Practise routines?


Hello! I'm mostly a pool player but I have started to play 3 cushion more seriously lately. I was wondering what kind of practise routines or drills other carom players use?


Carom Addict
Silver Member
I think there have not been any replies so far because many people don't know how to practice properly. this is VITAL to learning anything and performing well. Competition is nice but practice time alone on the table is absolutely crucial to this game (or any other) and should be the majority of your time at least in the beginning.

I have an incredibly boring practice routine that I have done for quite some time now. The upside is it has produced great results! basically I practice 3 groups of shots constantly.

Most important for me is
1) Short Angles!! the other two are
2) long 3-rail naturals and
3) outside the ball 3 long three rail shots.

If you practice these three you should notice great improvement but it takes time.

the short angles I practice with all 3 within 1 diamond up the long rail, 2 diamonds up, 3 diamonds up, then 1 ball with 1 diamond up (or less) and the other moved b/w 2 and 3 diamonds and so forth. practice shooting off both balls and with moving your cueball closer to and further from the 2nd ball as well as up and down the table.

the long 3 natural can be a bit more tricky when you start studying the kisses, but for now, practice with the 3rd ball in the corner (make it an easy target for yourself at first) then with the 2nd ball about half way up the table, 1 diamond away from the long rail and your cue ball about a foot or so behind it in line with the short rails. then create some distance between the two by moving the cue ball back and/or the 2nd ball forward. then move cue ball more left or more right and see how things change for you. (only minor movements are necessary)

outside the ball - try placing the 3rd ball about 1 diamond up the long rail, close and close to it, 2nd ball about 1 diamond away from both rails, cue ball around a diamond out from the long rail, half way up. then move the balls around a bit.

the key is repetition...

see attachment. sorry if the diag is a little shakey - blasted one out with Paint.. angles and dimensions i'm sure are not exactly correct but you'll get the idea


  • practice_diags.jpg
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Hi Guys

I totally agree with Andrew ( good answer ) and more :

- learn quickly sistem play ... dispite the fact that with someone to teach u is better, u can allways get some books and pratice alone ( that´s what i done several times ) ... some spanish books , caudron book is fine and some walter harris got some things interesting.
I would like to ad a position that is very important in competition and very important on the defense /atack combinations : the LLk ( large,large,small cushion ) see it in :



Carom Addict
Silver Member
Manuel, I like your suggestions with these books. Excellent guides. I would like to make a suggestion for those players that are just starting out the game. Try not to get bogged down with learning system after system after system with all of these numbers and finite points and stuff. You'll go crazy!! consider them more as a guide for getting the ball in the intented vacinity and focus on developing the feel for the game. This method has been suggested to me by several of the top players in this country and others (including Torbjorn Blomdahl himself). So far I am very glad I have taken this approach. It is important to develop your fundamentals in aiming, all the different strokes, english, etc.. This is merely a suggestion and may not be what every player needs as we are all different in our learning methods. most importantly though.. ENJOY IT!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Thanks for the suggestions. As a rank beginner, one recommendation that seems to be proving helpful to be is to learn to get to the corners. Ie using two balls, cue and object ball. Put the object ball in one corner and put the cue ball in the adjacent corner along the same short rail.

Learn to consistently hit the object ball. Then move the object ball one, two and three diamonds along the long and short rail and keep the cue ball in the corner. (red ball A and B in the diagram below)

Eventually start moving the cue ball out towards center table and still get to the contact points along the long and short rails.



Hello! I'm mostly a pool player but I have started to play 3 cushion more seriously lately. I was wondering what kind of practise routines or drills other carom players use?

Have you considered practicing the art of spelling ? Not as enjoyable as billiards, but will undoubtedly get you further in life.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Have you considered practicing the art of spelling ? Not as enjoyable as billiards, but will undoubtedly get you further in life.

have you practiced the art of not being an ass? also, the poster didn't misspell anything, so perhaps it is YOU who needs a spelling lesson