Problems playing certain people


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is an individual that I had a hard time playing with the other day, and I finally packed up my cue and went home. He is a very good player, knows his way around the table and occasionally runs the table. The issue is, every shot he makes he has a comment on. For example, on a slight cut 3/4 of the length of the table he says " I'm not very good at these but I'll try it anyway" then you pockets the ball. As the cue ball is traveling to his next position he constantly coaxes it along "com'on com'on com'on, darn, it's not exactly where I wanted it, oh well". Then he shoots his next ball in the whole routine starts over again. He never keeps quiet, always talking to the ball and trying to coax it along, and never happy where the cue ball ends up. Then he continues to run the table. Constantly never happy, always whining, and shooting very well at the same time. He has gotten complaints while on League of sharking from his opponent, and I don't think he does it on purpose, but nonetheless, it just wears me down. He's never happy with his game, but he wins most of the time . Just shut the f up and play pool, and stop the freaking whining!
I just can't take this type of individual as he gets under my skin. I know I shouldn't let people get under my skin, but I have choices in life of who I want to hang with and who I don't, and this just wears me out so I don't play with them anymore.
Does he sit quietly when it's your turn to shoot, or is he like vintage Earl? Big difference, at least to me.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
There are a few folks rated the same APA Skill Level as me that I struggle against historically...obviously, just because we're at the same Skill Level doesn't mean we're the same ability, but I've played well against other players that do well against these folks, so it's safe to say we're all fairly close. Just that certain guy that always has my number lol. And to be fair, I've been that guy for others, I have one buddy n the league that's always busting my chops about me always beating him. (Which isn't completely true, but I think I get him more than he gets me, at least. We have fun, regardless.)


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
I’d have a problem playing DeadMoney. He would probably want a deposit before we started.


Well-known member
I also have the option to just relax and let it go, which is actually less stressful.

it might be a situation where you could just say all this talk is tiring me out , or something not too offensive. in other words just be direct in letting him know how you feel?
hard to really call him out on it all, some people are just more verbal, its different if he wont shut up in an attempt to break your concentration. It sounds like it might be more of a conflict in personality than an ethical issue.
I tried hinting at his continuous whining, but he just doesn't get it. Instead of hurting his feelings I just won't play with him anymore. It seems counterintuitive, but it just gets under my skin. He has been accused of sharking before from an individual on the other team when I played with him in league. I know he doesn't do it on purpose, he is really a nice individual, but I think he just has an intense desire to win all the time and this is his way of dealing with the pressure. After a while though, he's just intolerable to me whether he means it or not so this is what I decided, is just not play with him anymore to not cause trouble.


Well-known member
Does he sit quietly when it's your turn to shoot, or is he like vintage Earl? Big difference, at least to me.
Sometimes, but sometimes he roams around the table looking at my next shot to see if I can make it or not.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Many players, pros included, have at least one nemesis opponent. It's one of those players who you feel you should have every right to beat, but somehow don't. Something may happen to you without realizing it when you play them --- maybe your rhythm changes, or maybe you start to take more chances than you should. We can't NOT look at our opponents play. I've had my share also, and then I realized that I was letting them dictate the tone of the match, even though it was sometimes very subtle.

Make sure you play your match YOUR way, and don't let your opponent's way dictate the flow of the match. Be extra aware of yourself in matches against a nemesis. Set some triggers for yourself to remind yourself to stick to your game plan.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What took me to the next level was an honest, no BS evaluation, of my game.
Why was I giving up control of the table and losing to the same old people week after week? It mostly pointed to attempting shots that at best I had a 50/50 chance of making, but I also sucked at playing safe.
Even though I sucked at playing safe I could at least put some distance between the CB and OB, so on a low percentage shot that’s what I did.
People say play the table not the player but I couldn’t do that, I wanted to show them how good I was, punish them for all the times they embarrassed me, so I played with a lot of revenge and emotion and kept losing my ass!
I started playing to control the table, not impress anyone, just to win. If I had a low percentage shot I would try to leave them difficult and long, best I could do at the time.I started winning and my confidence went up. I practiced more and difficult shots became easy, safety play became more intricate, instead of just leaving him behind a ball I’d freeze him to it cutting off most routes out. If you turn over control of the table it should be rare that it happens because you missed a ball but if that’s the reason you’re consistently losing control then you should not be taking those shots


Well-known member
so what about eye contact? you know how it is, people sit around the table, they have every right to watch, but sometimes it works out that an opponent or a partner is shooting right toward your eyes or you just happen to be standing in the shotline.. you probably know how it feels tohave an opponent staring you down at the end of your cue, they can often even actually see often better than you, if you are lined up or not.. someone staring you down can be a form of distraction but It's a bit different from interfering verbally.
sometimes if you are standing there and suddenly move away your movement can also be a distraction , it if coincides with them pulling the trigger..

would you move from your seat or standing position to accommodate the opponent, or would you stay where you are? would you stop and ask an opponent to move out of your shotline if it was distracting? maybe youd consider it a skill to ignore it and not allow it to affect your shot? is there any related rule ? I think if the opponent is speaking its fair to just wait for him to stop and then shoot if it is distracting or say Il just wait till you stop talking to me so I can then focus on my shot.. obviously there are situations where its a judgement call to do anything about it or not. maybe telling an opponent exposes your weakness if you point out they are succeeding in sharking you..

I dont think htis is always that cut and dried.
Some games do have a time limit..