Pro level players that post frequently on this forum?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We don't really have what amounts to a true pro ranking system in pool. Sure, some guys are no-brainers like SVB, the European MC crew, all the top level 14.1 mechanics, the 1pocket monsters, almost any Filipino you can name.

But then... I think that by-and-large the "pro-level" distinction comes from the general consensus of pool players at-large.

You mention a Joey Grey, a Chip Compton, a TRex, and most guys are going to immediately say: " pro level players."

If you don't get that kind of automatic acclamation... guess what? You are not a pro level player.

Lou Figueroa
When I was traveling for work all the time and basically doing nothing but playing, I played a hair under their speed.

And really I don't care what you BUY... They know me. At least they would if they saw me.

Joey tried and really liked the way my tips hit.

Ask Sean King how I play... Ask Max Eberle.... Ask any number of players...

So you can buy whatever you ****ing want, but that doesn't change the reality...

I've already said, I CARE what those who can gain from the knowledge I provide think...If your and other dipshits that don't think I'm as good as I am or as knowledgeable as I am influence them and it hurts their game, then I CARE...

Your personal opinion of me? I couldn't give two shits about.


Yeah, I believe that anyone that is within the in crowd of all of those touring pro's, like chip and joey, then they must respect your game. I always dreamed of being in the in crowd (of all the super cool players like chip, Joey, and others that tour around the regional tours), and I imagine it would feel pretty great to have the respect of all of those guys.

Tin Man

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Internet pros

Wow. I just looked closer at my fargo rating. It is apparently at 738 and puts me in the midst of some pretty good players. And to answer Jaden's question, my highest finish at the US Open was 17th...however in the 4 times I played I took 17th, 25th, 33rd, and 33rd, and each time beat 1-3 established pros. I always did well out there (for me).

But the funny part is this. A few years ago someone posted a thread about 'what level ghost can you break even with'. It was a survey, and I answered that I could break even with the 10 ball ghost. Well, the guy that wrote the post got all pissy, stating that everyone was full of it, and all the players on the survey that said they could beat the ghost could get action. I ignored this at first, but he went on and on, basically calling us all out. So I asked for action, and he immediately high rolls me, talking about playing 5 races to 11 for 1K each and freezing up 5K in the middle, and tells me that we could stream it live for all of AZ....of course, all non-negotialbe. So I thought about whether to play, practiced a few sets against the ghost, broke the balls 100 times on a tough breaking table to try to gauge how many impossible layouts I'd get vs. short racks, etc, then finally I replied to the poster (Cincyman?) and told him I'd take him up on everything except for one condition- I wouldn't play on his home table. I wanted to play on a neutral diamon, even the TAR table would be fine. Jimmy Wetch is a friend of mine and told me, and I quote "Even when I was touring and gambling all the time and ranked 5th in the world, there is no way I'd ever make a game in someone's personal house. It could be dangerous, and if nothing else they can mess with the air conditioning, or who knows what, pins in rails, whatever.. If it's a legit game they'll run it in a pool hall." So I told him that was my ONLY request. I had the money and was ready to go. So of course he tells me that I'M a nit because I won't play him on his terms since the offer was non-negotiable.

This long story was just to point out my experience with people calling me out on this forum. Look, I'm not a pro, I'm not SVB, shoot, I don't play as good as half the guys I am ranked higher than on Fargorate. I just like to play hard and have fun, and try to pocket balls. And I do get that there is respect to be given to those at the top.

But what's with the hate for Jaden? Shoot, I lost a match to Jesse Engel on Saturday in which he absolutely crushed me, 10-2. It was brutal. He played inspired, I couldn't get the balls to cooperate, and every time I hooked him he refused to give up ball in hand and found ways to just make things awkward and difficult. Top it off with a few bad rolls and finding awkward angles, and I just couldn't get going, and ended up fumbling the few opportunities that I actually got. Anyone watching that would've rated me a B player all day long. Anyone that makes conclusions watching one match doesn't play much competitive pool.

Anyway, Jaden is no touring pro, but he never said he was. "Semi-pro" is the most vague term ever coined so drawing battle lines over it's use is pretty absurd. He wins money in events that pros play in and has victories over them, and he can turn in air tight sets. A player. Short stop. Semi pro. Call it what you want. If you PERSONALLY draw the line higher, good for you. But the treatment of Jaden is nothing short of bullying. The idea that it is 'out of respect' to better players doesn't make sense, when it's being delivered in a disrespectful way to a very good player!

Jaden, I don't know why I posted this. I'd agree with you this is why top players don't post much. I'll tell you something funny...on a very personal note, I went through a very difficult divorce over the last 2 years, not at all of my choosing. Anyway, reason I share is that I have posted daily for 20 months on a forum dedicated to helping people through that stuff, how to lead through difficulty, how to stand by a failing marriage, etc. My point is this- in thousands of posts, I have only been in a few passionate debates, and that is when we are talking about extremely sensitive stuff, fighting denial, personal demons, etc. Yet here we're talking about a pool game and people go to war over the definition of 'is' or whatever.

Anyway, keep hitting the balls good, and don't let these guys get to you. We know they're good people, just caught them on the wrong day. Let it go, no one takes it seriously, we all know internet wars are skin deep. Later!

Tin Man

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
We don't really have what amounts to a true pro ranking system in pool. Sure, some guys are no-brainers like SVB, the European MC crew, all the top level 14.1 mechanics, the 1pocket monsters, almost any Filipino you can name.

But then... I think that by-and-large the "pro-level" distinction comes from the general consensus of pool players at-large.

You mention a Joey Grey, a Chip Compton, a TRex, and most guys are going to immediately say: " pro level players."

If you don't get that kind of automatic acclamation... guess what? You are not a pro level player.

Lou Figueroa

I agree with this for the most part...only one thing. Not everyone knows Chip or Joey if they don't follow pool closely or travel much. So acclamation from who? From AZB? I don't know. I don't consider myself pro, but I can tell you this- if you polled AZB about me and then polled the top 25 players in the US, the top players would probably give me more credit than some random joe blow that has never played me.

Still, I agree that respect and recognition needs to be given freely, not requested. The way you say it keeps it pretty simple.


Undercover FBI Agent
Silver Member
Wow Jaden, sorry for re-posting that video. Didn't realize it would turn into such a shitstorm.


I am Keyser Söze
Silver Member
Amazing how many people get bent out of shape over this topic.

I will never understand why.

Who the f*ck cares what people think?

I certainly don't.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jaden is going to take a little break, until he can learn how to play nice around others.


There is a lot of irony there, just the other day he was bragging how he's been here for XX years and never been close to being banned.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
People who play pro speed usually show it on the table, not on an internet chat forum.

I will be 62 next month and am half-blind but I ran a 5-pack of 9-ball not too long ago and maybe would have went further. I made the 9 on the break on the sixth game and a flying ball knocked the cue ball in the side.

This was a 9-foot Gold Crown.

I play once a week and can hang with any A player in the place.

This isn't an attempt to claim any status at all. It is just letting people know that not everyone on here is a banger.

I'm not a pool scientist, I'm a pool player.

There is a lot of irony there, just the other day he was bragging how he's been here for XX years and never been close to being banned.

I am surprised the thread did not get deleted. I thought that is what happens when people start arguing in any type of negative way. I feel bad that Jaden got hot tempered and said what he said. He seems like a really cool guy. I was just looking at his tips last night, and the Hybrid tips sound really interesting to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am surprised the thread did not get deleted. I thought that is what happens when people start arguing in any type of negative way. I feel bad that Jaden got hot tempered and said what he said. He seems like a really cool guy. I was just looking at his tips last night, and the Hybrid tips sound really interesting to me.

Yeah I didn't wanna see the guy get banned but honestly I don't pay no attention to it one way or the other. People get banned from time to time, majority of the time they come back and it's forgotten about. As far as threads getting deleted, I believe it all depends on how bad it is overall and this one doesn't seem that bad - compared to a lot of other ones lol.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yeah I feel bad he got banned. I can see how he could have felt like he got backed into a corner and he's generally a positive contributer on here so hopefully it's a very short break. I think he called me a dip - something and that's probably not too far off.
I agree with this for the most part...only one thing. Not everyone knows Chip or Joey if they don't follow pool closely or travel much. So acclamation from who? From AZB? I don't know. I don't consider myself pro, but I can tell you this- if you polled AZB about me and then polled the top 25 players in the US, the top players would probably give me more credit than some random joe blow that has never played me.

Still, I agree that respect and recognition needs to be given freely, not requested. The way you say it keeps it pretty simple.

Yeah, you make a great point. Any poor opinions from the unknown AZB forum community should be pretty meaningless I think.

I imagine there would be nothing better then having the top players respect for my game (if I were good enough to earn their respect, after competing with them). For me, it is a great feeling when a player (who I know to be very good) respects me game, or gives me some sort of compliment about my game. On the other hand, if a very good player tells me something that I am doing wrong, I also respect that too, and would try to fix the error in my game that they told me about.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We don't really have what amounts to a true pro ranking system in pool. Sure, some guys are no-brainers like SVB, the European MC crew, all the top level 14.1 mechanics, the 1pocket monsters, almost any Filipino you can name.

But then... I think that by-and-large the "pro-level" distinction comes from the general consensus of pool players at-large.

You mention a Joey Grey, a Chip Compton, a TRex, and most guys are going to immediately say: " pro level players."

If you don't get that kind of automatic acclamation... guess what? You are not a pro level player.

Lou Figueroa

Aside from obvious one, rest are just subjective proclamations
Sometimes I think they mean prostitute not professional when they refer to 'pro'
Yeah I feel bad he got banned. I can see how he could have felt like he got backed into a corner and he's generally a positive contributer on here so hopefully it's a very short break. I think he called me a dip - something and that's probably not too far off.

I see that it is really easy to get in trouble on here. You really need to watch what you say, and you can't make any really offensive remarks, or do any nasty name calling. I imagine that most AZ members know this. Imagine how many times you may have thought about posting something bad toward another member, but thought twice about doing it, and did not post what was on your mind to post. I get really angry (when people on here say things that hurt me), and I wish I could tell them everything that is on my mind, but I know I can't, lol. I still do not understand how people can say certain things (that in my mind, or pretty nasty and harsh), and these comments would never get them in any trouble on here. Sorry, this post sounds like it belongs in NPR. This thread has gotten way off topic. I am really sorry. Some of the posts have been very interesting though.
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