

Cue Freek
Silver Member


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Likes to draw
Silver Member
Fantastic!... For anyone who can recognize quality, it's easy to tell John is one of the finest buiders of cues there is.


Super Gun Mod
Silver Member
Beautiful cue, and given the few that John makes, these are very coveted.

It is the Balabushka style, and if there's one thing I would do differently from John, it would be to index the point inlays from the inner veneer, to avoid the secondary inlays being too close, or into, the inner veneer, for concentricity.

Having said that, this is a great cue, and other great cuemakers, such as Steve Klein, do the same thing with point inlays with Bushka style.

Either way, this is one valuable cue. And all this is the truth.

All the best,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
An added plus is this cue has good penmanship. There are some cue-makers that butcher
their personal signatures and are are so atrocius if I had ordered one of their cues, I'd have
clearly specified there was to be no signature or date on the cue, just the cue-maker's logo.
John's signature looks really classy versus some cue-makers' signatures that look just awful.


Super Gun Mod
Silver Member
Doesn't matter to me either way. The points are shorter than most of Johns' cues so I figured it was so

No problem, and it's only an opinion of mine, based on a couple photos. However, there are a few things. Most Spain points are even shorter than these, even though the rings push them up a bit. Also, Spain blanks were made in the day when just a bit of space was left at the bottom of the points. Yours are more typical of John, where he gets them touching perfectly at the bottom. That would be very hard, or coincidental, to do with a Spain blank. Last, the colors are shall we say, a bit more modern than typical Spain veneers, though there is some variation. To be honest, I think John's points are better than almost anyone's, and I think these are his. Many a cue collector has been fooled as to the blank he thought he had. I think this is all John's work, but again, only an opinion. I would have to handle the cue to see otherwise.

All the best,


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
More like he holds them hostage.....

The nuthuggers here amaze me.


He still makes the best old school cue period. No matter how much you hate him. Nobody can deny that, all that other stuff is what it is and its understandable.


Cue Freek
Silver Member
Some history on this cue....

John told me he made this cue as a gift to his friend Rocky Tillis after working and learning at Rockys' shop. After Rocky passed away, it went to a friend of theirs and then came back to John about 16 years ago. He sold it to Pat Diveney and I got it from Pat so it has only been sold twice since 1994