Seybert's fancy new website


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just thought I'd share the news since I randomly went on the site and saw the new fancy website!

Do I like it? I don't know! I'm so used to the old layout. JJ Cues layout also strangely works for me too.


Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
With the computer world, seems like nothing is static, change comes every six mth to a year no matter what. I'm glad though no one's changed the primary colors of life.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think it was Seyberts used to have cumbersome thumbnails of cue butts. Made browsing a chore. Never shopped there unless I knew what i was looking for.


Do what works for YOU!
It's nice imo.
One filter I wish EVERY site would implement (but most don't) is the ability to filter by "in stock" items at the top of the list.
Seybert's used to do this automatically, but it looks like that feature is gone.
With so many products "out of stock" on their site, searching through it all is a pain in the rear....
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Playing the table
Silver Member
It has a clean, attractive appearance and is easy to navigate. The pool world too often has a dated feel to it, so something more current and attractive is a good choice.

The change could have been monetary. The old website might have required time-consuming manual updates at the coding level. Maybe this new website is easier to manage with whatever software they're using. Maybe or maybe not, but sometimes that kind of thing is what causes these changes.