.

The rumor is masks while walking but not while playing.

"Science" it is called.

Jeff Livingston


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Less than a week to go before I am cleared to mingle with other vaccinated people.
My first time back on a pool table will either be next Thursday or Friday after a layoff
of 14 months due to that friggin virus. My cues haven’t even been out of the case the
whole duration and next week I am going to lag for the break without any practice &
then just play ice cold. My buddy and I have discussed how much a long layoff might
throw off your game and how long to recapture whatever stroke rhythm you previously
had. I’m really not sure either because everyone has had a day where your pool game
just seemed like crap and you struggled only to return the following night and suddenly
and inexplicably it was like you hadn’t lost a beat. So playing ice cold after a long layoff
will be interesting to experience. we’ll play a couple of straight pool matches to start and
switch to 10 ball in 5 game sets. We want to also play some Target Pool as well which on a
9’ table can get maniacal but still lots of fun nonetheless even trying to get close to the target.
I pulled these off my shelf today and actually forgot I had two spare sets and not just one extra.


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Silver Member
The virus had nothing to do with lockdowns, but a fool of a governor using lies to enact martial law.

The lockdown forced Edges to close. They aint reopening.

You are a prime example of a government slave.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This afternoon I finished two weeks isolation after getting my 2nd COVID-19 vaccination.

It’s been exactly 14 months since I held or even touched a pool cue. Tomorrow I’ll play for
the first time and I almost feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. Time can’t pass fast enough and
it’s great to finally have a recreational activity to look forward to again. I may even use a new
set of Centennials even though the set in my travel case is perfectly fine. I just polished them
today using a Ballstar machine. This is my first time visiting my friend’s new man cave setup.

The pockets are tight, new Simonis and new rail rubbers; he also had heaters installed under
9 ft. table slate and LED lighting positioned 6’ over the table. This setup sounds great and I’m
so looking forward to resuming pool again. Like I earlier wrote, I feel like a kid at Xmas waiting
for Santa. I’m not even picking which cue to play with. I told him when I go to wash my hands
before we play, while I’m gone he can choose which cue for me to use. This way if he kicks my
ass I’ll just tell him that’s because he picked which cue and I would have selected a different one.

Actually I really don’t care. Just to resume playing pool is reward enuf. Even a bad day of pool is
better than a day without any pool at all. And since COVID happened, well, it’s just been too long.
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