Please join us in celebrating Ilona Balner's (Palmer Cue's) 90th birthday!


Club a member
Silver Member
Happy 90th! I hope life is good to you.

Though I was never a Palmer owner (even though I lived in "Palmer country"), I was a customer of the *other* Palmer business- Palmer Video!

Best wishes,



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First mother of cuemaking

Happy Birthday ol girl and thanks for contributing, with pride and integrity, some of the most memorial sticks in the history of the golden age era of cue making. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ILONA! You deserve great recognition to some truely stellar work. . the pool gods/community will always remember and smile on you.


recreational banger
Silver Member

Just took my original Model M from the 2nd catalog out of it's case...Gosh, I'm sure wishing a happy birthday to the lady who did such a great job on it's wrap! :)


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Silver Member
Happy Birthday!

I only briefly 'owned' a Palmer back in 1968 while working part time at a local pool room. All I had to do was work off the $50 that the room owner wanted for it. Unfortunately, I was just a flakey 15 year old, and didn't stick with it. It was a wonderful cue stick, and it is one of my life's regrets that I don't still have it.


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
I like that - The First Lady of Cue Making!

We can thank Joe Van Buren for the 'First lady of Cue Making" moniker! Nothing could be more appropriate.

I became a Palmer fan when I received two of the original Model 6 cues from the first catalog, a simple Titleist conversion with a big window butt. Since then, I've owned many Palmer's.

In addition to the craftsmanship in Palmer's shop and innovations, I was fascinated by the Palmer connection to the other greats of cue making. Legends like George Balabushka, who did leather wraps for Palmer and bought parts from them, Gus Szamboti, who made forearms for Palmer and also did leather wraps, Burton Spain, who also sold parts and wrote of the tips he received in machine set-up from Palmer, Bob Meucci, who made the vinyl "veneered" WICO blanks. And of course, Frank Paradise, whose many innovative designs influenced Palmer's earliest cues.

When I created the Palmercollector website, I had never done a website before. I was so excited to get started and I was groping for information. I just started to catalog things.

Then after the site was up for awhile, I recall being on vacation in Hawaii, and getting a e-mail from Peter Balner, introducing himself. I was so excited, I couldn't see straight. He spent a lot of time with me on the history of Palmer clearing up the clouds and patiently answering my every question. This was an exciting moment - to hear it myself from the man himself.

Since then, I've corresponded with many of the Balner family. There are no finer people as far as I'm concerned. The Balner's fled a country torn by civil war, to bravely set foot on US soil to become a family that has successfully gone to the top of several industries here.

From now on, when I pick up an old Palmer and see the original Cortland or Blue Mountain linen, I remind myself that this wrap and those inlays were done by the gentle touch of the First Lady of Cue Making.

Happy 90th Birthday Ilona!

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Silver Member
Nice tribute Chris, Happy Birthday Ilona! I'm proud to say that I too, visited the Elizabeth, NJ shop back in the 80's and still have my first Palmer and Palmer coffin style case, truly unique.


Happy Birthday Mrs. Balner!

I can still remember coming home from school and seeing your Silver Shadow Rolls Royce in front of my parents house. That used to make
everyone look twice.

You and your family have always had the respect of my family. You always will, and I will pass it on to my children too.

I wish you much happiness on such a great day!

Barry Szamboti


"Rack Um"/ Rusty Lock
Silver Member
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Ilona!:happy-birthday:, and many more!

My very first playing cue was a Palmer, I was 14 yrs., bought it back in 1973, I really liked that cue! .......thanks!!!!!

David Harcrow


Don't hashtag your broke friends
Silver Member
I'll add the two cues I waited 10 years to aquire, just happened to be two of the nicest Palmers made....

So for those that think Palmer just made a line of cues.. they did a lot of custom work also.



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AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Just got a note from Peter...

" Please thank everyone for their good wishes. My mother is in excellent health and having a good time in retirement. She visits her favorite casino in Arizona at least twice a week. She has a system for the slots and manages to win more often than lose."

Thanks to everybody for responding - Ilona may be retired but she is not forgotten in the world of billiards!


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Here's a picture of the birthday gal right here, looking pretty snazzy too, along with son Peter Balner!

Happy 90th Ilona!!


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy Birthday.

I hope you and your family realizes what a huge impact on pool you have contributed.

Best of rolls,


(Got pictures to share?)

Lock N Load

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy Birthday Ilona, may you have many more to come!

Ilona Balner is celebrating her 90th birthday in Scottsdale next week and I hope you join me in in wishing her the greatest birthday ever! We will print off a copy of this thread to present to Ilona as part of her memories, so your birthday wishes and any stories about Palmer Cues or your experiences with Palmer would be appreciated!

Ilona played an important role in the cue making world for over 30 years. Her and Eugene Balner, who passed away in 1972, were inducted into the American Cuemaker's Hall of Fame in 1999. The Balner's founded Palmer Cues in 1963 and for 30 years created many innovations in custom and production cue making techniques, literally helping to create the mass market for affordable custom cues.

Ilona grew up in the small town of Komarom, Hungary, on the border of Czechslovakia. Of her family, she was the sole survivor of the Holocaust. She traveled to Budapest, where she met Eugene Balner and they married in April of 1945, a month before the surrender of Germany in World War II. On January 1, 1957, the Balner's arrived in Camp Kilmer, New Jersey with their two small children, Peter and Susan, as part of "Operation Mercy" - an effort by the United States to assist Hungarian refugees after the revolution in 1956.

Eugene was a trained woodworker and from there proceeded to Paradise Cues and then founded "Palmer" - named as a tribute to Arnold Palmer.

Ilona worked the shop, meticulously hand wrapped the cues with Irish linen, and used her skills to inlay the fancy cues. In fact, the linen on almost every Palmer made was hand wrapped by Ilona! When Eugene passed away in 1972, her and Peter carried on the tradition. Later, Ilona would run the company on her own for 10 years.

More on the Palmer history can be found here:

Please join me in wishing Ilona the best on her 90th.



Good thread Tate!
Many Regards,
Lock N Load.


Just found this forum, and this thread.

The only cue I've ever owned is a Palmer my father bought for me on my 8th birthday in 1977.

I have never had much luck finding anything about it, and it is nice to finally learn a few things about the makers of this great cue. (Happy belated birthday!!)

Thanks for a great forum!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy Birthday
Being from NJ I was around a lot of Palmer cues and had one myself.
They made some great cues.

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
Happy birthday, Mrs. Balner.
I replaced a butt cap on a Palmer cue once, and it occurred to me that you and I have something in common in that we both had touched that same pool cue.
We all breath the same air, don't we?
All the best, Ma'am. :)