One Pocket Rail-Frozen drill


Software Engineer
Silver Member
Any of you ever try a drill like this? I've heard it called "Chicago" before... Basically set up a ball frozen on each of the three diamonds around one corner pocket, and try to make them in rotation in the same corner.

I have a vid of my friend running six frozen balls in rotation in the same corner here (it's at about 3:37 into the video):


woman I said NO!!!
Silver Member
the L is decent too

That's a good one. I like the 'L' too. It has lots of variations:

* run them off from the foot rail up and around the corner in position order

* run them off by skipping a ball between shots (kinda like they're numbered)

* run them off up and around the corner without sending the cueball to the foot rail. I.e. use draw only. This is quite tough to do consistently.

CueTable Help


Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
've seen hillbilly run something like that only he put a ball at each diamond all the way down the long rail only. I've seen him run all six balls several times(no ball in front of the side pocket). Extremely tough, especially getting shape on the last balls.

Joe Tucker shows the same drill in his "Rail Shot Workout"(?) CD, and makes it look pretty easy. Those last two balls are tough to get on (and to make).

By the way, I've been looking at a bunch of Joe's CDs and will have a review one of these days soon. I like his stuff, especially for starting-out players.



Software Engineer
Silver Member
Patrick Johnson said:
Joe Tucker shows the same drill in his "Rail Shot Workout"(?) CD, and makes it look pretty easy. Those last two balls are tough to get on (and to make).

By the way, I've been looking at a bunch of Joe's CDs and will have a review one of these days soon. I like his stuff, especially for starting-out players.


Yeah I definitely find the last two (third diamond) especially frustrating, when I even get that far in the drill. Guess I'll keep working on it!


Line Up Your Best Shot!
Silver Member
TX Poolnut said:
I've seen hillbilly run something like that only he put a ball at each diamond all the way down the long rail only. I've seen him run all six balls several times(no ball in front of the side pocket). Extremely tough, especially getting shape on the last balls.

Back them when we were doing the CueTable Monthly Contest, I asked Mika for a drill for every one to do. He then put up some balls and showed me this one:

CueTable Help

(there are 9 pages in this layout, click on the "page arrow" at lower right to navigate)

He did it very quickly on a tight pocket table... Some amazing thing to watch....


Software Engineer
Silver Member
cuetable said:
Back them when we were doing the CueTable Monthly Contest, I asked Mika for a drill for every one to do. He then put up some balls and showed me this one:

CueTable Help

(there are 9 pages in this layout, click on the "page arrow" at lower right to navigate)

He did it very quickly on a tight pocket table... Some amazing thing to watch....

Eek! That one looks super tough!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
juanbond said:
Any of you ever try a drill like this? I've heard it called "Chicago" before... Basically set up a ball frozen on each of the three diamonds around one corner pocket, and try to make them in rotation in the same corner.

I have a vid of my friend running six frozen balls in rotation in the same corner here (it's at about 3:37 into the video):

This game was very popular with mexicans/hispanics down in Atlanta when I was there a few years ago. Not sure if it is still or not. They would put a ball on every diamond and 2-4 people would play. Think it was a point a ball made in the correct corner. They played it all night long, very popular game for them instead of common 8 or 9 ball. I never got into it, but seen it played.



Software Engineer
Silver Member
ez2h8 said:
This game was very popular with mexicans/hispanics down in Atlanta when I was there a few years ago. Not sure if it is still or not. They would put a ball on every diamond and 2-4 people would play. Think it was a point a ball made in the correct corner. They played it all night long, very popular game for them instead of common 8 or 9 ball. I never got into it, but seen it played.


Interesting! I'll have to ask around about it next time I'm in Atlanta. Hooray for being (somewhat) bilingual!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yup, that's the only place I saw it played and at first, I thought it was a goofy practice game but my buddy explained a little to me and thus found out it was Chicago and played alot in the ATL area.
