Most Powerful 9BALL Break


"Prove it!"
Silver Member
Charlie Bryant believes Jeff De Luna breaks harder than him. He said so as a guest commentator during Jeff's match a couple WPC's ago, maybe 07. That year De Luna was really going airborne both feet leaving the floor.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've heard that George Breedlove could drop a tactical nuke on the rack when he so desired.



Illuminati Blacksmack
Silver Member
Tony Ellin hit the balls harder than anybody I ever saw. He hit the balls so hard and so loud that you would seriously need earplugs if you were near his table.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
In order from the 70's to present day.

1970's - Wade Crane
1980's - David Howard, Danny Medina
1990's - Tony Ellin, George Breedlove
2000's - Jeff DeLuna, Charley Bryant

Prior to that Bernie Schwartz and Billy Incardona.

Most effective break - Earl is number one all time. He made the break work for him. Johnny is another break master. Shane may be the best today. Corey was the most creative.

Mike in MN

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bustamante gets some recognition from me on this one. Consistent 30+mph breaks is borderline inhuman. Especially with the control he exhibits.


World's best B player...
Silver Member
> Earl and Johnny I'd say had the most EFFECTIVE breaks.

However without seeing much of Charlie,my vote goes to Jon Kucharo for consistent application of pure power.

What you see in the video above is an example. Sure he didn't make a ball there,but that happens.

When I watched him that week,he was by himself on a table in the practice room. He hit every rack for 2 hours straight that hard and that flush,squatting the rock 85% of the time,and never scratched unless he got kicked.

Danny Harriman really lights them up too.

In these times,gotta go with Shane. Tommy D.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
tony ellin hit them like a bulldozer.....unbelievable.other guys are roberto gomez,jeff de luna....i remember evgeny stalev having a massive break too


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Watching Donnie Mills make the same ball 84 out of 85 times made me sick. Never seen anything like it. I would take that break over anybodies.