Stop Shot Puzzle (8)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Solution is in link below. If you want to post an alternate solution please do so by hyperlink. Open up the bigger, more accurate cuetable by clicking the edit button on the bottom long rail.
As always, cueball in hand anywhere. Goal is to clear table, with zero post-collision cueball movement. No break ball to be concerned about. Have fun.

CueTable Help

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First Post!!

I have a deal with myself to lurk here so as not to get sucked in to spending all my free time posting here, but this one made me break my rule.

I started looking at this one from the 13, but in about two or three minutes, I settled on the exact same solution you laid out (except I was doing it in my head and forgot about the 11).

I don't seem to be able to play worth a damn, but, apparently, I have an idea of what I am SUPPOSED to be doing. I guess there's hope for me yet.


(who needs to learn to put the balls in the pockets)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So the lure was too great for you, huh? Thanks for checking in. It's good to know there are lurkers doing these.


Lurking in the Shadows
Silver Member
2 solutions last page including breakball

CueTable Help

As its difficult to see with all the lines heres the sequence for the run out on page 2 (12,1,15,14,13,4,6,5,3,2,9,8,11,10,7breakball)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Reaper114, I may have been too vague about the goal of this puzzle. The goal is to have zero movement of the cueball after it pockets a ball. All shots are stop shots. From each stopped cueball position, another ball can be pocketed with a stop shot, and so on.

Soulcatcher, interesting solution. A reminder though, if you could post any alternate solutions to the one I posted in hyperlink form as opposed to a display of the cuetable, it will allow others to avoid seeing the solutions before they had a chance to go at the original puzzle.

I should have stated that you don't need to concern yourself with a break ball in these puzzles. It's actually harder to do when no break balls are present, so there's no obvious starting point to work backwards from. I just edited the original post to clear this up.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
bluepepper said:
Reaper114, I may have been too vague about the goal of this puzzle. The goal is to have zero movement of the cueball after it pockets a ball. All shots are stop shots. From each stopped cueball position, another ball can be pocketed with a stop shot, and so on.

Soulcatcher, interesting solution. A reminder though, if you could post any alternate solutions to the one I posted in hyperlink form as opposed to a display of the cuetable, it will allow others to avoid seeing the solutions before they had a chance to go at the original puzzle.

I should have stated that you don't need to concern yourself with a break ball in these puzzles. It's actually harder to do when no break balls are present, so there's no obvious starting point to work backwards from. I just edited the original post to clear this up.


Made the change to a link. Sorry for the mistake.