Newsheriffintwn custom - Purple heart/Olivewood/Copper


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Designed by yours truly, brought to life by Newsheriffintwn
Absolutely one of the top 3 most gorgeous cues I've ever seen in person

Full review can be found here:

Materials - Black linen micarta; copper inlay, rings, and joint; purple heart; olivewood
Butt - 16.2oz
Shaft 1 - 3.8oz - Pro Taper - Juma ferrule - 12.35mm Med Kamikaze tip
Shaft 2 - 4.0oz - Euro Taper - Micarta ferrule - 12.55mm water buffalo tip
Joint - 3/8x10 aluminum pin with wood to wood contact, a nice solid feel

My photoshopped creation on top vs the actual product below.....did he nail it or what?!?



(JPs were his design, my only request was to be able to differentiate between shafts without pulling them out. I liked his solution)



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Now that's a nice cue, and I'm not usually a fan of segmented handles. The copper plays really well, and the purpleheart has some figure. The olive has do much color to it I thought it was tulip at first. Really nice.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Now that's a nice cue, and I'm not usually a fan of segmented handles. The copper plays really well, and the purpleheart has some figure. The olive has do much color to it I thought it was tulip at first. Really nice.

I'm having a little trouble with the white balance here, now that I'm looking on a different monitor.
The finish gave the olive a little yellow tint, but not a ton. It looks right on my laptop, but looks almost orange on my phone.
In person it's just a hair darker than natural olive wood

But, yeah, the amount of figuring for a piece this large is VERY nice. Olive usually has more figure in the small branches and loses it as it grows
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ijust wanted to say
I like the cue

And Deanoc knows his cues.

The man puts his money where his mouth is. Straight up. do they play?

This maker has a solid reputation around here.

I want to see where this will go.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks deanoc :)

That's actually kinda hard for me to answer at the moment lol
When the cue arrived I was just getting over surgery on my dominant eye. I got a couple hours of play, but with blurry vision.
I can say it felt reeeeaal good. A nice solid hit.
I can't say about deflection or anything like that, as my aim sucked for anything more than half way down the table.

The eye cleared up, and i had a plan to get back out and play weekly again, then I dislocated my left shoulder... My bridge arm. So no weight on that with it extended for a while :banghead:

Will be a couple more weeks probably till I get back on a table.
But initial feel was great!

Definitely liked the feel of the shaft with the pro taper and smaller tip better, but that's subjective. I had him do one of each because I really wasn't sure which I wanted
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wish you a speedy recovery. :smile:

And I look forward to hearing a more thorough report about how the cue plays.

Definitely beautiful. :thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wish you a speedy recovery. :smile:

And I look forward to hearing a more thorough report about how the cue plays.

Definitely beautiful. :thumbup:

Thank you sir, I'm definitely eager for the pain to be gone and to get back out there!