storing and transporting magic rack


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What do you guys keep your magic rack in when not in use? I have mine in a folder but feel like carrying around a folder from place to place is a pain.

Would it be okay to roll it up and shove in one of the tubes of my case?


knowledge > execution. :(
Silver Member
I prefer to keep mine in my practice binder, but since I dont always carry it, I try to roll it up as large as possible and put in the large pocket in the front of my case. It did get squished once by my coin-holder and q-claw, but it hasn't affected how it racks. It's a little bent up, but easy enough to fix. However, I don't leave it on the table anymore because it's not perfectly flat due to the creases from the crushing.


Accu-Stats Messenger
Silver Member
Here is an idea !

A big nylon envelope that could wrap around your case with a velcro clasp.


"What's in your wallet?"
Silver Member
Think it would be a nice touch for room owners to keep a few on hand for use by their customers? They provide triangles, why not keep a few Magic Racks under the counter? If you want your drivers license/credit card back you need to turn it back in with the balls.

If nothing else and you are a regular at the room, why not just have them store yours somewhere behind the counter for your use when you come in? If they won't do that for you, just leave it taped behind the toilet tank in the bathroom.:grin-square:
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Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Think it would be a nice touch for room owners to keep a few on hand for use by their customers? They provide triangles, why not keep a few Magic Racks under the counter? If you want your drivers license/credit card back you need to turn it back in with the balls.

If nothing else and you are a regular at the room, why not just have them store yours somewhere behind the counter for your use when you come in? If they won't do that for you, just leave it taped behind the toilet tank in the bathroom.:grin-square:

Any room owner that doesn't also have MR's if you ask isn't much of a business man. They must live under a rock. I bet half the large tournament around the world use MR's. The US is getting there, but it's like pulling teeth to not take that rack sponsership money from Delta and a few others. If MR could afford to pay big like Delta you would see almost all tournaments use them. I nothing else it gets the racking done much faster with no arguements. Johnnyt


"What's in your wallet?"
Silver Member
Any room owner that doesn't also have MR's if you ask isn't much of a business man. They must live under a rock. I bet half the large tournament around the world use MR's. The US is getting there, but it's like pulling teeth to not take that rack sponsership money from Delta and a few others. If MR could afford to pay big like Delta you would see almost all tournaments use them. I nothing else it gets the racking done much faster with no arguements. Johnnyt

It would be good business for another reason too. Let's face it, outside of the small population of pool players like here on AZB, few probably even know about it. So they could also have some available for sale and I'm sure would move a few units to people once they've tried them or to players on nearby tables that see it being used and are curious, especially to players that travel around to other rooms/bars or have their own tables.


knowledge > execution. :(
Silver Member
It would be good business for another reason too. Let's face it, outside of the small population of pool players like here on AZB, few probably even know about it. So they could also have some available for sale and I'm sure would move a few units to people once they've tried them or to players on nearby tables that see it being used and are curious, especially to players that travel around to other rooms/bars or have their own tables.

Hell, most of the pool players in my area have never heard of or used the MBR. These aren't slouches either, they're locals, but they spend enough time in pool rooms I'd expect they'd at least hear about them. People, especially the old-schoolers, are freaked out about having the balls roll over/across it. :/ Or, they get annoyed because there's no chance of a free 9-ball.