PM me your UltraSkin Layered Cue Tip Story


On the snap, Vinny!
Silver Member
Just installed one of my Schon. I honestly can't tell the difference between the UltraSkin and the Kamui. Look the same, install the same, and hit the same. I think you have a winner! :cool:


Lessons, exotics/repair
I installed a S on my teammate's cue and a M on my own cue and two Oinker's on my other teammate's cue. We've all had issues with miscues after a couple of weeks of use. I've picked and grit sanded and reshaped with hardly any long term result of avoiding the miscue. If it weren't for an instance where it was points we needed for a tournament to break into our next money bracket in Master's/Open and my teammate went to draw back a ball and sent the cue ball up in the air on the shot I probably would have just replaced the tips without much to say on here. I've taken the Oinkers off, I'll be taking my Soft USL off and my teammates Med USL off later this week when I meet up with him. Maybe just a bad run of luck but all the problems just happened at the same time after installation with three different lines of the same product. I was fearful of shooting a few rounds when it happened to me as well. I've seen such good comments I feel bad that I have to post my experience but if you don't know you can't make it better


Damn, still .002 TIR!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I installed a S on my teammate's cue and a M on my own cue and two Oinker's on my other teammate's cue. We've all had issues with miscues after a couple of weeks of use. I've picked and grit sanded and reshaped with hardly any long term result of avoiding the miscue. If it weren't for an instance where it was points we needed for a tournament to break into our next money bracket in Master's/Open and my teammate went to draw back a ball and sent the cue ball up in the air on the shot I probably would have just replaced the tips without much to say on here. I've taken the Oinkers off, I'll be taking my Soft USL off and my teammates Med USL off later this week when I meet up with him. Maybe just a bad run of luck but all the problems just happened at the same time after installation with three different lines of the same product. I was fearful of shooting a few rounds when it happened to me as well. I've seen such good comments I feel bad that I have to post my experience but if you don't know you can't make it better
I'm sorry to hear you had a problem with Tom`s tips.
I`ve had nothing but rave reviews from my customers. However I would not have installed a new tip on a customer's cue just before a big match or tournament. But that's just me.
Too bad you chose to remove the tips before taking any pictures of your install. The shoulder geometry is hugely important and perhaps we might have been able to see something there.
My 2 cents


Lessons, exotics/repair
Ok, well here's a picture of my soft. I still have it on my cue until tomorrow when I get back in my shop. Hope that helps or just tell me what you want to see and I'll provide whatever. Take care, Aaron


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Cue Repair tech
Silver Member
Ok, well here's a picture of my soft. I still have it on my cue until tomorrow when I get back in my shop. Hope that helps or just tell me what you want to see and I'll provide whatever. Take care, Aaron

That looks like it isn't cut flush to the ferrule

Also I have found that the ultras hit better with one layer cut off before shaping.

Miscues haven't been a problem here,
But anything is possible.

Sorry your ultra skin experience hasn't been positive.


Lessons, exotics/repair
I would rather take a layer off than take the whole thing off if that's what you've found to be better. It is flush I think it's more distortion from the page. I'm using Balabushka and predator chalk so I can't attribute it to a Master Chalk issue but my teammates are using Master.


Cue Repair tech
Silver Member
I would rather take a layer off than take the whole thing off if that's what you've found to be better. It is flush I think it's more distortion from the page. I'm using Balabushka and predator chalk so I can't attribute it to a Master Chalk issue but my teammates are using Master.

I would take it down a layer and try it out for sure.


Kim Walker
Silver Member
I would take it down a layer and try it out for sure.

I cut all my ultraskins to 4 layers plus the dome. It just feels better that way. They don't wear out or get scuffed to death because I tell the owner to never scuff it. If you miscue, just rechalk it and don't hit so far off center.

Miscues are usually the player not the tip.

The only complaint I get about ultraskins is that they get too much english. Most players don't hit so far off center as before. I have had no one come back and change them out.



Lee Casto
Silver Member
I don't have any negative stories to tell at all. I probably don't install as many tips as alot of guys on here but I've probably done 20+ Ultra Skins and not one has come back yet, EXCEPT...... for one that has come back to have another installed, he's already wore down the last one all the way to the ferrule.

On another note, I got a teammate that is a extremely strong shooter but he literally pounds the living crap out of the ball, never seen anyone hit the ball as hard as he does but yet still shoot as good as he does, it's just a habit and his way of shoooting. Nevertheless, I ordered some of the HH tips JUST for him, installed the first one yesterday and all I can say is.......

HOLY FRICKING COW that is one HARDDDD fricking tip !!!!! I thought Tom had sent me a couple of bedrocks instead of tips. ;)

I also cut off a few layers before trimming the tip, otherwise, it looks like you got a tophat on the end of your shaft. I TRIED cutting a few layers off that HH and even with a brand new titanium razor blade that thing was a biatch to cut layers off and also just as challenging to trim the sides off. The HH definitely eats a blade up. Can't wait for him to try it out. If he mushrooms this bedrock of a tip out, then we're gonna have to work on softening his stroke,lol.



FC3 Custom Cues & Repairs
Silver Member
Ok, well here's a picture of my soft. I still have it on my cue until tomorrow when I get back in my shop. Hope that helps or just tell me what you want to see and I'll provide whatever. Take care, Aaron

Please don't take this the wrong way, because with out see it clearly and testing it out it would be hard too find the problem. First I would take the height of the tip down (a lot).Never over heat the tip when burnishing. I also taper the tip using a blade, so little too no mushrooming. I installed about 200 of the ultra with no problems.


Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
I installed a S on my teammate's cue and a M on my own cue and two Oinker's on my other teammate's cue. We've all had issues with miscues after a couple of weeks of use. I've picked and grit sanded and reshaped with hardly any long term result of avoiding the miscue. If it weren't for an instance where it was points we needed for a tournament to break into our next money bracket in Master's/Open and my teammate went to draw back a ball and sent the cue ball up in the air on the shot I probably would have just replaced the tips without much to say on here. I've taken the Oinkers off, I'll be taking my Soft USL off and my teammates Med USL off later this week when I meet up with him. Maybe just a bad run of luck but all the problems just happened at the same time after installation with three different lines of the same product. I was fearful of shooting a few rounds when it happened to me as well. I've seen such good comments I feel bad that I have to post my experience but if you don't know you can't make it better

I could be wrong so you would not be getting a Virgin. Having a ball go air born I find much more likely would come from hitting the ball to low no matter what tip you use. Please however post your name you bought under and will gladly refund your money.

On micues in general, my feelings on how the game is played differs from others and below is a cut and paste from my web site.

Do Layered Cue Tips Require Chalking?

Yes, without question. I have read about many Layered Cue Tips that make claims that you can chalk a cue once and go many racks without mis cueing. I have no proof on how many shots you can attempt with Layered Cue Tips before you mis cue but can promise YOU WILL MIS CUE. When you mis cue you will leave the table and give it up to an opponent. The opponent can not beat you if you have the table so with this logic you stand a chance of letting yourself be beat by any belief you do not need to chalk a layered cue tip while playing.

Now for the funniest thing you will ever read about not having to chalk a layered cue tip. Some of the ones that tell you that chalk or hardly ever having to chalk want you to buy the mystical chalk they make for $20.00 - $30.00 a cube This contradicts every claim they make. You have gone from never or hardly ever chalking a layered tip to spending upwards of $30.00 for a piece of chalk when every Pool Room or Bar Table supplies you with chalk FREE. What is the purpose of chalk? To help prevent you from mis cueing.

IMO chalking serves another purpose than to prevent the mis cue. It slows you down a little giving you more time to think about the next shot. Using layered cue tips that you believe you do not need to chalk gives you nothing to do but proceed immediately with the shot you had planned next so you hurry back on the table. Your position however might have been a few degrees off making the way you had pre planned a few degrees off. Chalking your layered cue tips gives you time to think and observe before approaching the table again. In chalking your layered cue tips you have greatly increased your chances not to mis cue and have been able to rethink if you need to adjust the track of play to prevent those few degrees you were off back into perfect position which increases your chances of winning.

You however are your own person. If your going to pay $45.00 up to have layered cue tips installed because you will not need to chalk as often, and spend the $30.00 a cube for the mystical chalk they said you were not going to need you should also buy the scuffer they sell that you were told you didn't need for the layered cue tips they sell.



Lessons, exotics/repair
Thanks Tom, me and my teammate both experienced a little glazing. I've taken my tip down to flat and reshaped the tip. I'm going to give this a whirl today at the table and see what happens. I keep my chalk on my belt so chalking hasn't been an issue for me. The sound of the hit is already changing from reshaping to becoming quieter. I'm going to replace my friend's tip because he may be a little snake bitten from the unfortunate miscue at a critical time at our tournament. I want to thank everyone else who posted as well. I'll continue to post as my session goes on today with the reshaped tip.

Tom, I've spent more money on things I didn't like without a refund he he, it's all good and hopefully this layer removal is the trick :)



Just a repair guy
Silver Member
So sorry

I am getting fantastic response on all the tips that Tom makes. Actually, I haven't tried the HH yet ;-) Everyone is happy and the price is terrific! Maybe yours got overheated while putting them on or something.
As was mentioned before, maybe 'after' your tournament you could try a fresh install ...


Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
No complaints with any that I have installed. People are talking about them and ask to try them out.

I also ask if they want a layer or 2 taken off. Some say yes, others no.

I guess Kamui must have heard about them too. They are installing a clear tip pad under theirs now.
Have to be innovative to keep up with the Jonses, or the Hayses.
Last edited:


Kim Walker
Silver Member
I don't have any negative stories to tell at all. I probably don't install as many tips as alot of guys on here but I've probably done 20+ Ultra Skins and not one has come back yet, EXCEPT...... for one that has come back to have another installed, he's already wore down the last one all the way to the ferrule.

On another note, I got a teammate that is a extremely strong shooter but he literally pounds the living crap out of the ball, never seen anyone hit the ball as hard as he does but yet still shoot as good as he does, it's just a habit and his way of shoooting. Nevertheless, I ordered some of the HH tips JUST for him, installed the first one yesterday and all I can say is.......

HOLY FRICKING COW that is one HARDDDD fricking tip !!!!! I thought Tom had sent me a couple of bedrocks instead of tips. ;)

I also cut off a few layers before trimming the tip, otherwise, it looks like you got a tophat on the end of your shaft. I TRIED cutting a few layers off that HH and even with a brand new titanium razor blade that thing was a biatch to cut layers off and also just as challenging to trim the sides off. The HH definitely eats a blade up. Can't wait for him to try it out. If he mushrooms this bedrock of a tip out, then we're gonna have to work on softening his stroke,lol.


Tell your customer to stop grinding on that tip......... It took me a month to get one guy to stop. He would grind the tip to the ferrule in a week with one of those nasty cubes. They don't really need it.



Damn, still .002 TIR!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Ok, well here's a picture of my soft. I still have it on my cue until tomorrow when I get back in my shop. Hope that helps or just tell me what you want to see and I'll provide whatever. Take care, Aaron

Thanks for the pictures. No one else has mentioned it, so take the following with a grain of salt. But IMHO, you have rounded off the shoulder of the tip too much. I used to do that, and found I had problems with miscues and unintentional jumping (scooping) of the cueball.
If you look at the finished tips in the following videos, you'll see that they leave a sharp shoulder where the radius meets the side of the tip.
This is the shoulder that I try to create.


Lee Casto
Silver Member
Tell your customer to stop grinding on that tip......... It took me a month to get one guy to stop. He would grind the tip to the ferrule in a week with one of those nasty cubes. They don't really need it.


LOL, he's not grinding on the tip. Granted he does play a lot, but it's all because he pounds the fricking crap out of the cue ball when he shoots.

Sent from my SCH-I535


Lessons, exotics/repair
Wow, thanks for all the support out there. I did cut the tip down on my shaft and reshaped it and it is playing better. I used to leave the edges sharp and then I started taking that off too. Going to go back to the sharp edge again on the finishing side of shaping the tip. Put about four hours on the 9 footer and I agree the tip was more responsive than before. I'm going out to the pool hall for a longer stint at the tables and see if I have any other issues. Even if I do I'll probably just do a fresh USL install again and go by the directions given by such kind bystanders.

Again thanks,

Aaron Berg.


Lessons, exotics/repair
Thanks for the pictures. No one else has mentioned it, so take the following with a grain of salt. But IMHO, you have rounded off the shoulder of the tip too much. I used to do that, and found I had problems with miscues and unintentional jumping (scooping) of the cueball.
If you look at the finished tips in the following videos, you'll see that they leave a sharp shoulder where the radius meets the side of the tip.
This is the shoulder that I try to create.

I had watched 2 out 3 of these before and appreciate the effort to locate some insightful videos. And I may be burnishing my sides too hard with leather and beeswax. I've been so used to doing single tips a long time ago before getting back into it again a few years ago now. Nice that some of the tips put the "GLUE" side on the tip as some are different than others. Take care and thanks, Aaron