New League Idea


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So one of the guys who runs leagues at my local pool room came up with this idea and want to know your thoughts...

In one match you play:

1 rack of 9-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 9

1 rack of 8-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 8

1 rack of 10-ball - same as the rack of 9-ball

1 rack of American Rotation - the same scoring method if you played it normally

Lastly, race to 50 14.1

The opponent with the most points wins the match.

Suggestions? Criticisms? Different caveats?

Interested to hear your thoughts about this.

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Well-known member
Silver Member
So one of the guys who runs leagues at my local pool room came up with this idea and want to know your thoughts...

In one match you play:

1 rack of 9-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 9

1 rack of 8-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 8

1 rack of 10-ball - same as the rack of 9-ball

1 rack of American Rotation - the same scoring method if you played it normally

Lastly, race to 50 14.1

The opponent with the most points wins the match.

Suggestions? Criticisms? Different caveats?

Interested to hear your thoughts about this.

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Hmmmm.... and this league would be playing on 7ft bar tables?


"Hey ... I'm back"!
Silver Member
Could be interesting. You'd need to figure out how to match players up, if there was any kind of handicap, team schedules and such. The 14.1 to 50 might drag the time frame out a bit, but a lot of that would depend upon how many tables and how many players etc. FWIW - I'd show up for at least one match.


RIP Kelly
Silver Member
For the first one, check out the scoring and handicapping for APA 9-ball. Also, the format sounds similar to Megabucks league. One question, how do you account for dead balls in 9-ball and 10-ball? For example, if I make the 9-ball on the break, or combo the 9-ball, do I get credit for all the remaining balls on the table?


"Hey ... I'm back"!
Silver Member
For the first one, check out the scoring and handicapping for APA 9-ball. Also, the format sounds similar to Megabucks league. One question, how do you account for dead balls in 9-ball and 10-ball? For example, if I make the 9-ball on the break, or combo the 9-ball, do I get credit for all the remaining balls on the table?

Yea - I've been known to do the APA thing once in a while. Might get on one of the BCA teams at the end of May. I'm not familiar with the "Megabucks league", but will check it out. Good questions too. Lot of details to figure out - but sounds like it could fly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So one of the guys who runs leagues at my local pool room came up with this idea and want to know your thoughts...

In one match you play:

1 rack of 9-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 9

1 rack of 8-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 8

1 rack of 10-ball - same as the rack of 9-ball

1 rack of American Rotation - the same scoring method if you played it normally

Lastly, race to 50 14.1

The opponent with the most points wins the match.

Suggestions? Criticisms? Different caveats?

Interested to hear your thoughts about this.

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Not tried it in a league format, but when playing (socially, not overly serious) against friends we often do 8-Ball race to 5, 9-Ball race to 5, then 14.1 race to 30. I think that normally takes us around 1.5-2 hours, less of course if someone runs away with it.


Silver Member
9b and 10b are kind of redundant, so throw one of them out.

So, 8b, 10b and 14.1 would be a fun night of league. I'd do that in a heartbeat.


Bar Banger, Cue Collector
Silver Member
I sort of like the idea but I can't stand playing 9 ball or 10 ball. Now the 14.1 idea, is it to 50 alone or 50 total including the points racked up on the other games?

Also, instead of going to 50, it should go to a number based on your rank.


RIP Kelly
Silver Member
If you're going to the BCA Nationals in Las Vegas, you may see a bunch of Megabucks players there so you can ask them yourself. Megabucks was one of the fastest growing BCAPL league in the NYC area.

Yea - I've been known to do the APA thing once in a while. Might get on one of the BCA teams at the end of May. I'm not familiar with the "Megabucks league", but will check it out. Good questions too. Lot of details to figure out - but sounds like it could fly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
All these games theoretically would be played on 9ft tables.

Thanks for all the comments.

I assume for combos and dead balls you only get the points for the money ball? I would have the hash this out because the concept just thought about.

Figuring a proper handicap system would probably be the most challenging aspect.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So one of the guys who runs leagues at my local pool room came up with this idea and want to know your thoughts...

In one match you play:

1 rack of 9-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 9

1 rack of 8-ball - 1 point per ball, 2 points for the 8

1 rack of 10-ball - same as the rack of 9-ball

1 rack of American Rotation - the same scoring method if you played it normally

Lastly, race to 50 14.1

The opponent with the most points wins the match.

Suggestions? Criticisms? Different caveats?

Interested to hear your thoughts about this.

Sent from my iPhone using AzBilliards Forums

With the APA scoring you may as well just play straight pool or rotation. Getting points even if you don't win does not teach or help anyone get better. Why play good enough to win when you just need to make a few balls, count up your points and done. The USAPL scoring for 9/8/10 ball is a lot better, loser gets a point per ball, but you get 14 for the win. At least that way learning how to win counts for something and you can't come out ahead just by pocketing balls, you actually have to win the game.

Too many players run out 5-6-7 balls then fail on the 8 and 9. That needs to be punished not rewarded.

There is a game called bowliards that is basically straight pool played with a 10 ball rack. You break, get ball in hand behind the line and run out the rack. If you run out, you get a strike and shoot a second rack for a strike and bonus points. If you miss, you break again and shoot a second rack for a spare, same rules. All balls made on break you spot, but you shoot even if you don't make a ball on the break. Scratch does not matter on break. Maybe do a league based on that if you will be counting points per ball.
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"Hey ... I'm back"!
Silver Member
With the APA scoring you may as well just play straight pool or rotation. Getting points even if you don't win does not teach or help anyone get better. Why play good enough to win when you just need to make a few balls, count up your points and done. The USAPL scoring for 9/8/10 ball is a lot better, loser gets a point per ball, but you get 14 for the win. At least that way learning how to win counts for something and you can't come out ahead just by pocketing balls, you actually have to win the game.

Too many players run out 5-6-7 balls then fail on the 8 and 9. That needs to be punished not rewarded.

There is a game called bowliards that is basically straight pool played with a 10 ball rack. You break, get ball in hand behind the line and run out the rack. If you run out, you get a strike and shoot a second rack for a strike and bonus points. If you miss, you break again and shoot a second rack for a spare, same rules. All balls made on break you spot, but you shoot even if you don't make a ball on the break. Scratch does not matter on break. Maybe do a league based on that if you will be counting points per ball.

no ... just no. Too much BS

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
It's a long match already, I'd definitely leave out the 14.1. But I like the idea. Probably would have to be single elimination. If you want to play double elimination I'd also leave out the Rotation.
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