Results-West Monroe, LA tournament


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
total payout 10.600.00 top 4 players Gary Abood, Mike Reaves, Ed Hoff, Scotty Townsend. 4,200.00 2,275.00 1,475.00 950.00 525.00 5th-6th 75.00 7th-8th 50.00 9th - 12th great 30.00 entry tournament, great food; and the next one will be even better!


"Rack Um"/ Rusty Lock
Silver Member
Thanks for the results, Rep To You!....... I like reading the results of tournaments, something very few on this forum report.

Sounds like it was alot of good playing and a great time.

That Mike Reeves plays pretty sporty sometimes, if he played pool all the time and was able to play the bigger tournaments he would really be good, I knew his Dad, he played a mean game of pool also.

David Harcrow
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