Tactical Chalker Winners!


Is there a problem?
Silver Member
Thanks to those who participated in my contest! There were many good, compelling arguments. I am impressed, and frankly somewhat disturbed, by some of our posters out there!:grin:

It was a close contest, so I am giving away 3 chalkers instead of 2.

And the winners are....




You guys need to PM me with your color choices (2) and shipping info. If you get back to me today, I will get them shipped on Monday.

Again, all I ask is that you use them, give me your feedback, and show them around if you like them.

Thanks for playing!



AKA: Sandy Bagger
Silver Member
Congratulations , guys - use the heck out of 'em , and get back to us with your feedback . . .

Although , Tate , you should be ashamed of winning with that total crap story .

Genius !

Wish I'd thoughta that !

Dang It !
Lost again !
I never win nuttin . . . .

and The420Trooper is gonna keep killin' hookers . . . .
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
WooooooHooooooooooo! I WON!

A big thanks to Chris for his generosity. I will be talking it up/showing it off at league nite!

Now, if off to play the lottery.:grin:


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Thanks to those who participated in my contest! There were many good, compelling arguments. I am impressed, and frankly somewhat disturbed, by some of our posters out there!:grin:

It was a close contest, so I am giving away 3 chalkers instead of 2.

And the winners are....




You guys need to PM me with your color choices (2) and shipping info. If you get back to me today, I will get them shipped on Monday.

Again, all I ask is that you use them, give me your feedback, and show them around if you like them.

Thanks for playing!



Thank you and I actually am really looking forward to having it. I just started using Diamond chalk, which is damn expensive, so I want to have a way of keeping it on my person.

I also will accept the Tactical Chalker awarded to Rotarded on his behalf. After all, we would hate to break his flawless losing streak!

Thanks again!

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AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Congratulations , guys - use the heck out of 'em , and get back to us with your feedback . . .

Although , Tate , you should be ashamed of winning with that total crap story .

Genius !

Wish I'd thoughta that !

Dang It !
Lost again !
I never win nuttin . . . .

and The420Trooper is gonna keep killin' hookers . . . .

I am ashamed of myself, but I have two lines of defense.

1) I am going to buy an extra one for my friend and...

2) One time I did have to perform CPR on a minature poodle. I was dating a girl and was over at her place. I had taken a CPR class and they showed us how to do it on dogs. You hold their mouth closed and puff into their nose. Anyway, the poodle had fainted from excessive heat and we couldn't get the dog to come to. So I gave it a few puffs. Suddenly the dog's eyes popped open and it started licking my face. It was hilarious.

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AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Thanks to those who participated in my contest! There were many good, compelling arguments. I am impressed, and frankly somewhat disturbed, by some of our posters out there!:grin:

It was a close contest, so I am giving away 3 chalkers instead of 2.

And the winners are....




You guys need to PM me with your color choices (2) and shipping info. If you get back to me today, I will get them shipped on Monday.

Again, all I ask is that you use them, give me your feedback, and show them around if you like them.

Thanks for playing!



I decided to buy one as well - I sent all the information by paypal - thanks.



Chris, thanks again for the chalker. I waited a day or two to use it so that I could pair it up with my new 14oz cue. Very nice quality of materials used, I'm sure MacGyver would've loved one of these things. Stays put pretty well with the thicker handle. The skull's a nice touch, too. :thumbup:


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member

I Are a



Is there a problem?
Silver Member
Chris, thanks again for the chalker. I waited a day or two to use it so that I could pair it up with my new 14oz cue. Very nice quality of materials used, I'm sure MacGyver would've loved one of these things. Stays put pretty well with the thicker handle. The skull's a nice touch, too. :thumbup:

Thanks for participating in my contest! Please use it and give it an honest assessment if you would. After losing my job in the billiard biz after 15 years, this is my way of staying in the industry that I love! If you like the chalker, show it around:)
