Mastering the Masse


Mr. Masse
Silver Member
I was asked for advise on masse for someone just starting out, and this was my reply. I am sharing it because I know many of you also like to masse. I hope this helps people.

The very best thing you can do for your masse swing is to swing the cue in the air like you are set up to do one. Not even at the table just do it till it hurts a few times a day.

This builds the proper muscle group you need to practice it for any length of time.

Next it will be important to learn the accuracy of your masse stroke. I did this the way Buddy Hall said to learn your pool stroke. I shot trough a tube at the angle I wanted to learn until I could do it blindfolded.

After I had a few good angles like the 20 30 45 degree angle, and the 90 degree down pat I started trying the shots on the cueball. I trained like a pro football player would the field, and then on.

It is one thing to know how to masse because of the laws of physics, and another to be the athlete it takes to make the masse shots. That is probably the best way I can put it in words.

The rest is PM style.

Anyone else know any good drills to help someone interested in masse.


Paradigm Cue Sports
Silver Member
Nice way to put it bro. I have went as far to use one of those running/boxing hand weights so when you are holding that 52 pound cue in the air it flows like butter.

But on the other hand I heard thru the grapevine masse's are automatic with one of your diekman cues, lol?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I find I can execute the majority of masse shots that come up with a cue angle of 45 degrees or less. I also find that the closer I want the cue ball to masse the steeper the angle of the cue and if I want the cueball to masse farther away then the angle doesn't need to be steep at all. I also find for most masses that I don't need to hit them with much force - a normal medium and sometime less stroke will get the job done.

As with all shots the only way to master the shot is to practice practice practice.

Ball Banger

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A misconception I had was you needed a super soft Tip to Masse. Now I know that harder tip will Masse also. But I might ask the dumb question of which hardness tip is best for Masse Shots?? OR is this a matter of tastes like a Playing Cue??


Mr. Masse
Silver Member
A misconception I had was you needed a super soft Tip to Masse. Now I know that harder tip will Masse also. But I might ask the dumb question of which hardness tip is best for Masse Shots?? OR is this a matter of tastes like a Playing Cue??

There are so many good tips around right now. For the last decade it has been Everest by Tiger Products for masse and Sniper for the play almost everyone will say that. The last couple years some people have sent me some pretty good tips.

The Samsara J/B tip is 5 out of 5. I just started using the Kamui med soft to play pool. At Valley Forge John Schmidt talked them up, so I got the tip. I too am really liking them. It will take some more time for a full review of them but so far 5 out of 5. Any of these three are great, and I can now sell you some if you like. I am legit Mr. Masse Productions opened as of three days ago. I sent the paperwork in but can start making money now so...:wink:

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Ball Banger

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There are so many good tips around right now. For the last decade it has been Everest by Tiger Products for masse and Sniper for the play almost everyone will say that. The last couple years some people have sent me some pretty good tips.

The Samsara J/B tip is 5 out of 5. I just started using the Kamui med soft to play pool. At Valley Forge John Schmidt talked them up, so I got the tip. I too am really liking them. It will take some more time for a full review of them but so far 5 out of 5. Any of these three are great, and I can now sell you some if you like. I am legit Mr. Masse Productions opened as of three days ago. I sent the paperwork in but can start making money now so...:wink:



Reading between the lines, what you are saying is a harder tip is better for Massey shots than a soft tip. MY BAD I was thinking the other way.

IMHO while there are many good cue makers and great cues, I play as well with a $ 45.00 Players Sneaky Pete as a $ 20K Balabushka.


Mr. Masse
Silver Member
Never seen one. Still have not seen one they wanted to install something on my pc so I said no...I am interested in them I heard about it a long time ago.


Mr. Masse
Silver Member
Another thing I used to do I forgot to mention was after I was pretty decent at the masse I started trying to hit the same spot on the table. If you can stand to watch a video of me I show the drill did in a video made of me. Thanks again JR.

here is the link for the video...

The lesson starts at 6 min and 50 sec.

The first shot in that video seems to be a crowd favorite no matter where I go they love that one.