One Pocket: A Game of Controlled Aggression


AzB Gold Member
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Here is an excerpt from the preface.

Controlled aggression is not simply a strategy; it is an attitude which should be in your thoughts every time you step to the table. Your first thought should be, “How can I capitalize on this situation”? Do not confuse aggressive play with offensive play. They are not the same thing. Aggressiveness is all about exacting the most damage to your opponent’s position and creating situations that maximize your ability to win.

Though these shots are typically offensive, they can also be defensive in nature. This is what is meant by aggressive One Pocket. It would be a mistake to adopt a cavalier attitude when performing any safety. Every shot is important and deserves dedication to executing that shot to the best of your ability.

Carefully studying the situations described in these chapters will help develop your imagination and an aggressive mind. Armed with a constant search for the maximum possibilities while incurring acceptable risk, you will discover that many times what appear to be strictly defensive positions are in fact offensive opportunities. Take your time, look carefully first for the most aggressive shot and work your way through the various options until only one logical shot remains.

The shot you choose should be determined by weighing the anticipated reward against an objective perception of risk according to your skills. Don’t be in a hurry to jump at the obvious. The most aggressive shot will not always be one where you will pocket a ball. Sometimes the more aggressive shot will move balls from one area of the table to another while playing the cue ball safely behind a cluster. This may even mean rejecting an opportunity to pocket a ball and choosing instead, a move that immediately creates monumental problems for your opponent.

Constantly search for ways to better your position or diminish even the slightest advantage your opponent may hold. A single ball near a small cluster located near the foot spot happens to be favoring your opponent. Seek a way to disturb this potential danger. It may take a few innings to accomplish this task but set and prioritize goals which help reduce the problems you may otherwise face later in the game. Maybe you see an opportunity to create a dead combination for your pocket by lightly skimming off a single ball which is part of a group of balls. Always be on the search for opportunities to improve on your position. There are countless ways to effectively use an inning. These seemingly simple undertakings can cause great havoc for your opponent. Continued......

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
Here is an excerpt from the preface.

Controlled aggression is not simply a strategy; it is an attitude which should be in your thoughts every time you step to the table. Your first thought should be, “How can I capitalize on this situation”? Do not confuse aggressive play with offensive play. They are not the same thing. Aggressiveness is all about exacting the most damage to your opponent’s position and creating situations that maximize your ability to win.

Though these shots are typically offensive, they can also be defensive in nature. This is what is meant by aggressive One Pocket. It would be a mistake to adopt a cavalier attitude when performing any safety. Every shot is important and deserves dedication to executing that shot to the best of your ability.

Carefully studying the situations described in these chapters will help develop your imagination and an aggressive mind. Armed with a constant search for the maximum possibilities while incurring acceptable risk, you will discover that many times what appear to be strictly defensive positions are in fact offensive opportunities. Take your time, look carefully first for the most aggressive shot and work your way through the various options until only one logical shot remains.

The shot you choose should be determined by weighing the anticipated reward against an objective perception of risk according to your skills. Don’t be in a hurry to jump at the obvious. The most aggressive shot will not always be one where you will pocket a ball. Sometimes the more aggressive shot will move balls from one area of the table to another while playing the cue ball safely behind a cluster. This may even mean rejecting an opportunity to pocket a ball and choosing instead, a move that immediately creates monumental problems for your opponent.

Constantly search for ways to better your position or diminish even the slightest advantage your opponent may hold. A single ball near a small cluster located near the foot spot happens to be favoring your opponent. Seek a way to disturb this potential danger. It may take a few innings to accomplish this task but set and prioritize goals which help reduce the problems you may otherwise face later in the game. Maybe you see an opportunity to create a dead combination for your pocket by lightly skimming off a single ball which is part of a group of balls. Always be on the search for opportunities to improve on your position. There are countless ways to effectively use an inning. These seemingly simple undertakings can cause great havoc for your opponent. Continued......

Very Well Written!!!



AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I just received my copy of Tom's book, the covers are delicious. I might even read it instead of my usual.

I love the format; large size/print, many pictures and options w/expert instruction that covers everything one would need in least to get the creative juices flowing as we are all different. Well done, sir!

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tom, thank you for providing the table of contents; it's much appreciated. Add another bead to the wire. Just sent my payment, and I'm looking forward to reading and using the book. Best wishes.


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
Damn I like this book. I'm on the first few pages......Two words at this time. "THE MITT"


Equal Opportunity Gadfly
Silver Member
Just got mine. #114 of 200 so you guys better hurry. This is a great book and I've only had time to give it a cursory read. The drills Tom teaches are worth the price frankly and the game situation explainations are phenomenal. Buy it!

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Got my copy from Tom today, and I'm VERY impressed. Spiral bound, large soft cover book, great illustrations and layout. What a nice job Tom did in producing this book, which has a wealth of good information for prospective, as well as accomplished One Pocket players. This book is sure to become a staple in the library of One Pocket aficionados for years to come. I just hope he will continue to produce more copies when the current ones are gone, as I'm sure they will be soon.

Tom is not only a terrific player, but he is a great teacher of the game with the ability to communicate well. "One Pocket" is a MUST for any serious One Pocket player! Tom has created a book to rival Eddie Robin's "Winning One Pocket."


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member
Just sent $60 to cover your fees & such. Looking forward to the book Tom Tom.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I wish to thank all of you here at AZB who have posted such kind reviews of my book. I'm so very pleased that you are finding my work to be worthy of your purchase. And of the time you spend reading and studying the various scenarios I describe within; it justifies my efforts in writing it.

I love this game and feel in this way I have been able to give a little back to the game. It is my hope that every pool player in the world will at some point gravitate to One Pocket. Few who do will ever regret the move. :thumbup:

Thank You,


Willi Makaball

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yes , I have a copy, and it was well worth the wait. Tom writes like a master, very clear and easy to understand, The shots he shows are excellent examples of what happens during play, the shot and expected outcome, The Photos are supper, almost like your standing over the table. I keep getting new info every time I look at this book.
If you don't have a copy, Beware of those that do.....

Thanks Tom
Book #12

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
The more I read, the more I like it. This book is a TREASURE! I started reading it two days ago and yesterday I played in a big One Pocket event at Hard Times, with many good players (Rodney, Tang, Santos, Schmidt, Rafael, Brandon Shuff etc.). I won my first two matches (Races to Three) 3-2 and 3-0 against excellent players (Mark and Randy). I lost my third match to Rafael Martinez 3-1. I had Rafael 1-0 and 6-3 in balls in game two, but he got very serious then! First prize here is like $1,500 and he wants it bad! :D

I made him work for every ball and consistently put him in traps that he managed to extricate himself from. The little guy can still play some great pool and he finally wore me out. I had played seven hours of pool by then with only five minute breaks between matches and my feet were hurting (ingrown toenail) and frankly I felt drained. I forfeited my next match on the loser's side even though it was a money match. I needed to take a long break and they wanted me to play right back.

No biggie, it was only $100 entry fee and my first tournament in a long time. I just wanted to see how I would fare and overall was pleased with my showing. I really feel that reading the introduction to Tom's book was very beneficial to me yesterday. It helped put me in a positive state of mind and I felt prepared to play. Thanks Tom!
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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Hey Jay, Thank you for sharing your exploits at Hard Times today. It's too bad we're getting so that a 7 hour stint on the pool table is so draining that forfeiture is our only out. A similar thing happened to me two years ago at the US Open One Pocket tourney.

It pleases me no end that you felt eager and confident going into you matches today after reading my intro. For me, it is comments like that that make the effort I put into writing this book worthwhile.

Greatly appreciated,



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mine arrived in last day or so. It was at PO Box today.

I'm looking forward to reading and studying the material.

Tom..thank you for your huge effort in making this happen.

take care


Multiverse Operative
Silver Member
Great Book

Got my books yesterday and started reading last night, nice book, great explanations of strategy, its definitely worth the price. I really love this game and cant tell you how much I appreciate a senior player sharing the knowledge. This will add a lot of new things to my game and make my weekly One Pocket Competition more exciting and give me more to practice that I know will result in a better game. Thank you very much.

Robin Kelly


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is a great book for any skill level. I have started a second read of the book.

The photos and ideas offered for problems pictured are excellent. If you don't have this book, your 1 pocket education will suffer(and so will your pocketbook if you gamble).