Restroom Breaks During League / Weekly Tournament Matches


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm looking for opinions as to what you guys think is reasonable as to the number of restroom breaks is acceptable for a simple race to four 9-ball weekly tournament match, as well as the timing of when it is appropriate for a player to take that restroom break?

My viewpoint is from that as a tournament director, who is trying to keep the tournament moving along, so that we can finish the tournament at a reasonable hour, for the benefit of everyone.

I assume I'm in the minority of thinking that one restroom break, or two at the most, during a 20-40 minute race to 4 match is more than enough? We have a few players that literally take 3+ breaks during a match on a regular basis.

Also, the timing of when a player in a match takes their restroom break, in my opinion, is a matter of etiquette. In my mind, the best time to take the break is between games - I don't think that's too much to ask. If you must take a restroom break in the middle of a game, at least it should be when it is that person's shot who is wanting to take the break, so they are not holding up their opponent. We have players that decide they want to take their break in the middle of a game, while their opponent has control of the table. I just don't think that's fair. When it happens, I generally allow the player controlling the table to keep shooting, as long as myself or another witness is observing the play. If the player returns from the restroom and the game is over, that's just too bad.

Lastly as a pet peeve of a tournament director, how often do you see a player waiting for their match to be called, and it's not until you call them to a table to start their match that they decide then they need to go to the restroom, when they could have easily done this before their match is called.

It's just seems that common sense actions that could speed up a tournament are often ignored by many of the players, and then those same players complain about how late the tournament runs.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Playing someone who takes 3 breaks in a race to 4 is a good recipe for people never showing up to your tournament again.


always a newbie
Silver Member
Unless the race is long, one break per match is generally accommodative enough for most players. I'd allow more than one break for players who aren't feeling well, but if a player routinely requires 2-3 breaks per match, I tell them to go pound sand, well, in a polite way. Players who need multiple breaks in a short race typically just want to puff a few, something most regional tournaments here disallow.

It normally doesn't matter if it's in between rack or if it's in the middle of a rack, the player can take the break when it's his/her turn to shoot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Race to 4 -9 Ball
You get zero bathroom breaks.
This race should take less than and hour, take your pee before you start and play.


Call me Grace
Silver Member
I would think that during a match like the one you describe one restroom break would
suffice, between games. But too, you must understand that some folks have certain medical issues that
might require more than one. Of course that's more the exception than the rule. The
need for a pit stop has gotten the best of all though, it happens. I have, and I'm sure you
and many others here have, been the victim of the toilet shark, when your opponent leaves
you wondering if maybe he got eaten.
So we might sit during a tournament and between matches have a sparkling beverage or 2 (or 3, or...)
and then the match gets called, so we get up and your bodily functions begin to activate with
your movement. That, to me is forgivable, the toilet shark routine is not.
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Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
I’m diabetic... drink a lot of water ... 1-2 breaks work. And I was told the break has to be before I start My inning.
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champagne - campaign
Silver Member
I know a guy who would take a restroom break in the APA regionals simply to throw a match into sudden death if the time was getting close, so they could throw their best player up last. He would also take one if a player on his team was running late. Sounds like a tall tale but its the honest truth...and all for some fantasy trip to Vegas to go two and out. The crazy thing is, no one ever complained because the fella is 500+ lbs and they all thought it was normal. Pool league moves :idea2:


Call me Grace
Silver Member
I know a guy who would take a restroom break in the APA regionals simply to throw a match into sudden death if the time was getting close, so they could throw their best player up last. He would also take one if a player on his team was running late. Sounds like a tall tale but its the honest truth...and all for some fantasy trip to Vegas to go two and out. The crazy thing is, no one ever complained because the fella is 500+ lbs and they all thought it was normal. Pool league moves :idea2:

People try to pull that crap here every time cities rolls around. It got so bad one year that
what our LO started to do if we notified the LO about a restroom break with time closing in
the LO would stop the sudden-death clock and allow them like 3 minutes, if they didn't
return it was considered a forfeit.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No breaks for races to 4 in 9 ball. Tell them they get at least two, one before their match and as many as needed after match.


champagne - campaign
Silver Member
People try to pull that crap here every time cities rolls around. It got so bad one year that
what our LO started to do if we notified the LO about a restroom break with time closing in
the LO would stop the sudden-death clock and allow them like 3 minutes, if they didn't
return it was considered a forfeit.

I dont play pool league but I agree with that remedy, I might mention it to some friends of mine who play.

Here is what I have come to a conclusion with, about pool in general, simply by seeing it first hand for the past 18 years or so. There are basically three types of people in the pool world; the one's who play pool (leagues and socially for fun and amusement), pool players (the ones everyone sees on youtube or hears about / sponsored players) and the ones that try to be what they think a "pool player" is (the worst kind). Everyone sees it but some dont realize it. Call them what you will but some folks go out of their way to try and imitate something they will never be, but in a fantasy world sense. Long bathroom breaks, standing close to the table when someone is shooting, making noises, gaf racking, taking way to long to shoot, moving the penny or game marker wrong, having opponents rerack for spite...etc. There are the ones who are just bad sports and total D$&@S in life though. Its all a mind game, the ones you see doing it 9/10 times are the ones who have no desire to actually improve their game or the ones who cant and have decided to play the NIT card and resort to the aforementioned "move's" :grin:

Just my two bit's on the subject :wink:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Generally I don't know when my captain is going to put me up for a match. Often if he tells me, and I think there is a chance that I'll need a restroom break during the match, I will go take one then so I don't have to stop mid-match. Otherwise, no more than 1 should be common, and 2 should be the most for anything under an hour match (health problems aside).

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
Playing someone who takes 3 breaks in a race to 4 is a good recipe for people never showing up to your tournament again.

This.....I could see where someone might need to take one quick break, and they do it in between games, or at least right before their turn, but anything else smells like a shark. I'm surprised any tournament operator would allow this type of behavior.

Other than medical circumstances or maybe a rare "surprise", most people should easily be able to play a race to 4 without any type of break.


recreational banger
Silver Member
Age can enter in here. For men over 50, allowances could be made. ;)

Old dogs. We have to stop at every tree...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Realistically one should be fine for a race to 4, 2 absolute max. As to taking a break while their opine the is shooting, I say it's up to the person in Co troll of the table if they continue shooting or not, period. If some of your people that routinely do that keep doing that and every time they return and every ball is off the table and they are informed they lost that game EVERY time they do it then it would probably stop very quickly lol. As to waiting tilist they are called to go - I don't see that as a big deal at all. On a positive , they may wait till then so they can try to ensure they don't need to take any breaks once the match started. Also remember, you need not have to do a #1 or #2 to need to use the restroom😊.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Age can enter in here. For men over 50, allowances could be made. ;)

Old dogs. We have to stop at every tree...

Well put. Even drinking water goes right through me so I don't drink if playing a set. If I have to go I'm a fast walker. Back in a flash.