Lots of APA Drama Lately


Center Ball
Silver Member
So if I walked up in a noisy pool room and put my hand on your shoulder to get your attention, trying to tell you someone just walked off with your pool cue, you would hit me? Or call the cops?
OK I have been triggered. Backslash Alert:
I was seated in a booth across from Joel at the Black Angus. Right across the street from the Seed II in Bellevue. It was a Friday night and the Angus was starting to hop. A well built young lady was passing in the crowded aisle. Body by Fisher. She was facing me and heading to the ladies room where my wife was. Joel was feeling crass and uttered, "Nice Tits" at just a volume that she attributes the remark to me. She slid up against the booth where I was seated and placed her hand on my shoulder. She then slid it slowly down caressing to my left nipple. She did a couple of titillating laps and got it erected. Then she clamped on with the lobster grip. She squeezed it long enough that I was ready to raise up and knock her down........when she released.
When my wife returned, I related the incident and showed her the bruise(it was significant). Uh Oh, she was heading for the ladies room. I had to hold her back and summon security, it wouldn't have been pretty. With Joel restraint on the Wife, I related to security and she was evicted without my wife laying eyes on her. Whew. :wipesbrow:


Silver Member
Agreed. Putting your handson someone is an aggressive move.
I completely agree, me putting my hands on someone would most likely be putting my hands around their neck to get them to shut their cakehole, a very aggressive move. Me tapping you on your shoulder to get your attention because your kid is about to grab a bee hive off of a tree or because they are about to step out into a busy street is not aggressive move but still touching you.


Well-known member
I completely agree, me putting my hands on someone would most likely be putting my hands around their neck to get them to shut their cakehole, a very aggressive move. Me tapping you on your shoulder to get your attention because your kid is about to grab a bee hive off of a tree or because they are about to step out into a busy street is not aggressive move but still touching you.
OP didn't say he "tapped on the shoulder".

Thanks for agreeing with me.


from way back when
Silver Member
"He was a tiny guy and I'm not"
is what the op said.

so to a tiny guy one who isnt tiny is certainly intimidating when grabbed or a hand layed on from behind.
after already giving off the clue he didnt want to engage the op.

op had good intentions. but the little guy doesnt know that. and the big guy should have not touched a little guy who was already mad at him and himself.


Well-known member
"He was a tiny guy and I'm not"
is what the op said.

so to a tiny guy one who isnt tiny is certainly intimidating when grabbed or a hand layed on from behind.
after already giving off the clue he didnt want to engage the op.

op had good intentions. but the little guy doesnt know that. and the big guy should have not touched a little guy who was already mad at him and himself.

You are right. Genital kicks are definitely the proper reaction to someone attempting to console someone. You convinced me.


from way back when
Silver Member
a little guys reaction to a believed, real or not, threat may be a kick. a big guy maybe a punch.

you may think that's wrong but it happens that way.

so just dont engage a guy with a grab and and likely you wont get hit.

and a lawyer would tell you if you grabbed a person and he kicked you and you went and knocked him out or hurt him, it would be a felony as there was a disparage of force you being large and more powerful and easily able to back off.


Center Ball
Silver Member
Reading the non lawyer legal advise, reminds me of the Art Linkletter show where he asked the 5 year old children for advice. Great entertainment. Big smile ☺


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I haven't read but the first couple pages but I wanted to make a couple quick comments. Back when I was gambling nightly if somebody grabbed me from behind the least I would do was make a quick evaluation which way to spin and cock a fist, it might fly. Once a girl working in a place was kinda behind the front door when I went in. We knew each other pretty well and she thought it would be funny to grab my back aggressively with both hands. My right was coming up and across as I spun, no way to stop it. I managed to pull it a few inches and the fist went by her nose instead of probably knocking her clean out. I was punching with everything from my feet up and we would have both regretted it for a long time had I hit her solid.

Just a week or two ago I was notified of a must attend meeting with the fire chief. My back was giving me seven kinds of hell but "thou shalt be there" notices weren't to be ignored and the place I live in is too small to pretend I wasn't home. About twenty of us in the meeting and I had picked a spot at the far end of the room where there was a door for a quick exit and hopefully some better chairs. I was paying attention enough to hear that we were getting the same old fire blah-blah I had heard more times than I could remember at job sites. I was more focused on containing my pain and ignoring it than watching every move he made so he was on top of me and reaching for my shoulder before I realized it. I didn't want anyone touching me, I didn't even want anyone breathing too hard in my direction.

My right arm was in my lap with the chair pulled back and turned to face the speaker. My eyes were straight ahead so with him standing and me at chair level I got no warning. When his arm came out I snapped a knife or sword hand parry up and blocked the contact forearm to forearm. I didn't even look up to see his reaction. I haven't been in a real fight in decades and never was seriously into open hand fighting. No idea where that parry came from but it was fast as lightning and that's a fact. His hand was already within a foot of my shoulder when I started moving. The blow wasn't hard enough to injure or even hurt much and I didn't even look up. I figured the white oak walking cane was a a big enough hint that I might be a bit fragile.

I don't question runscott's intentions but I have to agree with all of the posts that say you don't invade somebody's personal space in this day and time. I see Greg laughing at the backyard legal advice so I will add mine from my reading of the laws when getting my concealed carry.

A substantially larger person comes at you from behind and "physically attacks you." Aside from the fact that most states don't let you legally carry in a bar he could have spun and put a couple caps in runscott and depending on the prosecutors office's funding and how smart the guy is telling his story he might walk without even being charged. Of course Runscott didn't see it as an attack, from his description I wouldn't either. However, the action is in the eye of the beholder to a certain extent. The grump's story would carry a lot more weight if Runscott couldn't respond to it.

We all have to remember we are in a different world the last ten years or so. France is pretty much up in flames right now. People are edgy. If you want somebody's attention in a pool hall when they are ignoring you and facing away, best to keep your distance and poke them in the shortribs with a house cue a time or two, no chalking required!

It's a crazy world out there. I was a bit surprised how many people didn't see any humor in the incident. Hate to say it, but I think they are right!


decent dennis

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Because the legal system was made for morons without brains not those that understand what is right and wrong and what is an appropriate reaction to situations. You don't stab someone with a knife because they cut in front of you in a line, you don't break someone's car windows because they broke up with you, and you sure as hell don't use violence unless it's clear that is what the person is pushing for. Even if someone is trying to start a fight, the smart thing to do is just ignore them. And any person with a normal brain should be tell the difference between trying to start a fight and anything else.
You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t

Chicken Feather

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Scott identified kicker as a loose nut..
IMO Scott made an error in judgment which drew the kick. Sad story. He probably won't make that mistake again.

Kicker should find a new hobby, such as taking long walks in the swamp. He shouldn't be around people.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I can only hope that I come across those with such a strong aversion to touching, I wouldn't waste my time pissing on them if they were on fire as they may construe that as "me putting my hands on them". To me there is a massive difference between putting my hands on someone and touching them, putting my hands onb someone is usually an aggressive move.
Now I know it’s your way only.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I completely agree, me putting my hands on someone would most likely be putting my hands around their neck to get them to shut their cakehole, a very aggressive move. Me tapping you on your shoulder to get your attention because your kid is about to grab a bee hive off of a tree or because they are about to step out into a busy street is not aggressive move but still touching you.
I like how you and others try qualify it by adding a noble gesture. Bravo.