Pool Tournaments During COVID Pandemic


New member
Masks don't work. Stop being so damn gullible and believing the bullshit fear porn being put out 24x7. That afraid, stay the fuck home.
I hope you are staying home and not infecting anyone else. If someone is too stupid to take precautions, they deserve what they get. It is just mother natures way of cleansing the gene pool. With new leadership and two vaccines coming soon, hopefully next year will be better. I would like to play pool again, but won't be able to if dead.

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
What don't you understand about basic germ theory.
Do you think it is evil spirits that are infecting people?
we all get along in the pool room, those that want to wear while playing and those that dont, we have fun , anyone that isnt comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave
what dont you get about that?


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
we all get along in the pool room, those that want to wear while playing and those that dont, we have fun , anyone that isnt comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave
what dont you get about that?
I get that you don't understand germ theory.
It's been around for about 160 years.
Germs are transmissible between humans that breath in other humans germs.
Have you ever heard of a highly transmissable virus?
We have one going around now.
There is a reason why we are and have been the global hotspot for this virus.
What don't you get about that?
It's high school science.
Go for it if you do not care.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i dont know how you could bring up politics from that post,
i didnt and dont vote believe it or not

but backing a pedophile , is more telling

2.30 of the vid is particularly disgusting

I think your mind would have to be totally and fully in the gutter to see anything wrong in that video.

Here you go -- you probably will think this borders on pornographic:

In any case, you'll be able to wallow in all kinds of salaciousness when Donny leaves office and has to face the music in the E. Jean Carroll case. I've read she is going to do a Monica Lewinsky, having saved the dress she was wearing the day he allegedly raped her.

Lou Figueroa
just waitin' for him
to give up the DNA sample...
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Silver Member
we all get along in the pool room, those that want to wear while playing and those that dont, we have fun , anyone that isnt comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave
what dont you get about that?
They will never get it brother.
Sheeple at it's finest.
Believe everything they are told lol.
Hell most are supporting pedophile joe, and his communist ho.
Tells you all you need to know right there.
Now they want to sell us right back to China, where it fucking came from, and then you want to support these same idiots who perpetrated it.
If you really think it came from a bat in a wet market, you're beyond stupid.
People have lost the ability to think for themselves.
Thank God I live in Texas!!
Jam and all the rest of you idiots, please stay the hell out of Texas!!
Our hearts don't bleed down here, and you can take the "if it saves just one life" mantra and shove it up your ass.
Go get your vaccine and shut the fuck up about the rest of us.
We'll be dead enough soon enough right?
If they really wanted to show us mask work, they take 3000(?) people, and have 3 control groups.
1000 people in each setting.
1 setting no mask no social distancing, 1 setting everyone wears a mask and social distances, 1 setting half wear mask and half social distance.
But no, they want to just keep preaching their narrative, and control people with fear, and keep big pharma pumped up.
I'm not responsible for you,, your health, your mental well being, or your family, take responsibility for you!!!
If I were any of you believers and really thought this scam was real, I would abandon society with a vengeance!
I definitely wouldn't get on the internet and bitch about someone else not keeping me safe, while I try and keep up my normal life routine 🙄.
Common sense is becoming a very uncommon thing in these soon to be United Communist States.
Also no one knows the long term affects of the vaccine. We do know, though, that a certain percentage of those will get Bell's Palsy. This has been documented in the extremely small print of the vaccine write-up. BTW, no one receiving the placebos in the trials contracted Bell's Palsy.
But your willing to roll the dice on a vaccine for something with a 98% survival rate.
Idiocracy at it's finest.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
we all get along in the pool room, those that want to wear while playing and those that dont, we have fun , anyone that isnt comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave
what dont you get about that?
The more you spread it amongst yourselves, and the more others with the same mindset do, the greater the pool of people in the general population who can unwittingly spread the virus to others. People doing this are taking risks with the lives of others. It doesn't matter that they "get along," "have fun," and "anyone that isn't comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave." It is the fact that those who get the virus in this manner can spread it to the general population, who didn't voluntarily enter into your at-your-own-risk agreement to have "fun." Sorry, its drunk driving, plain and simple.

And, it's avoidable. I've haven't been able to play pool in my own area because all the rooms claim to enforce masks and social distancing, but really its only lipservice. When I stopped by my local room, few in the place had on a mask so I left immediately. They are clearly violating local ordinances. However, I was out of town and stopped to check out their pool room. There, the staff are mask-nazi's and require everyone to keep their mask on except for the brief moments they are eating or drinking. Anyone abusing it is called out. And, the room is spacious and permits plenty of separation. This shows that it is possible to do it safer, but it requires people to accept a very minor inconvenience to protect those around them, and to protect the people who will later come in contact with these folks. What don't you get about that?

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
I get that you don't understand germ theory.
It's been around for about 160 years.
Germs are transmissible between humans that breath in other humans germs.
Have you ever heard of a highly transmissable virus?
We have one going around now.
There is a reason why we are and have been the global hotspot for this virus.
What don't you get about that?
It's high school science.
Go for it if you do not care.

Germ "theory"
That's good, there's been plenty of germs in pool room bathrooms Ive survived somehow


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
we all get along in the pool room, those that want to wear while playing and those that dont, we have fun , anyone that isnt comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave
what dont you get about that?
Tex, what don't you get about there only being x-number of hospital beds? Are you deserving of one versus those of us who are trying to do our part?

Don Dayan

New member
Social distancing works and so does staying at home. You don't have to use profane language on this forum at me. I don't think my thread of concern deserves that kind of reply.
It's just IRRESPONSIBLE to allow people to not wear masks or to not practice social distancing at ANY business! Go ahead spout all that nonsense about ”masks don't work, stay at home, etc.” If a business owner doesn't require face coverings and social distancing, they should NOT BE IN BUSINESS!!! This virus is getting worse every day. Almost 14,000 people DIED in ONE DAY! I just wonder how each of those people contracted the virus?!? Some of those people might have stayed home but got sick from another family member that went out and was around people not wearing a mask!


Illustrated Principles
I guess some of us aren’t afraid of a less the 2% chance of dying if you get it all. Most people aren’t showing symptoms. If I can work 50 hours a week in it I can play pool. If your worried stay home. I’m not. I couldn’t possibly care any less honestly.
Are you aware that in 10-15% of the cases, there are serious long term issues?
I don't want to get it, and I don't want you to get it. Perhaps you'll join me and get the vaccine as soon as it's available.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They will never get it brother.
Sheeple at it's finest.
Believe everything they are told lol.
Hell most are supporting pedophile joe, and his communist ho.
Tells you all you need to know right there.
Now they want to sell us right back to China, where it fucking came from, and then you want to support these same idiots who perpetrated it.
If you really think it came from a bat in a wet market, you're beyond stupid.
People have lost the ability to think for themselves.
Thank God I live in Texas!!
Jam and all the rest of you idiots, please stay the hell out of Texas!!
Our hearts don't bleed down here, and you can take the "if it saves just one life" mantra and shove it up your ass.
Go get your vaccine and shut the fuck up about the rest of us.
We'll be dead enough soon enough right?
If they really wanted to show us mask work, they take 3000(?) people, and have 3 control groups.
1000 people in each setting.
1 setting no mask no social distancing, 1 setting everyone wears a mask and social distances, 1 setting half wear mask and half social distance.
But no, they want to just keep preaching their narrative, and control people with fear, and keep big pharma pumped up.
I'm not responsible for you,, your health, your mental well being, or your family, take responsibility for you!!!
If I were any of you believers and really thought this scam was real, I would abandon society with a vengeance!
I definitely wouldn't get on the internet and bitch about someone else not keeping me safe, while I try and keep up my normal life routine 🙄.
Common sense is becoming a very uncommon thing in these soon to be United Communist States.
Also no one knows the long term affects of the vaccine. We do know, though, that a certain percentage of those will get Bell's Palsy. This has been documented in the extremely small print of the vaccine write-up. BTW, no one receiving the placebos in the trials contracted Bell's Palsy.
But your willing to roll the dice on a vaccine for something with a 98% survival rate.
Idiocracy at it's finest.

Well thank God there will be at least one extra dose of the vaccine available, lol.

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The more you spread it amongst yourselves, and the more others with the same mindset do, the greater the pool of people in the general population who can unwittingly spread the virus to others. People doing this are taking risks with the lives of others. It doesn't matter that they "get along," "have fun," and "anyone that isn't comfortable of course has the choice to enter or leave." It is the fact that those who get the virus in this manner can spread it to the general population, who didn't voluntarily enter into your at-your-own-risk agreement to have "fun." Sorry, its drunk driving, plain and simple.

And, it's avoidable. I've haven't been able to play pool in my own area because all the rooms claim to enforce masks and social distancing, but really its only lipservice. When I stopped by my local room, few in the place had on a mask so I left immediately. They are clearly violating local ordinances. However, I was out of town and stopped to check out their pool room. There, the staff are mask-nazi's and require everyone to keep their mask on except for the brief moments they are eating or drinking. Anyone abusing it is called out. And, the room is spacious and permits plenty of separation. This shows that it is possible to do it safer, but it requires people to accept a very minor inconvenience to protect those around them, and to protect the people who will later come in contact with these folks. What don't you get about that?

Just learned tonight that I guy used to play when learning 1pocket in STL died of COVID.

RIP, Jim Lassiter.

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Are you aware that in 10-15% of the cases, there are serious long term issues?
I don't want to get it, and I don't want you to get it. Perhaps you'll join me and get the vaccine as soon as it's available.
This is true. We are discovering long term effects from COVID infections. It's not just about death.

I recently learned of a friend who now has permanent heart damage from a COVID infection. She was given 1-2 years to live, if she doesn't get a heart transplant. She had no cardiovascular issues prior to COVID. She is <40 and is fit.

Here is a nice editorial about the lessons learned and not learned from the 1918 Influenza pandemic. It was written in 2018, prior to COVID. It is well written and presented.

Here is a quote from the editorial: "Today, three of the leading threats to global public health are attitudinal: hubris, isolationism, and distrust"

Here is the section on distrust: "A third problem is distrust. In our era of political polarization, “fake news,” and tribal politics, trust in the media, government officials, and even science is fading. This can be catastrophic if an influenza or another type of pandemic arises. Under such circumstances, the public’s failure to trust the guidance offered by public health officials may well make a bad situation worse."

Also, if you think masking and social distancing is new, you are wrong. This was asked of people during the 1918 Influenza pandemic as well. Much like today, people didn't listen. Masks were eventually mandated. It wasn't until bodies started to pile up that people started to listen. It's also well documented that the cities that acted quicker had lower infection and mortality rates.

It's quite obvious we haven't learned from our mistakes...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You are right. No way that all the governments can be corrupt. That is crazy talk.
i just explained to you that there is a world outside of the US where there is zero incentive for doctors or hospitals to lie about covid deaths. yet they have plenty of covid deaths. so either the healthcare conspiracy is a national american phenomenon (in which the results are magically aligned with earlier mentioned countries) or it's just the ramblings of mad men.