Streaming Viewership #'s Were HIGH Last Night!

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Im sure if it were on Friday or Saturday night, and started a little bit earlier, there would be quite a few more viewers.

Not to mention if they had a few weeks to promote etc. This all materialized in a flash. I was almost half expecting it not to go off.

Nick B


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I may be mistaken, but I believe the viewership was really high last night - well over a thousand before I buggered out at 2:45 am EST. I don't know that I've ever seen #'s this high! I was shocked because, let's be honest, it was not held at the most friendly of hours for mass viewership. :( Not sure why it wasn't started much earlier.

Did anyone keep a bead on viewership #'s throughout the night? What's the highest viewership anyone noticed? Did it wane as the morning hours ticked on?

Most importantly:

What do these #'s mean as far as marketability of streaming one pocket?

I'm sure povpool and it's sponsors/advertisers were pleased! Thanks POV and all involved to have brought it to the masses! :thumbup:

first off props to POV for the steam and i was glad to see the numbers high as they were.

the sad thing is 1000 viewers is 20 people per State, there is a very long way to go before there is a audience that will move the needle. If someone asked me "How many people would watch pool on their computer-if they could?" say 10-15 years ago i'd have guessed 10,000-15,000 at the least, just by accident. How come the audience is so small?? Again not knock, i just cant figure out how its only 20 people per state, i'd think by accident there shuold be 5,000 viewers.


I liked the commentary guy was raw and uncut. It was pool after dark baby!!!!

The commentary was horrible, if pool ever expects to get anywhere it needs to start being more professional.

Having people drinking and commentating, or dropping F bombs will get us right where we are, worse off than the day before.

I love this sport but I cant think of any other sport where
People get drunk to play better
people dress like slobs
people swear and act like children
and at the end of the day reval in the fact that we yet again had a chance to move forward in the sport and crushed it and the future of pool in one fatal swoop.:(:sorry:

heres a story to explain, its from another forum.:eek:

AZ Billiards:
I left because I was upset about the language. Before anyone drops the "assumption hammer", if I were in a hall among friends with no cameras that probably would not have been the case. You see, I had a proposed sponsor watching. I had worked for months and months to get him to at least come watch and when he called during the match to discuss a new product for my store and I jumped at the opportunity to tell him of this stream (with over 1,200 viewers) and finally got him to come watch.

I quickly Googled information about the players, passed them to him then walked him through how to get there/use the chat etc. Bad timing, as he heard and saw what was going on and was not happy. Especially after the commentator was asked by a few people to watch his language yet he continued (not much but enough!). The folks in the chat didn't help either when saying things like "what's the problem it's a free stream", "we are all adults here chill out", and "what do you expect it's a pool hall" and the like. The proposed sponsor said (excerpts): "Oh sure, that (a free stream) makes it alright to act like that and use those words in a public chat and think it's OK because it is in a pool room(?) -- our audience is all ages(!) ... so that's what we can expect when our name is on the screen as a sponsor and this gets on YouTube and all over the net for all to see(?) ... what are these people thinking and what is my target audience going to think? We can't have our name affixed to this sort of thing. We have other avenues that we will pursue. Our product is all about health and this is not healthy. I'm sorry Bob, but I can tell you now that there is no way at this point and time" He left in disgust.

Daniel Busch (POV Pool) had no idea this was happening. If he had, he would have put a stop to it immediately as what was being said was a violation of Ustream's TOS which could have (not saying it would have) resulted in his stream being shut down. This is one of the major reason there are moderators in the chat. He in no way condones what was done. When he found out via text messages, he pulled "whomever" from the booth. Unfortunately, it was too late as the damage had already been done.

I try so hard (12 to 14 hours a day) to promote the sport and find major sponsors and it only takes one incident like this to ruin those efforts. Sad really.

I thought you deserved an explanation.

In regards to this remark: " male pool players who swap out for a vagina while watching a POOL MATCH on stream." First off: Not everyone were adults and not everyone were male. Once uploaded, the "world" (all ages and genders) will have access and this would not reflect on the sport in a positive light -- something they'd not like their kids to get involved in for example. Second off: When it started happening, the viewership dropped over 200 people in less then a minute. I received many PMs both in the chat and on Facebook (some were evidently watching there and just heard what was being said) asking me to tell the commentator to stop with the language as, and I quote various people in excerpts: a)"... my kid is watching and I have in-laws over and they are asking if this his how I am away from home. Come on, clean it up.", b) "My youth pool class (Young Stick Warriors) is watching can you get this guy to wash out his mouth please", c)"... use of that language is inexcusable when trying to change the image of the sport like you keep preaching. What gives? Why can't you get this guy to stop?", d) "Come on Bob, tell the guy to tone it down. He knows one pocket and explains it well but is that language really necessary dude", e) "OMG man, how can you let this happen. It's baddddd for the game", f) ... disgusting", g) " ... and he seriously thinks it's OK because it's a pool game?", h) "I just can't believe you are letting this slide. Clean it up", i) "... and this is what you brought me here for?", j) "Now people know why we'll never hit mainstream. We are our own problem. Olympics? Forget about it." <-- just a few copy and pastes! NOTE: Some obviously assumed I was at the challenge!

I do not sit in judgement on anyone but do ponder whether I should put myself in this situation every again in regards to trying to get a major sponsor to come on board. It's unfortunate, I'm sorry it happened, and am filing this whole thing in the "It was what it was" folder in the "Bob just let it go file cabinet".

BTW, the budget for the proposed sponsor is $250K and I "was" seeking a big chunk of that for various streamers in an effort to improve matters for the viewers and most importantly, our sport. When he said this it felt like I swallowed a whole rack of balls: "We can't have our name affixed to this sort of thing. We have other avenues that we will pursue. Our product is all about health and this is not healthy. I'm sorry Bob, but I can tell you now that there is no way at this point and time"


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Tang said one of his sponsors texted him about Rich.

I also heard Daniel say that Pepsi was thinking about sponsoring POV.
Hope Pepsi wasn't there to hear it.
Hope it works out with Pepsi.

Hope all of Dan and Barbara's work doesn't take a hit.

The commentators have to show respect to POV.

I can't believe how many people said that there was no foul language, including Rich.
It was unfortunate because he was a great commentator.

Some said it was okay because it was a pool room?
Is that what your mama, told you !!!!!

These are the reason that Pool has such a bad name, we earned it.
"We have met the enemy and he is Us", Walt Kelly.

Daniel and Barbara thanks for a great Stream.
See you in Mountain View.
I will donate again.


Great stream horrible commentating.


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Daniel probably could have had Frank the Barber call it. Wayne Pullen would have been excellent too but I guess he couldn't make it. Jay would have been perfect.

Rich was great at calling the moves but he wasn't really paying attention to ball counts, etc. Howard Stern makes Rich sound like Captain Kangaroo in the colorful language department. I liked some of Rich's reactions - he was dumbfounded by Scott's cavalier moves.
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cue accumulator
Silver Member
The commentators didn't seem to have a good view of the table, but overall the match was fun to watch, especially some of the incredible shot making and cue ball killing.

Ron Moore

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Box was very good aside from the heavy breathing, needed to adjust his mic location. Unfortunately, he was only around for the end. The guy that wanted to tear down the sound barrier was an embarassment to the production.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I do not sit in judgement on anyone but do ponder whether I should put myself in this situation every again in regards to trying to get a major sponsor to come on board. It's unfortunate, I'm sorry it happened, and am filing this whole thing in the "It was what it was" folder in the "Bob just let it go file cabinet".

BTW, the budget for the proposed sponsor is $250K and I "was" seeking a big chunk of that for various streamers in an effort to improve matters for the viewers and most importantly, our sport. When he said this it felt like I swallowed a whole rack of balls: "We can't have our name affixed to this sort of thing. We have other avenues that we will pursue. Our product is all about health and this is not healthy. I'm sorry Bob, but I can tell you now that there is no way at this point and time"



Bob, I'm sorry BUT this "Sponsor" is perfectly ok with having their name associated with by definition was an illegal gambling activity BUT the swearing THAT was just to much... Really? Maybe showing them the Swanee finals or a cut from a TAR match would have been a better first choice then a $40K action match.

Just a thought,

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is being way over blown imo. I watched pretty near the whole thing. I heard Rich use the F bomb twice. After he was replaced I was hoping he would come back as I thought his commentating was kind of entertaining. POV thanks for the stream.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

First off I wanna say a big thank you to Daniel Busch and POV pool. I have enjoyed many of the streams, and they only seem to get better over time. I find it quite ridiculous with these nits on here going coo-koo over the commentary though.


POV Pool
Silver Member
Parental Discretion Advised!

Thank You, to all who watched and participated on this event between Alex and Frost!

I'd like to say, first and foremost that, it is my best intention to bring you as much quality pool that is within my reach. There is a disclaimer on the 'About POV' page of my website, which reads:

"Be that as it may, not every recorded match is technically perfect. They are recorded live, the commentary can sometimes be raw and unrehearsed. POV Pool strives to improve and promote more streaming regardless of its growing pains. When viewing these events, it is important to keep in mind that so far, POV Pool is basically a ‘one-man’ show who’s main goal is to seek new talent and continue the promotion of cue-sports."
Yes, unbeknownst to me, POV Pool was apparently being scrutinized 'during' this stream for possible sponsorship by a Pepsi own company for a drink called 'PowerMilk'.

There were several elements to this particular event that caused me a lot of grief and in my opinion, made this a very bad time to put me under scrutiny by ANY large sponsor.

1. This event was not sponsored AT ALL!
Seeing as I only had one day to prepare, there was no time to get sponsored for the event. Due to this, I had let my guard down, and wasn't too concerned about commentary guidelines, such as slang or censorship. Furthermore, not having any sponsors at all means that, AS A SPONSOR, you wont get to see how I generally present sponsors in the first place.

2. Nobody notified me!
Bob Enslow of Live Stream News on Facebook, I have two words for you. CALL ME! During all the mayhem I noticed that CMBWSU (Bob Enslow) had virtually abandoned his MOD status in chat, which was on TILT with profanity and saboteurs! I called Bob to say, "Hey...Sorry about the profanity on my stream, but could you please come back and MOD the chat..." Bob proceeds to tell me that: 'It's too bad all this just happened because he finally convinced 'POWERMILK' executives to watch me tonight and they are now disgusted!' - To which I adamantly stated: YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME!. He said: 'He didn't call me because he didn't want to get my hopes up.' - This being said, if you have a sponsor that you wanna throw my way, CALL ME! I'll prep the show, showcase some logos, hire some commentators and I'll even close the damn CHAT for the duration of the event.

3. Big Truck!
The little time that I did spend in chat was addressing Ray Hansen's PM's to me, about how I've gone to the 'Dark Side' by being an ally with CMBWSU and the Live Stream News guys... That I should have teamed up with HIM (Big Truck) when I had the chance! How, I could have made 5-10K on the Swanee Stream and how stupid I am! Also, how 'Inside Pool' has pulled out of a 70k Tournament Stream that HE now has and 'guess who' is NOT going to be working with him (referring to me). Ray Hansen, we had a couple of discussions over a year ago, which suddenly gave you the impression that you and I were great friends and that together we were going to take over the world, streaming pool to babies coming out of the womb on flatscreens at the hospital ward, but MY FRIEND, that's not going to happen because I flat out DO NOT TRUST YOU.

4. Chat saboteurs
There are a number of saboteurs in chat, who are somehow stealing screen-names and then basically screaming profanities to my regulars who visit and chat merely for the sake of sweating the matches and saying 'hello' to one another. When I first started out doing this, I put a lot of thought into NOT HAVING CHAT at all, but I relented because I figured that most people watching do not even use chat. Joe Rogan and I have spoken about this and I very well may disable chat for the rest of the year to test whether the audiences will still remain. Honestly, with chat, my stream suddenly becomes way too political with this entity and that entity fighting for attention and kudos for something which I did not even start streaming for in the 1st place. I am currently considering that, starting from the CHET ITOW event on March 9th & 10th, POV POOL will not have a chat room. This will completely free me of many things, of which I don't want to deal with anyway.
Forgive me, BOB or Ray, if you think I'm putting you on blast, but honestly, you both need to stop using me in your war against each other. Furthermore, Bob, you really should have called me about the PowerMilkers! Probably the worst decision you've made since we met. I would have made a million other preparations before this stream, even with the short notice I had. I really appreciate the power that you have pushed my way thus far, but you have to understand that this isolated incident may very well have undermined the future of pool. Yes, it was my stream and I know that could set this as a standard, but a call would have made the difference. Your actions, lead me to wonder whether or not your commitment to pool is as un-biased as you say it is. So, sorry Bob, you are now back in the "I'm not sure I can trust you.' file.

To The Audience!
I take full responsibility for anyone who was offended by the language or behavior of anyone representing POV Pool during this broadcast and I apologize. I will make one change to my promotion of POV Pool's show which will look something like the attached jpg.

It is becoming apparent to me that my mission statement may have to be revised. I have been trying to 'Unite The Billiards World From All Points Of View". Truth is, I'm not sure they wish to be united.
I hope this helps!
We peaked at 1403 'Current Viewers' for this event.


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Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
That's a lot of food for thought Daniel. I appreciate you putting it out there at this time - one that surely is so fresh, it has your emotions at red line RPM's.

I expect much conversation to come from this experience. Hopefully it will move the needle positively in what truly is still - the infancy of live streaming.

2 points:

- The #'s were a strong move upwards.

- The commentary and chat are absolutely within control. Any sponsor with a brain can be convinced of such, given assurances and some track record.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

... just want to say THANK YOU... for getting an action match out for us to see ... that was NOT an event "staged" for PPV reasons but because it was an REAL event..

Donation question: I don't like to do the electronic "thing" ... is the address on your site good to send the couple hundred too?... Really enjoyed everything ...

And great post above... I will be careful who I support in the future.



POV Pool
Silver Member
Thanks nb2 for your response on this... In fact I had meant to quote you from your previous post because you hit the nail on the head.

All these promises and postulating about sponsors who were never introduced to me seems a little fishy. Seeing as the fact that someone would encourage them to watch a REAL match with backers and muscle hanging around... I just have to ask myself how real it all was.

That being said, yes... The address on my site is current and I really appreciate all the support.

POV Pool Media
PO BOX 250
La Canada, CA 91012

Thanks Again!

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
I am sorry to hear about the troubles on the stream Daniel. I was kicked numerous times over and over and I did not see myself doing anything wrong in the chat, whenever I would say anything I was kicked. For most of the match I did not chat nor did I hear the One Pocket Rich cursing incident which caused some trouble. The fact is there are trolls on the chat who will just act like they are offended at anything or complain about your show not being HD or the angle or the audio and on and on.

My best advice is do not feed into it, I have gotten myself a little upset in the past because of people like that who are just trying to ruffle feathers and cause problems for no reason. I think you put on a good show, it was a gambling match, late night and raw which is what diehards want to watch. I think sponsors should look at your day time tournament stuff with you and Barbara commentating as it is more wholesome for the masses. Either way good job on the streaming and get some rest, thanks for your support of the game.


Grab Life by the BALL!
Silver Member
First off I want to thank POV for the stream. Great job on such a short notice.

No chat. Personally, this is a great idea. Most of the chatters are just there to complain about every little thing that goes wrong. Lighting, camera angle, music back ground, million request to switch to another match, and the list goes on and on. I have gotten to the point where I just go full screen and enjoy the match.

I know streaming is a big part of pool and set backs are going to happen. I hope everyone learns from their mistakes and takes billiards here in the states to a higher level.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is being way over blown imo. I watched pretty near the whole thing. I heard Rich use the F bomb twice. After he was replaced I was hoping he would come back as I thought his commentating was kind of entertaining. POV thanks for the stream.

Pretty sure 2 f-bombs gets a movie pretty close to an R rating.

Sucks about the possible sponsors watching, but that goes to show you the importance of being on your best no matter what is happening or who you think is watching.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First off I want to thank POV for the stream. Great job on such a short notice.

No chat. Personally, this is a great idea. Most of the chatters are just there to complain about every little thing that goes wrong. Lighting, camera angle, music back ground, million request to switch to another match, and the list goes on and on. I have gotten to the point where I just go full screen and enjoy the match.

I know streaming is a big part of pool and set backs are going to happen. I hope everyone learns from their mistakes and takes billiards here in the states to a higher level.

I agree, no need for a chat. You're just asking for people to show their ass because they are online with no repercussions or the chance of being known. After finding out about a possible sponsor watching, I wouldn't give random idiots the chance to screw things up just to have to option of a live chat.